Crédito in english


pronunciation: kredət part of speech: noun
In gestures

crédito1 = credit ; creditworthiness. 

Example: Orders placed with a vendor as well as any credit or debit notes for the vendor are displayed by entering the number '9'.Example: Although my father 'didn't know her from a hole in the wall,' he walked into a bank and vouched for her creditworthiness.


» aceptar una tarjeta de créditohonour + a credit card .

Example: Major credit cards are honoured throughout Norway at hotels, stores and restaurants.

» cooperativa de créditocredit union .

Example: If friends or family can't help, the next best option is to approach your bank or a credit union for a personal loan.

» crédito agrícolaagricultural creditfarm creditfarm loan .

Example: An adjectival heading comprise either a noun or noun phrase with adjectival modifier; for example, agricultural credit.

Example: There will be higher prices in the markets this fall because of the lack of farm credit.

Example: This article provides a classification of farm loans and outlines six month US Treasury bills and long-term US Treasury Bonds interest rates.

» crédito blandosoft loan [En la banca, préstamo que se conceden a bajo interés o preferencial] .

Example: One of the opportunities which membership of the European Community (EC) affords the United Kingdom (UK) is access to a wide variety of grants and soft loans.

» crédito hipotecariomortgage .

Example: Incoming paper records, such as mortgage, deeds and liens are now captured electronically using document scanners and stored on optical discs for quick access during searches.

» dar créditogive + credence .

Example: Many prominent librarians believe that materials selection is the single element of librarianship which gives it credence as a profession.

» dar crédito aput + stock intake + stock in .

Example: He falls hopelessly for her and makes a difficult sacrifice in the hopes of winning her affection, but she's too nihilistic to put any stock in love.

Example: But, luckily, we've ended up better off than we ever have been, probably because it caused us to take stock in what's really important.

» datos de la tarjeta de créditocredit card details .

Example: She points to the fact that shoppers are quite happy to give credit card details over the telephone, with little or no security.

» digno de créditocredible  ; believable  ; creditable  ; trustedcreditworthy  .

Example: The problem was to produce a credible operational definition of the term 'information education'.

Example: But information policy has to be relevant, practicable and believable, otherwise it is merely ignored.

Example: Maybe there is not creditable model, but a lot of publishers are trying to be the onw who discovers the best approach.

Example: The library is generally an accepted, welcome and non-threatening feature of the rural scene and librarians often build up close and trusted links with their readers.

Example: A wide range of individuals can be a cosigner as long as they are creditworthy and accept the responsibilities of being a cosigner.

» escasez de créditocredit crunchcredit squeeze .

Example: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.

Example: The bank, like many others, needs extra capital to ride out the credit squeeze.

» lector de tarjetas de créditocredit card reader .

Example: Credit card readers used by retail stores to accept payments can be hacked into and used to collect card details.

» no dar créditodisbelief [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: Perhaps an openly expressed disbelief in his activities is one of the marks of the passing of this stage.

» no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídosnot believe + Posesivo + ears .

Example: They could not believe their ears, for what had happened was so unexpected that it was as if they were listening to the words in a dream.

» no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojosnot believe + Posesivo + eyes .

Example: They can't quite believe their eyes and refuse to make the leap of faith to accept that a 3.4 megapixel sensor can produce such quality.

» número de la tarjeta de créditocredit card number .

Example: In some cases, this facility is linked to the use of a credit card, with the keyboard again being used to enter the credit card number.

» operación con tarjeta de créditocredit card transaction .

Example: Merchants do not offer cashback on credit card transactions because they would pay a percentage commission of the additional cash amount to their bank or merchant services provider, thereby making it uneconomical.

» operación de créditocredit transaction .

Example: Barter transactions are assessable and deductible for income tax purposes to the same extent as other cash or credit transactions.

» pedir un créditoask for + credit .

Example: Don't ask for credit as a refusal often offends.

» remanente de créditobasketing .

