Cuadro in english


pronunciation: pɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuadrar = tally ; be square to ; fall + square on. 

Example: The statistic programs have been designed to make it possible to extract, tally, and print statistical information from the journal.Example: Each matrix was carefully trimmed so that the bottom of the impression of the punch was square to the sides and bottom of the block.Example: The pressman's first task with a new book was to make register, which meant laying on the first forme relative to the bed of the press and the press points so that, when the paper was printed on one side, turned over, and replaced on the points, the pages of the second forme would fall square on the backs of those of the first.


» cuadrar (con)tie in (with) .

Example: It seems to me that this would tie in with the different types of methodologies you mentioned earlier.

» cuadrar conjibe withmesh withfit with .

Example: That simply doesn't jibe with sociological and psychological facts since most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader = Eso simplemente no cuadra con los factores sociológicos y sicológicos pues la mayoría de la gente desea, y necesita, una figura paterna idealizada como líder.

Example: How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.

Example: The data has to be tested to fit with other models.

» cuadrar el círculosquare + the circle .

Example: The article 'Squaring the circle: the reformation of archival description in AACR2' is a contribution to a special issue devoted to archival automation.

» cuadrar el registromake + register .

Example: The pressman's first task with a new book was to make register, which meant laying on the first forme relative to the bed of the press and the press points so that, when the paper was printed on one side, turned over, and replaced on the points, the pages of the second forme would fall square on the backs of those of the first.

» cuadrar la cajatally up + salescash up + the tillbalance + the till .

Example: At the end of the workday, retail stores tally up sales, and libraries tally circulation and other uses.

Example: Jason realised there was a problem as he was cashing up the till when the power went off.

Example: At the end of each day you will balance the till and tidy the shop and close the premises.

» cuadrar númerosadd up + figures .

Example: Publishers are finding that the answer to making the figures add up lies largely with their production teams.

» cuadrarsestand to + attentionspring to + attentionsquare + Posesivo + shouldersstand at + attentionjump to + attention .

Example: Gordon Brown foolishly goes to shake the hand of a soldier standing to attention in Afghanistan at the weekend.

Example: Although the snake looks relaxed, the greater part of its body mass is made up of muscles that can spring to attention at a moment's notice.

Example: He squared his shoulders, saluted and held out the book to the woman.

Example: Anyone that hears is words becomes a soldier in the revolution and 'stands at attention' to join the fight..

Example: I jumped to attention and stared at them without the faintest clue what they were saying, but aware that something serious was afoot.

» hacer cuadrar (con)reconcile (with) .

Example: The Catch 22 aspect of this attempt by the authors of the AACR to reconcile the needs of research and nonresearch libraries is that our central cataloging agency does not provide dual cataloging copy.

» hacer cuadrar las cosasput + things together .

Example: Knowledge comes by taking things apart -- analysis -- but wisdom comes by putting things together.

» hacer cuadrar las cuentasreconcile + receipts .

Example: The process of counting the money, reconciling the receipts and balancing the cash drawer creates an accountability of the day's transactions.

» hacer cuadras las facturasreconcile + receipts .

Example: The process of counting the money, reconciling the receipts and balancing the cash drawer creates an accountability of the day's transactions.

» hacer juegos malabares para que cuadre Algojuggle .

Example: Information technology managers face the challenge of juggling both information technology and business issues = Los encargados de la tecnología de la información se enfrente al reto de tener que compatibilizar las cuestiones relacionadas con la tecnología de la información con las cuestiones puramente empresariales.

» hacer malabarismos para que cuadre Algojuggle .

Example: Information technology managers face the challenge of juggling both information technology and business issues = Los encargados de la tecnología de la información se enfrente al reto de tener que compatibilizar las cuestiones relacionadas con la tecnología de la información con las cuestiones puramente empresariales.

» que no cuadraunreconciled .

Example: Any items left unreconciled in the central fund such as bank transfers, should now be reconciled.

cuadro1 = painting. 

Example: Within Human Science we find such subdisciplines as economics and sociology; within Art, painting and music.


» a cuadroschequered [checkered, -USA] .

Example: She wears a red and white checkered short sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and red and black plimsolls.

» cuadro de la bicicletabike framebicycle frame .

Example: Be engraving a driver's license number on your bike frame it can be traced back to you if something happens.

Example: Historically, women's bicycle frames had a top tube that connected in the middle of the seat tube instead of the top.

» tela de lana a cuadrostweed [Típica de Escocia] .

Example: He was described as 'a self-important, self-righteous blowhard, puffing his filthy pipe, patches on the elbows of his well-worn tweed jacket, decked out in the cliche costume of the shabby liberal icon'.

» tela escocesa de cuadrostartan .

Example: The exhibition 'Out of the woodwork: On the history of tartanware' displays boxes, frames, penknives and other objects decorated with a distinctive tartan pattern and manufactured in Scotland in the 19th c.

» tela típica escocesa de cuadrostartan .

Example: The exhibition 'Out of the woodwork: On the history of tartanware' displays boxes, frames, penknives and other objects decorated with a distinctive tartan pattern and manufactured in Scotland in the 19th c.

cuadro2 = table. 

Example: The document containing ordered data typically in rows and columns and possibly with an accompanying text is known as tables.


» cuadro de honorroll of honour .

Example: The creation of the Roll of Honour began at the end of the 19th century and proceeded well into the 20th century.

» cuadro de instrumentosdashboardfascia boardfascia panelfascia .

Example: The analogy to a car dashboard is apt since just at a glance at it we are provided with useful information about the car's speed, engine-temperature, oil, water and gas levels, etc..

Example: Apart from that, the driver is warned of occurrance of the problem by the engine warning lamp lighting up in the fascia board.

