Cruzar in english


pronunciation: krɔs part of speech: noun, adjective, verb
In gestures

cruzar1 = cross ; fall across ; walk across ; intersect ; throw across ; get over. 

Example: Some of the cases presented in this book are concerned with broad policy issues, while others are less encompassing and present some of the narrower problems that cross the library manager's desk.Example: A shaft of yellow sunshine fell across the carpet.Example: Some of the questions to ask ourselves are will people walk up or down stairs, across quadrangles, etc just to visit the library?.Example: Contingency plans can be devised to intersect at several points on this time continuum.Example: The gangplank (illustrated by the dotted line in Figure 1) can be thrown across without weakening the chain of command, as long as this relationship is advisory and not policy making = The gangplank (illustrated by the dotted line in Figure 1) can be thrown across without weakening the chain of command, as long as this relationship is advisory and not policy making.Example: They couldn't get over the river by building anything, so they stopped at that point.


» como barcos que se cruzan (en la oscuridad)like passing ships (in the night) .

Example: The relationship doesn't really exist if you and your partner treat each other like passing ships in the night.

» como barcos que se cruzan (en la noche)like passing ships (in the night) .

Example: The relationship doesn't really exist if you and your partner treat each other like passing ships in the night.

» cruzar corriendorun across .

Example: As today's example we have two Brits who have decided to spend the summer and fall running across America.

» cruzar el lagocross + the waters .

Example: She crossed the waters to Ireland this week for a gig in Cork but it seems she had a run-in with the boys in blue during her visit.

» cruzar el marcross + the waters .

Example: She crossed the waters to Ireland this week for a gig in Cork but it seems she had a run-in with the boys in blue during her visit.

» cruzar el oceanocross + the waters .

Example: She crossed the waters to Ireland this week for a gig in Cork but it seems she had a run-in with the boys in blue during her visit.

» cruzar el ríocross + the waters .

Example: She crossed the waters to Ireland this week for a gig in Cork but it seems she had a run-in with the boys in blue during her visit.

» cruzar el Rubicónpass + the point of no returncross + the Rubicon .

Example: So in the winter of 49BC Caesar decide to take his army across the Rubicon and start a civil war, he passed the point of no return, committed everything and gambled all.

Example: I don't know about crossing the Rubicon, but it's clear to me that we have missed our generation's greatest opportunity to reverse the direction of history.

» cruzar en el camino de Alguiencross + Posesivo + path .

Example: His willingness to beat or shoot others who crossed his path reveals a man who was unable to see beyond the satisfaction of his own desires.

» cruzar fronterasspan + boundaries .

Example: The roles for information professionals in the future will demand a broad interpretation of professional identity and ability to span disciplinary, institutional and methodological boundaries.

» cruzar la callecross + the street .

Example: Two researchers have created electronic goggles that help blind people cross streets safely.

» cruzar la carretera por un sitio no autorizadojaywalkingjaywalk .

Example: At any rate, jaywalking is a relatively minor annoyance (and a risk that falls mainly on the jaywalkers themselves), and it should not consume law enforcement resources.

Example: When people make the decision to jaywalk, they don't connect it to the fact that they could get killed doing that.

» cruzar la espada concross + swords with .

Example: I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.

» cruzar la fronteracross + the boundary .

Example: Modern developments in all areas of knowledge tend to cross the boundaries between disciplines.

» cruzar la líneacross + the line .

Example: This is a critical distinction, and the line between policy and operations should not be crossed.

» cruzar la línea de metacross + the finish line .

Example: The hardest part about writing a novel is in crossing the finish line -- once the first draft is done, the finish line is in sight.

» cruzar la línea divisoriacross + the boundarycross + the great dividecross + the dividing linecross + the line .

Example: Modern developments in all areas of knowledge tend to cross the boundaries between disciplines.

Example: The article is entitled 'Crossing the great divide: Academic libraries move into the 21st century'.

Example: Effective planning will be necessary to convince government of the bility of the library to use resources effectively, but there is a danger that this may cross the dividing line and become the direction of policy.

Example: The article is entitled 'Crossing the line: the development of archival standards'.

» cruzar la línea que separacross over + the line separating .

Example: The primary task of these students is to prove in their thesis that they have crossed over the line separating novice and expert.

» cruzar la línea rojacross + the red line .

