Cuadruplicar in english


pronunciation: kwɑdrupəl part of speech: adjective, noun, verb
In gestures

cuadruplicarse = quadruple. 

Example: Hospital admissions doubled, out patient services quintupled, dental services quadrupled, and hospital births spiraled.



» cuadruplicarsequadruple .

Example: Hospital admissions doubled, out patient services quintupled, dental services quadrupled, and hospital births spiraled.

Cuadruplicar synonyms

multiple in spanish: múltiple, pronunciation: mʌltəpəl part of speech: adjective fourfold in spanish: cuádruple, pronunciation: fɔrfoʊld part of speech: adjective quadruplicate in spanish: cuadruplicado, pronunciation: kwɑdrʌpləkət part of speech: noun, adjective
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