Cría in english


pronunciation: bridɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

cría1 = offspring ; pup ; litter ; farrow ; nestling ; hatchling ; kit ; suckling ; fledg(e)ling ; cub. 

Example: Regrettably, hardly any flags have been raised as to what it all will mean for our offspring.Example: Control males were slower to contact pups, licked them more, and huddled less than control females = Control males were slower to contact pups, licked them more, and huddled less than control females.Example: Sows that farrowed in winter had the highest number of stillborn piglets per litter and the lowest percentage born alive.Example: Treated semen increased the number of farrows, but had no effect on the mean size of the litters.Example: Mourning doves feed their nestlings crop milk which contains more protein and fat than is found in either cow or human milk.Example: The volunteers protected the eggs from poachers and helped the hatchlings get safely to the water.Example: Most baby ferrets (kits) are nippy, it's how they play, they just need to be taught to not nip hard, but they will always use their mouths for playing.Example: The estimation of milk consumption by sucklings is done by weighing both the litter and the mother before and after a period of suckling.Example: During the spring time, robin redbreasts are a common sight as they care for their nests, eggs, and fledglings.Example: Even though she gave birth to her cubs in winter, the new family won't come out of their den until springtime.


» cría de tigretiger cub .

Example: This tigress has so far given birth to total 26 tiger cubs.

» Posesivo + críasPosesivo + young .

Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

cría2 = breeding ; farming ; raising. 

Example: The article is entitled 'The Penguin story: hatching and breeding'.Example: Thus, for example, the number 630 might be used for every document concerned with farming and Agriculture.Example: The second largest cost associated with raising sheep and goats is veterinary care.


» ama de críawet-nurse .

Example: Traditionally, Malaysian women breast-feed their infants for an extended period of time; only elite Chinese women resort to a wet-nurse.

» carne de críafarmed meat .

Example: Spain is seeing a resurgence of people eating meat from bullfighting bulls, championed by conscious consumers claiming it's of higher quality than farmed meat.

» cría de abejasbeekeeping .

Example: Beekeeping is a dying art but as long as we require food to eat, there will be a need for honeybees and beekeepers.

» cría de animalesanimal husbandry .

Example: Other libraries have special collections on such subjects as animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, food processing industries, agricultural economics and water supply, rangim from 10,000 up to 35,000 items.

» cría de avespoultry farmingaviculturechicken farming .

Example: Since time immemorial backyard poultry farming has played an important role to meet the needs of the rural people.

Example: As in the husbandry of any captive animal population, the quality of water utilized in aviculture is vital for avicultural success.

Example: Over the last 15 years, the country has seen a boom in chicken farming.

» cría de cerdos, lapig farming .

Example: One commercial application that is gaining favour in pig farming is the electronic sow feeder.

» cría de ganadocattle raisingstock farminglivestock farmingcattle breedingcattle farming .

Example: It is an oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves.

Example: Stock farming and poor agriculture practice has destroyed much of this habitat.

Example: Livestock farming for meat production has been an established industry in England and Wales for many years.

Example: Plans by the Indonesian government to purchase a million hectares of Australian land for cattle breeding have been welcomed by farmers.

Example: This only shows that cattle farming for beef remains to be a very viable business proposition.

» cría ecológicafree-range farming .

Example: But any criticism that free range farming provides an ideal breeding ground for avian disease has its fair share of counterarguments.

» cría en campofree-range farming .

Example: But any criticism that free range farming provides an ideal breeding ground for avian disease has its fair share of counterarguments.

» cría en corralfree-range farming .

Example: But any criticism that free range farming provides an ideal breeding ground for avian disease has its fair share of counterarguments.

» cría en granjafree-range farming .

Example: But any criticism that free range farming provides an ideal breeding ground for avian disease has its fair share of counterarguments.

» cría intensivabattery farming .

Example: Battery farming is prohibited in a number of countries, including Switzerland and Sweden.

» cría intensiva de animalesfactory farming .

