Crítica in english


pronunciation: rivju part of speech: noun
In gestures

crítica = attack ; criticism ; critique ; review ; censure ; reproach ; rap ; stricture ; reproof ; flak [flack] ; castigation ; sniping ; reproval ; write-up ; jab ; reflection. 

Example: The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.Example: The main criticism of the notation that has been voiced in that the notation for more specific subjects can be extremely long.Example: Of particular note is his classic monograph 'Prejudices and Antipathies', published by Scarecrow Press, a critique of LC entry and subject heading practices.Example: The review is supported by a complete list of LIPs completed or in progess at Aug 88, followed by references to their reports.Example: The author also outlines a system for microfilming and destroying documents to escape judicial censure.Example: A standing reproach to all librarians is the non-user.Example: He's got a rap for being a little bit lazy.Example: The article is entitled 'Political and administrative strictures on the National Libraries Authority proposal'.Example: Reproof should have a debilitating effect upon performance while praise should result in a somewhat higher increase in performance.Example: This is the latest news organization to get flak for banning unapproved links to its Web site.Example: This unremitting castigation of the Nazi masks both the historical complicity of the United States with Nazi crimes and our own racist and genocidal histories.Example: Some folks in the commercial world enjoy all the internal get-ahead mutual sniping and jealous backbiting and ambitious politicking that goes on in it.Example: He received a two-year suspension for violating the conditions of a public reproval and being convicted of two drunk driving.Example: If you read some of their write-ups, you can be sure that their endgame is to give a part of this country to Tamils.Example: Obama's quick jabs at Romney are a brief preview of what will come if Romney wins the Republican presidential nomination.Example: She added that she never heard 'a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence'.


» atraer críticasdraw + criticism .

Example: Plan for golf course in impoverished Kentucky county draws much criticism.

» crítica cinematográficafilm reviewcinematic criticismfilm criticism .

Example: Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.

Example: A case can also be made for using comic books to develop a sense of visual literacy, in much the same way that students are introduced to art appreciation or cinematic criticism = También se puede argumentar que el uso de los comics desarrolla las habilidades de interpretación de las imágenes, de la misma manera que se educa a los estudiantes a la apreciación del arte y a la crítica cinematográfica.

Example: The author discusses problems with the database and searching for film criticisms.

» crítica constantenagging [Nombre] .

Example: This article is a sociolinguistic analysis of the speech behavior of nagging in the familial domain.

» crítica constructivaconstructive criticism .

Example: Constructive criticism aims at changing a person's behaviour for the better.

» crítica de cinefilm review .

Example: Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.

» crítica de músicamusic review .

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

» crítica de películafilm review .

Example: Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.

» crítica ferozhatchet job .

Example: The producer did a 'hatchet job' on the film, substantially dumbing down the project and snuffing out any subtlety or nuance.

» crítica literarialiterary reviewliterary criticism .

Example: The article is entitled 'Recent developments in the bibliography of Anglo-American literary reviews: a critical survey'.

Example: Some critics consider literary criticism a practical application of literary theory, as criticism always deals directly with a literary work, albeit from a theoretical point of view.

» crítica mordazhatchet job .

Example: The producer did a 'hatchet job' on the film, substantially dumbing down the project and snuffing out any subtlety or nuance.

» crítica muy favorablerave review .

Example: His presentation has received standing ovations and rave reviews around the nation.

» críticasbackbiting .

Example: Some folks in the commercial world enjoy all the internal get-ahead mutual sniping and jealous backbiting and ambitious politicking that goes on in it.

» crítica socialsocial commentarysocial critique .

Example: Satire and comedy can be better vehicles for social commentary than straight-faced, serious drama.

Example: This interpretation turns Dewey's social critique on its head by re-enforcing the political status-quo.

» desbaratar las críticasdisarm + criticism .

Example: Most commentators on the subject protect themselves by employing the term 'printed ephemera' to describe the field and thus hope to disarm the potential criticism that a manuscript item can also be ephemeral.

» dirigir una crítica hacialevel + criticism at .

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

» elogio de la críticacritical acclaim .

Example: Here's what he had to say in the interview: 'The box office definitely matters more than critical acclaim'.

» hacer críticafind + fault with .

Example: I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.

» hacer crítica de todopick + holes in everything .

Example: She appears to be picking holes in everything that I do, and it is hard because I am trying to be a loving sister towards her.

» hacer una críticaformulate + a criticismoffer + criticismair + criticismcritiqueraise + criticism .

