Cuadernillo in english


pronunciation: bʊklɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

cuadernillo = folded sheets ; book. 

Example: The cords themselves could be placed either outside the backs of the folded sheets, where they would show as raised bands across the spine of the book, or in slots sawn into the folds to give the book a flat back.Example: The books were then collated to ensure that each was made up correctly, and they were finally folded in half, pressed, and baled up for delivery or storage = The books were then collated to ensure that each was made up correctly, and they were finally folded in half, pressed, and baled up for delivery or storage.


» aguja para coser cuadernillosstabbing needle .

Example: Hand-operated stabbing machines, which forced three stabbing needles simultaneously through the side of a pamphlet, ready for subsequent sewing by hand, appeared early in the century.

» cuadernillosassembled sheets .

Example: The spine folds of the assembled sheets were simply cut off, separating all the leaves, which were then attached to each other and to a backing strip by a coating of rubber solution, and cased in the ordinary way.

» en cuadernilloin booklet form .

Example: It began with a study of the system used in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and led to the issue of guidelines in booklet form on the disposal of information from that system.

Cuadernillo synonyms

brochure in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: broʊʃʊr part of speech: noun pamphlet in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: pæmflət part of speech: noun leaflet in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: liflət part of speech: noun folder in spanish: carpeta, pronunciation: foʊldɜr part of speech: noun
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