Example: In the light of the increased demand for information on 'green' issues such as animal rights, vegetarianism and factory farming, this article lists relevant organisations.

» de cría intensivabattery-caged .

Example: An inherent problem with all egg production, whether free-range or battery-caged, is the disposal of unwanted male chicks at the hatchery.

» de la cría de avesavicultural .

Example: As in the husbandry of any captive animal population, the quality of water utilized in aviculture is vital for avicultural success.

» época de críabreeding season .

Example: Larks living in areas with long breeding seasons can have two or three clutches, while those in areas with a short window of time for breeding will have only one.

» gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganadorange management .

Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..

» gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pastorangeland .

Example: This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.

» granja de cría intensivabattery farm .

Example: In battery farms people have must less physical contact with the birds.

» lugar de críabreeding groundbreeding arearookerynesting area .

Example: This serves as an example of the Web acting as a breeding ground for a printed reference annual.

Example: Because of its characteristics, the region is a natural breeding area for pheasants, partridges, and wood pigeons.

Example: Mangrove branches are rookeries, or nesting areas, for beautiful coastal birds such as brown pelicans and roseate spoonbills.

Example: Mangrove branches are rookeries, or nesting areas, for beautiful coastal birds such as brown pelicans and roseate spoonbills.

» sector de la cría de cerdos, elpig sector, the .

Example: Because of EU tardiness, some countries, namely France, Holland and the UK, have jumped the gun in introducing aid for the pig sector in contravention of EU regulations.

criar = breed ; rear ; raise ; fledge ; nurse ; raise + Animales ; hatch ; nurture. 

Example: The dependence on bosses for recognition, rewards, and advancement breeds an artificiality of relationship, a need to be polite and agreeable.Example: One of the main characteristics of written language, especially for people reared in oral cultural milieus, is the inability of the learner to rely on what has always been available: the non-verbal element of communication.Example: The current generation of young adults were raised on television, video games, music videos, and other highly visual media = The current generation of young adults were raised on television, video games, music videos, and other highly visual media.Example: Birds in territories with more foliage cover were more likely to fledge young.Example: The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.Example: New animal husbandry systems should be developed that provide opportunities for livestock animals to be raised in environments where they are permitted to engage in 'natural behaviour'.Example: The eggs a chicken lays without the help of a cockerel are not fertilised and will therefore never hatch.Example: Studying the leisure reading preferences of teens can help library media specialists develop collections and programs that nurture a lifelong love of reading.


» cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojosyou've made your bed, now you must lie in it!what goes around comes aroundthe chickens come home to roost [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]you (shall) reap what you sowif you dance, you must pay the piperas you sow, so shall you reap .

Example: After all, "you've made your bed, now you must lie in it," so there's no sense complaining.

Example: If there's one place where what goes around comes around, it's the United States Senate.

Example: These particular chickens do come home to roost = Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost".

Example: A popular teaching of the New Testament is the principle that 'you reap what you sow'.

Example: And as the old saying goes: 'If you dance, you must pay the piper' .

Example: The article 'as you sow, so shall you reap: understanding the value of information' addresses the common problem of how to establish the value of the library and the information it provides in the eyes of the parent organisation.

» criando malvassix feet under .

Example: You may hear once in a while where someone had a close encounter with death, but they never made it six feet under -- death is something we can escape easily.

» criar caballosrear + horses .

Example: This property has the potential for the astute investor to subdivide it into 1 hectare lots or simply use it to rear horses or grow fresh produce.

» criar cerdosraise + pigs .

Example: For pork that tastes better than plastic-wrapped meat and costs only pennies per pound, consider raising pigs of your own.

» criar costrascab (over) .

Example: I have chicken pox, the rash started last thursday week and although the majority of spots have scabbed over, I'm still seeing a few new ones.

» criar entre algodoneswrap + Nombre + (up) in cotton wool .

Example: Fragile Sheridan Smith needs the support of her adoring fans, not to be wrapped up in cotton wool.

» criar ganadoraise + livestock .