Example: Two criticisms were quickly formulated in respect of AACR1.

Example: I would not be so bold as to either attempt an answer to that question or to offer criticism of your present curricula.

Example: More serious criticisms have been aired of information supplied being impressionistic.

Example: This paper critiques the jurisprudential assumptions upon which legal resources are created, materials are collected, and research practices are justified.

Example: The author raises some criticisms of the international standard ISO 2709.

» hacer un crítica alevel + criticism at .

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

» insensibilidad a las críticasthick skin .

Example: It takes willingness, understanding and a thick skin to make a spousal financial partnership succeed, but it's often worth it in the end.

» insensible a las críticasthick-skinned .

Example: Business was represented by hard-nosed, thick-skinned managers with no inclination to adopt academia's language and critiques.

» invalidar las críticasdisarm + criticism .

Example: Most commentators on the subject protect themselves by employing the term 'printed ephemera' to describe the field and thus hope to disarm the potential criticism that a manuscript item can also be ephemeral.

» levantar críticaarouse + criticismraise + criticismcause + criticism .

Example: DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.

Example: The author raises some criticisms of the international standard ISO 2709.

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

» por encima de toda críticabeyond reproachabove reproach .

Example: All its systems, procedures, operations, assurances, and quality control are well-documented and beyond reproach.

Example: Librarians, if they are to use the library to criticise the status quo, must be above reproach, both in their work and professionally.

» provocar críticasdraw + criticism .

Example: Plan for golf course in impoverished Kentucky county draws much criticism.

» realizar una críticaraise + criticism .

Example: The author raises some criticisms of the international standard ISO 2709.

» recibir críticas muy favorablesreceive + rave reviews .

Example: While I have received rave reviews for these courses I teach, I have an uphill struggle to fill them.

» recibir duras críticastake + a poundingtake + a beating .

Example: He took a pounding in the press after his first tax cut when a deep recession pushed unemployment to 10 percent.

Example: Devastated by natural disasters and caught in the middle of the war on terror, Asia's economy took a beating in 2001.

» recibir el elogio de la críticaenjoy + critical acclaim .

Example: His one man show 'It's All Greek to Me' has enjoyed critical acclaim all around the world.

» recibir muchas críticasget + a lot of sticktake + a lot of stick .

Example: Apple gets a lot of stick about manufacturing in China, and the issue came up again recently with the release of the iPhone 5.

Example: But he's taken a lot of stick from parts of the media and those who think tennis begins and ends with Wimbledon.

» ser digno de críticamerit + a critical eye .

Example: Scholarly publishers routinely include in their contract requirements that may merit a critical eye.

» ser el blanco de las críticascome under + firedraw + criticismbe under fire .

Example: At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.

Example: Plan for golf course in impoverished Kentucky county draws much criticism.

Example: Cameron is under fire again for swanning off to Ibiza whilst the UK is supposedly facing a terror crisis.

» ser objeto de críticaattract + criticismcome in + for criticismbe under criticismbe subjected to + criticismbe (the) subject of/to criticismtake + heatcause + criticism .

Example: Some of the features of KWIC indexes that have attracted criticism may be rectified moderately easily.

Example: However, both BTI and LCSH occasionally use headings of this kind, though one could argue strongly that these are out of place in direct entry methods, and they come in for trenchant criticism from Metcalfe.

Example: The article 'Record management professionals: suffering from self-inflicted wounds' discusses how since its creation in 1975 the Institute of Certified Records Managers has been under constant criticism.

Example: Over the years, the AACR has been subjected to criticism for provisions that sanction the use of form subdivisions in headings for certain legal and religious publications.

Example: Both indexes were subject to considerable criticism but it was not found possible to allocate blame to the computer program.

Example: In general, librarians commented that 'the smaller the town, the more heat the library takes about weeding'.

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

» silenciar las críticassilence + criticism .

Example: Silencing criticism of judges, lawyers, and public officials is not consistent with constitutional guarantees of free expression.

» suscitar críticaarouse + criticismraise + criticismcause + criticism .

Example: DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.

Example: The author raises some criticisms of the international standard ISO 2709.

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

» suscitar críticasdraw + criticism .