Example: Basketing, in a publishing context, is the practice whereby there is agreement between publisher and author that unearned royalty balances from previous contracts are rolled over and accounted jointly with the royalties to be earned by that author's new book.

» sin dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídosin disbelief .

Example: He remembers their eyes staring up at him in disbelief as he beat the life out of them.

» sin dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojosin disbeliefmuch to + Posesivo + disbeliefmuch to + Posesivo + astonishment .

Example: He remembers their eyes staring up at him in disbelief as he beat the life out of them.

Example: In an orderly fashion and much to my disbelief, the officers calmly disembarked the plane.

Example: And much to her astonishment, there was yours truly, standing behind five inebriated women each holding one of the signs I had made.

» tarjeta de créditocredit card [Tarjeta que permite al usuario obtener dinero en préstamo] .

Example: This enables people to draw cash by means of a debit card (as opposed to a credit card, to help distinguish between money that is in one's account and money being borrowed from the credit-card organization).

» transacción con tarjeta de créditocredit card transaction .

Example: Merchants do not offer cashback on credit card transactions because they would pay a percentage commission of the additional cash amount to their bank or merchant services provider, thereby making it uneconomical.

» transacción de créditocredit transaction .

Example: Barter transactions are assessable and deductible for income tax purposes to the same extent as other cash or credit transactions.

» vender a créditomake + a charge sale .

Example: Every time a charge sale is made, there are a number of things for the department store to do.



» créditos de cierreclosing credits .

Example: Closing credits do not have any hard and fast rules that dictate how they need to be ordered, but there are conventions that have been established.

» créditos de películafilm credits .

Example: Even in an age of new, non-print media, there is a place for typography -- in posters, publicity material, film credits.

» créditos finalesend credits .

Example: If filling in the end credits for TV shows were part of your job you might get antsy sometimes too.

» créditos inicialesopening credits .

Example: There is a brief scene in the opening credits to M*A*S*H in which a group of five nurses are shown running towards the chopper pad.

» títulos de créditoscredit roll .

Example: I will include a credit roll at the end of your DVD if you send me an email that list each member of the wedding party and their function arranged in the order you would like them to appear.

crédito3 = credit. 

Example: They rejected totally the notion of giving credit for work done off-campus.


» con créditoscredit-carrying .

Example: All of the instructors for credit-carrying courses must be approved by the academic department.

» crédito de transferenciatransfer credit [Crédito que un alumno ha cursado en una institución y otra se lo reconoce como válido] .

Example: We cannot finalize your transfer credit evaluation until we receive your deposit and your final transcript with last semester's grades.

» curso con créditoscredit course .

Example: The course elective system, quickly adopted by some universities, coincided with the need to establish credit courses.

» sin créditosnon-credit .

Example: Although all schools are engaged to some extent in non-credit continuing education programmes, continuing education is not given high priority.

» sin reconocimiento de créditosnon-credit .

Example: Although all schools are engaged to some extent in non-credit continuing education programmes, continuing education is not given high priority.

» transferencia de créditoscredit transfer .

Example: The primary purpose for establishing credit transfer agreements is to facilitate student mobility between institutions of higher education.

Crédito synonyms

reference in spanish: referencia, pronunciation: refɜrəns part of speech: noun recognition in spanish: reconocimiento, pronunciation: rekəgnɪʃən part of speech: noun mention in spanish: mencionar, pronunciation: menʃən part of speech: verb, noun citation in spanish: citación, pronunciation: saɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun quotation in spanish: cotización, pronunciation: kwoʊteɪʃən part of speech: noun accredit in spanish: acreditar, pronunciation: əkredət part of speech: verb deferred payment in spanish: pago diferido, pronunciation: dɪfɜrdpeɪmənt part of speech: noun course credit in spanish: crédito del curso, pronunciation: kɔrskredət part of speech: noun credit entry in spanish: entrada de crédito, pronunciation: kredətentri part of speech: noun
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