Cuadra in english


pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuadra = stable ; livery ; livery stable ; livery yard. 

Example: The article 'The public library service in Scotland -- cleaning out the stables' concludes that the recent spate of library legislation must be halted.Example: Click on the map to find where the approved liveries are in your region and then select the county(s) required.Example: Levels of provision and service at a livery stable or livery yard vary greatly, as do the fees.Example: Levels of provision and service at a livery stable or livery yard vary greatly, as do the fees.


» limpiar la cuadramuck out + the stables .

Example: This an ideal gift for the person who would much rather be mucking out the stables than tidying their bedroom!.

» mozo de cuadrastable boygroomstable handostler .

Example: The van was arriving, so he told the stable boys to return the steeds to their stalls and be ready for new steeds being delivered.

Example: They are looking for someone with a minimum of 5 years experience at the racetrack as a groom -- responsible for 4 horses.

Example: Becoming a stable hand is the best way to start any career with horses.

Example: With the loss of his job as an ostler, separated from his intimate working relationship with horses, Bill became an anachronism of an ancient world.

cuadrar = tally ; be square to ; fall + square on. 

Example: The statistic programs have been designed to make it possible to extract, tally, and print statistical information from the journal.Example: Each matrix was carefully trimmed so that the bottom of the impression of the punch was square to the sides and bottom of the block.Example: The pressman's first task with a new book was to make register, which meant laying on the first forme relative to the bed of the press and the press points so that, when the paper was printed on one side, turned over, and replaced on the points, the pages of the second forme would fall square on the backs of those of the first.


» cuadrar (con)tie in (with) .

Example: It seems to me that this would tie in with the different types of methodologies you mentioned earlier.

» cuadrar conjibe withmesh withfit with .

Example: That simply doesn't jibe with sociological and psychological facts since most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader = Eso simplemente no cuadra con los factores sociológicos y sicológicos pues la mayoría de la gente desea, y necesita, una figura paterna idealizada como líder.

Example: How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.

Example: The data has to be tested to fit with other models.

» cuadrar el círculosquare + the circle .

Example: The article 'Squaring the circle: the reformation of archival description in AACR2' is a contribution to a special issue devoted to archival automation.

» cuadrar el registromake + register .

Example: The pressman's first task with a new book was to make register, which meant laying on the first forme relative to the bed of the press and the press points so that, when the paper was printed on one side, turned over, and replaced on the points, the pages of the second forme would fall square on the backs of those of the first.

» cuadrar la cajatally up + salescash up + the tillbalance + the till .

Example: At the end of the workday, retail stores tally up sales, and libraries tally circulation and other uses.

Example: Jason realised there was a problem as he was cashing up the till when the power went off.

Example: At the end of each day you will balance the till and tidy the shop and close the premises.

» cuadrar númerosadd up + figures .

Example: Publishers are finding that the answer to making the figures add up lies largely with their production teams.

» cuadrarsestand to + attentionspring to + attentionsquare + Posesivo + shouldersstand at + attentionjump to + attention .

Example: Gordon Brown foolishly goes to shake the hand of a soldier standing to attention in Afghanistan at the weekend.

Example: Although the snake looks relaxed, the greater part of its body mass is made up of muscles that can spring to attention at a moment's notice.

Example: He squared his shoulders, saluted and held out the book to the woman.

Example: Anyone that hears is words becomes a soldier in the revolution and 'stands at attention' to join the fight..

Example: I jumped to attention and stared at them without the faintest clue what they were saying, but aware that something serious was afoot.

» hacer cuadrar (con)reconcile (with) .

Example: The Catch 22 aspect of this attempt by the authors of the AACR to reconcile the needs of research and nonresearch libraries is that our central cataloging agency does not provide dual cataloging copy.

» hacer cuadrar las cosasput + things together .

Example: Knowledge comes by taking things apart -- analysis -- but wisdom comes by putting things together.

» hacer cuadrar las cuentasreconcile + receipts .

Example: The process of counting the money, reconciling the receipts and balancing the cash drawer creates an accountability of the day's transactions.

» hacer cuadras las facturasreconcile + receipts .