Example: Plan for golf course in impoverished Kentucky county draws much criticism.

criticar = come under + criticism ; condemn ; criticise [criticize, -USA] ; decry ; find + fault with ; put + Alguien + down ; take + Nombre + to task ; deprecate ; castigate ; speak against ; chide ; censure ; berate ; critique ; bash ; raise + criticism ; come under + attack ; pick on ; go to + bat against ; chastise ; carp ; damn ; recreminate ; reprove ; reproach ; single out for + criticism ; slam ; take + a swat at ; chew + Nombre + up ; roast ; give + Nombre + a good roasting ; take + pot shots at ; talk + shit behind + Posesivo + back ; tar ; inveigh against ; bitch ; speak out against ; run + Nombre + down ; pick + holes in ; lace into ; point + (a/the) finger(s) at ; pillory ; flay ; cast + reflections on ; asperse ; dump on ; give + Nombre + a bad rap ; get + a bad rap. 

Example: In the 2nd period, 1912-1933, the methods and direction of the movement came under criticism from socialists and educationalists, and a heated debate ensued.Example: It must, however, also be considered as a major source of the 'subject index illusion' so trenchantly condemned by Bliss, as mentioned below.Example: AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.Example: Dick decried the feeling among some scholarly publishers that there is no link between scholarly researchers, publishers, and the library.Example: I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.Example: 'Specifically, I'm told you delight in putting down the professional'.Example: I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West Coast.Example: In these instances, it is important to avoid putting one's colleagues in another unit on the defensive or deprecating another unit to a patron.Example: In his report, one of the few really inspiring documents to have come out of librarianship, McColvin castigated the standards of cataloguing and classification he found.Example: As a result public libraries came into disrepute and even today authorities speak against them.Example: Some authors of papers lament the lack of a philosophy and gently chide librarians for the 'simplicity of their pragmatism'.Example: This agreement must build in incentives to participating libraries as well as methods of censuring those participants which do not fulfil their obligations to the other participating libraries in the network = This agreement must build in incentives to participating libraries as well as methods of censuring those participants which do not fulfil their obligations to the other participating libraries in the network.Example: Unfortunately, many of the writers are simply berating the current situation, holding to rather ancient models of mass culture.Example: This paper critiques the jurisprudential assumptions upon which legal resources are created, materials are collected, and research practices are justified.Example: Newspapers took advantage of the accident to attack or 'bash' the nuclear industry or nuclear power in general.Example: The author raises some criticisms of the international standard ISO 2709.Example: This bipartite approach has recently come under heavy attack.Example: By the way, here I have stolen a phrase from the Library of Congress, not to pick on this wonderful institution, but because its mission statement resonates with a number of individuals like me, who work in research libraries.Example: The article has the title 'The minority press goes to bat against segregated baseball'.Example: The profession should cease practising the amateurism for which it chastises employers who have untrained persons trying to function as librarians.Example: You who carped that the 007 films had devolved into a catalog of fresh gadgets and stale puns, eat crow.Example: The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank.Example: Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote: 'Experience informs us that the first defense of weak minds is to recriminate'.Example: The person reproving his friend must understand that before he can reprove someone else, he must first reprove himself.Example: The Governor, it is learnt, sternly reproached the party for putting the public to inconvenience for the last two days.Example: Though what exactly constitutes moral decay is debatable, one group traditionally has been singled out for criticism, namely young people.Example: Britain's top cop was today slammed for leaving three white detectives 'hanging out to dry' after they were wrongly accused of racism.Example: I get pretty tired of ignorant people taking swats at the Catholic religion for 'worshiping statues'.Example: A war of words went up when Jewish zealots redacted out this or that word or phrase in order to deny Joshua, and the Christians chewed them up for it.Example: The critics, however, roasted her for playing a tragic French heroine with a flat Midwestern accent.Example: What impressed me was that the rest of the board gave him a good roasting for wasting peoples time.Example: The film also takes pot shots at the media and the political system in the country.Example: If you're talking shit behind her back, how would I know you're not talking shit about me either?.Example: The president hasn't 'abandoned the center' -- but that won't stop critics from tarring him for it.Example: The book closes with an epilogue in which Maudlin inveighs against metaphysical debates based on intuitions about what is and is not possible.Example: Nobody bitched, because there was nothing to bitch about.Example: Such restraint creates a ridiculous and pathetic situation in which librarians refuse to speak out against, or work to defeat legislation destructive to libraries such as California's Propositions.Example: I have read criticisms of her work which run her down for the very things that make her books popular and effective.Example: This week the frontline blogosphere has been picking holes in Government policy and wondering whether Ministers are reckless or are pushing a hidden agenda.Example: If a cop or prosecutor treated you like they treat you a judge would lace into them for wielding their power maliciously.Example: It is easy to point the fingers at the refs.Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.Example: Netizens have called it disgusting and flayed him for glamourising rape.Example: Those who flaunt their affluence cast reflections on all who live prudently.Example: They see themselves unjustly aspersed, and vindicate themselves in terms no less opprobrious than those by which they are attacked.Example: Not that China is in any way perfect, and it is important to bring out the bad so that things can change, but he dumps on everything.Example: They give him a bad rap but he's is a very decent guy who feels very strongly about the country.Example: Trans and saturated fats get a bad rap because they raise your cholesterol.