Example: A warning light on the fascia panel tells you when it's time to change the oil.

Example: When I depress the switch on the fascia, the rear fog light goes on.

» Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI)Balanced Scorecard (BSC) [Técnica de gestión que traslada los principios de una institución en objetivos y medidas de rendimiento que se pueden cuantificar y valorar] .

Example: The Balanced Scorecard is a management technique that translates mission statements and their strategies into a set of objectives and performance measures that can be quantified and appraised.

» cuadro de mandoscircuit boarddashboardfascia boardfascia panelfascia .

Example: In Mar 88, Portsmouth Public Library, Virginia, suffered a massive short circuit in the main electrical circuit board, caused by electricians who were carrying out routine work.

Example: The analogy to a car dashboard is apt since just at a glance at it we are provided with useful information about the car's speed, engine-temperature, oil, water and gas levels, etc..

Example: Apart from that, the driver is warned of occurrance of the problem by the engine warning lamp lighting up in the fascia board.

Example: A warning light on the fascia panel tells you when it's time to change the oil.

Example: When I depress the switch on the fascia, the rear fog light goes on.

» cuadro eléctricoelectricity switch boxelectric paneldistribution board .

Example: When kidnappers identify a house that is easily penetrable, especially at night, they locate where the electricity switch box is and disconnect the power source.

Example: The power from the electricity company's lines passes through your meter and into your electric panel.

Example: Distribution boards split the electrical supply into separate circuits at one location.

» dejar a cuadrosleave + Nombre + gaggingmake + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out)blow + Posesivo + mindflummoxblow + Nombre + out of the waterblow + Nombre + awayblow + Nombre + to bitstake + Nombre + aback .

Example: Its style is so sanctimonious that it leaves the reader gagging.

Example: I have something in my desk that will make your eyes pop!.

Example: This is a book that treats its audience with respect while blowing their mind.

Example: While a lot of humans are quick to say they love dogs, there are just as many who feel totally flummoxed by their dog's behavior.

Example: Bonnie blew me out of the water -- only a few people knew about something that happened to me and she hit the nail right on the head.

Example: This news completely took me by surprise and blew me away.

Example: But I did consider him a friend and recieving such a cold look from him blew me to bits.

Example: He was silent for a minute, then he surprised her with a remark that took her aback.

» estar en cuadrothere + be + just a handful of + Pronombre + left .

Example: As the afternoon progressed, more and more people departed and there was just a handful of us left to explore the house.

» quedarse a cuadrosleave + Nombre + gaggingmake + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out)blow + Posesivo + mindflummoxblow + Nombre + out of the waterblow + Nombre + awayblow + Nombre + to bitstake + Nombre + aback .

Example: Its style is so sanctimonious that it leaves the reader gagging.

Example: I have something in my desk that will make your eyes pop!.

Example: This is a book that treats its audience with respect while blowing their mind.

Example: While a lot of humans are quick to say they love dogs, there are just as many who feel totally flummoxed by their dog's behavior.

Example: Bonnie blew me out of the water -- only a few people knew about something that happened to me and she hit the nail right on the head.

Example: This news completely took me by surprise and blew me away.

Example: But I did consider him a friend and recieving such a cold look from him blew me to bits.

Example: He was silent for a minute, then he surprised her with a remark that took her aback.

» quedarse en cuadrothere + be + just a handful of + Pronombre + left .

Example: As the afternoon progressed, more and more people departed and there was just a handful of us left to explore the house.

» ropa de tela de lana a cuadrostweeds .

Example: Dust off your trilby and dig out your tweeds, British heritage is one of the top trends this season.

Cuadro synonyms

show in spanish: espectáculo, pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb figure in spanish: figura, pronunciation: fɪgjɜr part of speech: noun project in spanish: proyecto, pronunciation: prɑdʒekt part of speech: noun image in spanish: imagen, pronunciation: ɪmədʒ part of speech: noun fancy in spanish: lujoso, pronunciation: fænsi part of speech: noun, adjective, verb film in spanish: película, pronunciation: fɪlm part of speech: noun scene in spanish: escena, pronunciation: sin part of speech: noun icon in spanish: icono, pronunciation: aɪkɑn part of speech: noun depict in spanish: representar, pronunciation: dɪpɪkt part of speech: verb impression in spanish: impresión, pronunciation: ɪmpreʃən part of speech: noun envision in spanish: guardar, pronunciation: envɪʒən part of speech: verb flick in spanish: película, pronunciation: flɪk part of speech: noun, verb video in spanish: vídeo, pronunciation: vɪdioʊ part of speech: noun movie in spanish: película, pronunciation: muvi part of speech: noun painting in spanish: pintura, pronunciation: peɪntɪŋ part of speech: noun depiction in spanish: representación, pronunciation: dɪpɪkʃən part of speech: noun visualize in spanish: visualizar, pronunciation: vɪʒwəlaɪz part of speech: verb delineation in spanish: delineación, pronunciation: dɪlɪnieɪʃən part of speech: noun characterization in spanish: caracterización, pronunciation: kerəktɜrɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun ikon in spanish: icono, pronunciation: aɪkɑn part of speech: noun motion picture in spanish: imagen en movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃənpɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun picture show in spanish: demostración de la imagen, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜrʃoʊ part of speech: noun moving picture in spanish: imagen en movimiento, pronunciation: muvɪŋpɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun word picture in spanish: imagen de la palabra, pronunciation: wɜrdpɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun word-painting in spanish: pintura de palabras, pronunciation: wɜrdpeɪntɪŋ part of speech: noun mental picture in spanish: imagen mental, pronunciation: mentəlpɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun pictorial matter in spanish: materia pictórica, pronunciation: pɪktɔriəlmætɜr part of speech: noun
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