Example: The process of counting the money, reconciling the receipts and balancing the cash drawer creates an accountability of the day's transactions.

» hacer juegos malabares para que cuadre Algojuggle .

Example: Information technology managers face the challenge of juggling both information technology and business issues = Los encargados de la tecnología de la información se enfrente al reto de tener que compatibilizar las cuestiones relacionadas con la tecnología de la información con las cuestiones puramente empresariales.

» hacer malabarismos para que cuadre Algojuggle .

Example: Information technology managers face the challenge of juggling both information technology and business issues = Los encargados de la tecnología de la información se enfrente al reto de tener que compatibilizar las cuestiones relacionadas con la tecnología de la información con las cuestiones puramente empresariales.

» que no cuadraunreconciled .

Example: Any items left unreconciled in the central fund such as bank transfers, should now be reconciled.

Cuadra synonyms

bar in spanish: bar, pronunciation: bɑr part of speech: noun stop in spanish: detener, pronunciation: stɑp part of speech: verb, noun freeze in spanish: congelar, pronunciation: friz part of speech: noun, verb stuff in spanish: cosas, pronunciation: stʌf part of speech: noun forget in spanish: olvidar, pronunciation: fɜrget part of speech: verb hinder in spanish: impedir, pronunciation: hɪndɜr part of speech: verb jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun impede in spanish: impedir, pronunciation: ɪmpid part of speech: verb halt in spanish: detener, pronunciation: hɔlt part of speech: noun, verb closure in spanish: cierre, pronunciation: kloʊʒɜr part of speech: noun cube in spanish: cubo, pronunciation: kjub part of speech: noun lug in spanish: arrastrar, pronunciation: lʌg part of speech: noun, verb deflect in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: dɪflekt part of speech: verb stymie in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: staɪmi part of speech: verb, noun kibosh in spanish: kibosh, pronunciation: kɪbɔʃ part of speech: verb embarrass in spanish: avergonzar, pronunciation: ɪmberəs part of speech: verb occlusion in spanish: oclusión, pronunciation: əkluʒən part of speech: noun interference in spanish: interferencia, pronunciation: ɪntɜrfɪrəns part of speech: noun parry in spanish: parar, pronunciation: peri part of speech: noun obstruct in spanish: obstruir, pronunciation: əbstrʌkt part of speech: verb occlude in spanish: ocluir, pronunciation: əklud part of speech: verb blockade in spanish: bloqueo, pronunciation: blɑkeɪd part of speech: noun pulley in spanish: polea, pronunciation: pʊli part of speech: noun barricade in spanish: barricada, pronunciation: bærəkeɪd part of speech: noun stoppage in spanish: paro, pronunciation: stɑpɪdʒ part of speech: noun blocking in spanish: bloqueando, pronunciation: blɑkɪŋ part of speech: noun blockage in spanish: bloqueo, pronunciation: blɑkɪdʒ part of speech: noun immobilize in spanish: inmovilizar, pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəlaɪz part of speech: verb close up in spanish: de cerca, pronunciation: kloʊsʌp part of speech: verb, adverb stymy in spanish: stymy, pronunciation: staɪmi part of speech: verb choke up in spanish: atragantarse, pronunciation: tʃoʊkʌp part of speech: verb block off in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: blɑkɔf part of speech: verb draw a blank in spanish: quedarse el duda, pronunciation: drɔəblæŋk part of speech: verb blank out in spanish: en blanco, pronunciation: blæŋkaʊt part of speech: verb block up in spanish: obstruir, pronunciation: blɑkʌp part of speech: verb mental block in spanish: bloqueo mental, pronunciation: mentəlblɑk part of speech: noun city block in spanish: Manzana de la ciudad, pronunciation: sɪtiblɑk part of speech: noun cylinder block in spanish: bloque cilíndrico, pronunciation: sɪləndɜrblɑk part of speech: noun pulley-block in spanish: bloque de polea, pronunciation: pʊliblɑk part of speech: noun engine block in spanish: bloque de motor, pronunciation: endʒənblɑk part of speech: noun auction block in spanish: bloque de subasta, pronunciation: ɑkʃənblɑk part of speech: noun
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