» criticar afulminate aboutlevel + criticism attalk + shit abouttake + a shot attake + a dig athave + a dig at .

Example: In his latest book Wilson Follett fulminates for two pages about librarians imposing these ridiculous distorted headings on the public.

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

Example: If you're talking shit behind her back, how would I know you're not talking shit about me either?.

Example: The singer made this frank admission during a radio interview and even appeared to take a shot at her fellow panelist Nicki.

Example: She has been getting a lot of criticism about her weight and now the latest one to take a dig at her is actor Kamaal who has called her 'a fat aunty'.

Example: My best friend floored me recently when casually revealed that women are constantly having a dig at her for deciding not to have children.

» criticar a Alguien a sus espaldascut + Nombre + up + behind + Posesivo + back .

Example: There's more to it than that - he becomes vicious, cutting people up behind their backs if they cross him in any way.

» criticar duramente a Alguientear + Nombre + (in)to shreds .

Example: I can't get over how librarians tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together.

» criticar duramenteslateflail away atzing .

Example: Horror fiction has been slated by book reviewers and a similar prejudice among librarians could explain its under-representation in library stocks.

Example: His novels flailed away at ignorance and indecency and his editorials were partisan, personal, fervent, and emotional.

Example: At his speech Saturday night he zinged the media and the field of presidential contenders before dropping the mic and walking off stage.

» criticar las ideas de Alguientrample on + Posesivo + ideas .

Example: One day Balzac trampled on Hernandez's ideas for reviving the use of bookmobiles.

» criticarlo todopick + holes in everything .

Example: She appears to be picking holes in everything that I do, and it is hard because I am trying to be a loving sister towards her.

» criticar públicamentepillory .

Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.

» ser criticadocome under + firecause + criticismbe under fire .

Example: At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

Example: Cameron is under fire again for swanning off to Ibiza whilst the UK is supposedly facing a terror crisis.

crítico1 = critic ; reviewer ; whistle-blower. 

Example: Other critics have turned attention to the order of the main classes in DC.Example: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.Example: Whistle-blowers are natural allies to the extent that they provide material that makes corrections and provides new ideas that the authorities overlooked or tried to suppress.


» callar a los críticossilence + Posesivo + critics .

Example: She has successfully silenced her critics who argued that her fame was because of her looks and not her acting.

» crítico de arteart critic .

Example: The author discusses art critic Harry Quilter, usually remembered today as 'Arry,' the butt of merciless lampooning by J.M. Whistler.

» crítico de bailedance critic .

Example: The writer explains how he earned a poison-pen reputation as dance and music critic at the Los Angeles Times.

» crítico de cinefilm critic .

Example: These days, many people get their movie info from the Web and rely on the advice of online film critics.

» crítico de músicamusic critic .

Example: The writer explains how he earned a poison-pen reputation as dance and music critic at the Los Angeles Times.

» crítico literarioliterary criticbook reviewer .

Example: There is a difference between the way a reference librarian and a literary critic use books.

Example: It is rather a pity that book reviewers tend to ignore this very popular genre so much.

» críticos + no estar de acuerdocritics + be divided .

Example: The critics are divided but Rolf Harris says he's thrilled to bits with the finished product.

» haber división de opiniones entre los críticoscritics + be divided .

Example: The critics are divided but Rolf Harris says he's thrilled to bits with the finished product.

» silenciar a los críticossilence + Posesivo + critics .

Example: She has successfully silenced her critics who argued that her fame was because of her looks and not her acting.

crítico2 = critical ; censorial ; censorious ; discerning ; discriminating ; judgmental [judgemental]. 

Example: A study then of the underlying features of the classification process and the components of a classification scheme is a preparation for the more critical and informed application of classification schemes.Example: As chairman he objected to reduction of library budgets and to censorial interference in library work.Example: Some librarians are concerned that the censorious climate is affecting the acquisition of school library materials.Example: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.Example: Previous work has suggested that the most discriminating terms are those with medium frequencies of occurrence.Example: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.