Example: Every year millions of acres of tropical forest are burned, primarily to raise livestock, releasing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

» criar malvaspush up + (the) daisies .

Example: Anyway, some day in the not too distant future the old windbag will be pushing up the daisies.

» criar niñosrear + childrenraise + childrenchild rearing .

Example: The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.

Example: In a promotional brochure Junctionville is vaunted as 'an attractive city to live in and a nice place to raise children'.

Example: Those women who have chosen to take a career break for child rearing may need access to top-up training on returning to the profession.

» criar pecesfarm + fish .

Example: Farming fish and rice together achieves the same rice yield as growing rice alone, but uses 68% less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer.

» criar pollosraise + chickens .

Example: Sure, fresh eggs are a great reason to raise chickens, but it doesn't end there.

» criarsegrow up .

Example: Some unfortunate children grow up as readers of James Bond, of dashing thrillers and the blood-and-guts of crude war stories.

» criarse salvajegrow + wild .

Example: Bignonias are found in warm climates and grow wild in the Eastern and Southern United States.

» criarse silvestregrow + wild .

Example: Bignonias are found in warm climates and grow wild in the Eastern and Southern United States.

» cuando las ranas críen peloswhen hell freezes overwhen pigs flynever in a month of Sundays .

Example: After claiming they'd get back together 'when hell freezes over,' The Eagles did exactly that and this excellent album is the result.

Example: Somebody once told me that Arabs and Jews will come together when pigs fly.

Example: The two stepsisters also wondered who the newcomer was, for never in a month of Sundays, would they ever have guessed that the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who talked to the cat!.

» Dios los cría y ellos se juntanbirds of a feather flock together .

Example: I have always believed that, as the old sayings go, 'You are known by the company you keep', 'Birds of a feather flock together', 'Lie down with dogs and you get fleas', etc, etc.

» hasta que las ranas críen pelosuntil/till the cows come homeuntil/till hell freezes overuntil/till kingdom come .

Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.

Example: But while he detested abolitionism, he passionately loved the Union and felt even greater hatred toward secessionists, vowing to 'fight them till hell freezes over'.

Example: It's a battle that's going to rage on till kingdom come.

» uando las ranas críen pelosnever in a million years .

Example: How could she tell him she would never in a million years work for him, not for all the money in the world.

crío = kiddy [kiddie] ; sprog ; tot ; little one. 

Example: If they can do it for the kiddies, perhaps they can do it for the adults too.Example: Well, she's gone and done it again -- she's up the spout and with another sprog on the way.Example: He was just a tot when his father was jailed for life for murdering his wife.Example: Preventing infant deaths can be as easy as ABC if parents remember three simple ways to keep their little ones safe at night.

Cría synonyms

education in spanish: educación, pronunciation: edʒəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun nurture in spanish: nutrir, pronunciation: nɜrtʃɜr part of speech: verb, noun training in spanish: formación, pronunciation: treɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun fruitful in spanish: fructífero, pronunciation: frutfəl part of speech: adjective refinement in spanish: refinamiento, pronunciation: rəfaɪnmənt part of speech: noun nurturing in spanish: crianza, pronunciation: nɜrtʃɜrɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun, adjective raising in spanish: levantamiento, pronunciation: reɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun reproduction in spanish: reproducción, pronunciation: riprədʌkʃən part of speech: noun upbringing in spanish: educación, pronunciation: ʌpbrɪŋɪŋ part of speech: noun rearing in spanish: crianza, pronunciation: rɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective gentility in spanish: gentilidad, pronunciation: dʒentɪlɪti part of speech: noun fostering in spanish: criado, pronunciation: fɑstɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun procreation in spanish: procreación, pronunciation: proʊkrieɪʃən part of speech: noun fosterage in spanish: educación, pronunciation: fɑstɜrɪdʒ part of speech: noun genteelness in spanish: gentileza, pronunciation: dʒentilnəs part of speech: noun bringing up in spanish: sacar a tema, pronunciation: brɪŋɪŋʌp part of speech: noun
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