» actitud críticacritical eye .

Example: Scholarly publishers routinely include in their contract requirements that may merit a critical eye.

» adoptar una postura crítica sobretake + a critical view of .

Example: A critical view taken of library consultants in general leads on to the identification of factors that will assist libraries in selecting consultants.

» alcanzar masa críticareach + critical massachieve + critical mass .

Example: The Web has reached critical mass, making the situation ripe for librarians to build the digital library.

Example: One of the important part played by list moderators is planting 'seeds' in new discussion groups that have not yet achieved critical mass.

» análisis críticocritical analysiscritical eye .

Example: This article subjects the much-heralded Chilean 'model' of social policy reform to a critical analysis.

Example: Scholarly publishers routinely include in their contract requirements that may merit a critical eye.

» bibliografía críticacritical bibliography .

Example: Doubtless its compilers were influenced by the rapid growth of historical and critical bibliography at the turn of the century.

» capacidad críticacritical awarenesscritical facultycritical skills .

Example: And what do we mean by critique? We mean critical awareness, socially, politically, intellectually.

Example: Schucking noted that early step when a child's 'imagination awakes, without corresponding development of the critical faculty,' a step most children make before they reach school age = Schucking se percató de ese primer paso en el niño cuando "se despierta su imaginación sin el correspondiente desarrollo de la capacidad crítica", un paso que dan la mayoría de los niños antes de alcanzar la edad escolar.

Example: In this message-rich culture, individuals have more need that ever before in human history for a repertoire of critical skills.

» capacidad crítica de los programas televisivosteleliteracy .

Example: This article stresses the importance of teleliteracy, as children need to be able to interpret television stimuli with the same discrimination that they need to apply in their reading.

» comentario críticocritical commentcritical commentary .

Example: Quality in reviewing can be variable, but ARBA has a good record for providing critical comments when indicated and does not hesitate to make comparisons with similar tools.

Example: This is a critical commentary on a paper by Maurice Line regarding external factors which affect technological innovations in publishing.

» concienciación críticacritical consciousness .

Example: Critical consciousness is the ability to perceive social, political, and economic oppression and to take action against the oppressive elements of society.

» conscienciación críticacritical consciousness .

Example: Critical consciousness is the ability to perceive social, political, and economic oppression and to take action against the oppressive elements of society.

» desde un punto de vista críticojudgmentally [judgementally]critically .

Example: I don't mean that judgmentally either, but every record is searched before it goes into the NUC to insure consistency of form and eliminate duplicates.

Example: Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.

» de un modo críticocritically .

Example: Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.

» edición críticacritical edition [Edición de una obra en la que se recoge el trabajo de investigación y de reconstrucción del texto a partir del estudio minucioso del manuscrito y de las distintas ediciones de una obra concreta] .

Example: A critical edition of a book will be set from a particular basic text, and the chosen original is called the copy-text.

» espíritu criticocritical spirit .

Example: The author discusses 5 bibliographies published since 1985 by Greenwood Press; looks at reviews they received in the library press; and wonders what became of the critical spirit in reference book reviewing.

» estudio crítico del estado de la cuestiónreview [Análisis crítico de los últimos avances sobre un tema]review [Análisis crítico de los últimos avances sobre un tema] .

Example: A review, as opposed to a survey, should be a critical, liberally, documented assessment of work in a particular field, and is usually supported by an extensive bibliography.

Example: A review, as opposed to a survey, should be a critical, liberally, documented assessment of work in a particular field, and is usually supported by an extensive bibliography.

» evaluación críticacritical evaluation .

Example: The aspect of literary content with wich bibliography must disclaim any connection is that of critical evaluation.

» examen críticocritical examination .

Example: The new system opens up limitless possibilities to the library and may stimulate further critical examination of other methods of information handling.

» falto de sentido críticouncritical .

Example: He then went on to note sardonically that, 'this may not be a major drawback because of the increasingly uncritical acceptance of cataloging data which probably conflicts with previous practice at a given library'.

» juicio críticocritical judgement .

Example: The eternal verities of collection management all stem from critical judgement.

» masa críticacritical mass [Cantidad mínima que se necesita de cualquier cosa para que ésta tenga importancia en su campo de aplicación] .

Example: The author examines the important problem of what is the required critical mass in the World Wide Web for metadata in order for it to be really useful.

» muy críticohighly critical .

Example: Highly critical in places, the findings of the report often appear to contradict the perceptions of the profession.

» no críticonon-critical .

Example: Abstracts, unless specified otherwise, are non-critical.

» pensamiento críticocritical thinking .

Example: This article argues that critical thinking, a long sought after goal in the US educational system, may be taught efficiently through the agency of library use instructions within the college environment.

» reseña críticacritical review [Evaluación crítica de un libro, artículo, etc]critical survey .

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

Example: The article is entitled 'Recent developments in the bibliography of Anglo-American literary reviews: a critical survey'.

» resumen críticocritical abstract .

Example: A critical abstract evaluates a document and the work that it records.

» situación críticacritical situation .

Example: To be a successful crane driver, you must have self-control and be able to keep a cool head in critical situations.

crítico3 = critical ; life threatening ; of the essence. 

Example: Needless to say, this technique is relatively slow but can be valuable if retrieval speed is not critical.Example: The study also investigated whether persons who had consulted the book before committing suicide had life threatening medical illnesses.Example: Understanding is of the essence -- natural remedies have never been so popular but it is important to know how they work.


» alcanzar el punto críticocome to + a head .

Example: The debate appears to have come to a head with the launch of two new titles on DVD.

» alcanzar una coyuntura críticareach + a critical point .

Example: The path toward European integration has reached a critical point: obstacles remain, but there can be no turning back.

» alcanzar un punto críticoreach + a critical pointreach + a turning point .

Example: The path toward European integration has reached a critical point: obstacles remain, but there can be no turning back.

Example: To understand books and their function in the social mechanism is to have a very delicate ear to the ground and to discern when turning points are reached.

» cuestión críticacritical issue .

Example: Personnel management is a critical issue facing library administrators.

» estar en estado críticobe critically ill .

Example: The third boy is critically ill and is in hospital battling between life and death.

» llegar a un punto críticoreach + a critical pointreach + a turning point .

Example: The path toward European integration has reached a critical point: obstacles remain, but there can be no turning back.

Example: To understand books and their function in the social mechanism is to have a very delicate ear to the ground and to discern when turning points are reached.

» material críticocritical matter .

Example: An editor is a person who prepares for publication an item not his own and whose labour may be limited to the addition of an introduction, notes, and other critical matter.

» punto críticoturning pointPosesivo + road to Damascus .

Example: This article elaborates on the turning point in library service during the reign of the National Socialists and discusses its reorganisation after World War II.

Example: His road to Damascus moment came when he realised that at 42 he is the same age Elvis was when he died.

Crítica synonyms

survey in spanish: encuesta, pronunciation: sɜrveɪ part of speech: noun follow-up in spanish: Seguir, pronunciation: fɑloʊəp part of speech: noun critique in spanish: crítica, pronunciation: krətik part of speech: noun recap in spanish: resumen, pronunciation: rikæp part of speech: noun, verb refresh in spanish: refrescar, pronunciation: rɪfreʃ part of speech: verb retrospect in spanish: retrospección, pronunciation: retrəspekt part of speech: noun inspection in spanish: inspección, pronunciation: ɪnspekʃən part of speech: noun revue in spanish: revista, pronunciation: rɪvju part of speech: noun go over in spanish: superalo, pronunciation: goʊoʊvɜr part of speech: verb recapitulation in spanish: recapitulación, pronunciation: rikəpɪtʃəleɪʃən part of speech: noun reexamine in spanish: reexaminar, pronunciation: riegzæmən part of speech: verb look back in spanish: mirar atrás, pronunciation: lʊkbæk part of speech: verb brush up in spanish: repasar, pronunciation: brʌʃʌp part of speech: verb reassessment in spanish: revaloración, pronunciation: riəsesmənt part of speech: noun revaluation in spanish: revalorización, pronunciation: rivæljueɪʃən part of speech: noun reappraisal in spanish: reevaluación, pronunciation: riəpreɪzəl part of speech: noun reexamination in spanish: reexaminación, pronunciation: riɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun review article in spanish: artículo de revisión, pronunciation: rivjuɑrtəkəl part of speech: noun brushup in spanish: cepillar, pronunciation: brʌʃəp part of speech: noun critical review in spanish: revisión crítica, pronunciation: krɪtɪkəlrivju part of speech: noun limited review in spanish: revisión limitada, pronunciation: lɪmətədrivju part of speech: noun
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