Example: Sweating, headaches and shaking are just some of the physical signs that a person has 'crossed the red line' into full blown alcoholism.

» cruzar la menteshoot through + Posesivo + mind .

Example: A wild thought of leaving the DPL shot through her mind and was gone.

» cruzar la metacross + the finish line .

Example: The hardest part about writing a novel is in crossing the finish line -- once the first draft is done, the finish line is in sight.

» cruzar las fronterasbreach + boundariesbreach + barriers .

Example: The reading shows McKemmish breaching the boundaries of a wilderness for too long neglected by the record keeping professions.

Example: The information society will see the barriers between work, play, home and office breached.

» cruzar las líneas divisorias que separan + Nombrecross + Adjetivo + lines .

Example: Cultural study, especially for the museologist, must be interdisciplinary and cross class lines = Los estudios socioculturales, especialmente para el museólogo, deben ser interdisciplinares y cruzar las líneas divisorias que separan las clases sociales.

» cruzar las piernascross + Posesivo + legsfold + Posesivo + legs .

Example: She sat back in her chair, crossed her legs, lighted a cigarette, and smoked herself into a cloud.

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

» cruzar los brazosfold + Posesivo + armscross + Posesivo + arms .

Example: She settled back in her chair and folded her arms.

Example: She crossed her arms over her chest, and his gaze went automatically to her breasts.

» cruzar los dedoscross + Posesivo + fingers [Gesto usado para indicar que uno espera que todo salga bien]keep + Posesivo + fingers crossed .

Example: The site went down but it's back up now (fingers crossed).

Example: Asin is keeping her fingers crossed -- the verdict will be out in a few days from now.

» cruzarse conrun intocross + Posesivo + pathcross + paths withwalk + past .

Example: If they were watching the nimble movements of a compositor as he gathered the types from the hundred and fifty-two boxes of his case, they would run into a ream of wetted paper weighted down with paving stones.

Example: Based on hundreds of interviews with Hollywood's power players, she weaves Eisner's story together with those who have crossed his path.

Example: Some of you old timers are likely stealing a smile as you read this, tinking that you were lucky not to have crossed paths with him.

Example: She is one of those ultra sexy, smoking hot women who turn heads when they walk past anyone.

» cruzarse de brazossit backfold + Posesivo + armsgo along with + the flowsit on + Posesivo + handsstand + idly by .

Example: ALA or its subdivision have been sitting back while these powerful people get together and decide what should be good for us.

Example: She settled back in her chair and folded her arms.

Example: Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.

Example: She was all excited about the relationship and possibly the engagement but she sat on her hands and did nothing to make things better.

Example: Do not stand idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed.

» cruzarse de brazos y no hacer nadasit back and do nothing .

Example: We offer a relaxing place to vacation where you can fish, canoe, hike or just plain sit back and do nothing for a change.

» cruzarse de piernasfold + Posesivo + legs .

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

» cruzarse en ángulo rectocross at + right angles .

Example: The streets are broad and straight, crossing at right angles and are well macadamised.

» cruzarse en el caminocross + paths with .

Example: Some of you old timers are likely stealing a smile as you read this, tinking that you were lucky not to have crossed paths with him.

» cruzársele a Uno en el caminocome + Posesivo + way .

Example: Nothing fazes Paula and with her cool head she thrives on the daily challenges that come her way.

» cruzársele los cablesgo + berserkgo + crazygo + postalfly off + the handlelose itlose + control (of)lose + Posesivo + coollose + Posesivo + headfreak outflip out [Supuestamente, origen de la palabra "flipar" en español]lose + the plotcome + ungluedgo into + meltdownlose + control of + Reflexivogo + ape(-shit) (on) .

Example: It depicts fascism as a crusade for preserving literature's purity, a crusade that went berserk.

Example: Sawer went crazy after the woman he was having an affair with was caught and her husband killed her.

Example: You have also probably read about cases where an employee 'went postal' and entered a company building, shooting his boss and other employees.

Example: In other words, it is not true that homicides are commonly committed by ordinary citizens who just fly off the handle.

Example: I have a younger brother (14, to be exact), he's fucking losing it, he just entered high school and he's insanely insociable.

Example: The library director does not want to take the chance that by allowing the trustees to get active he might lose partial control of the library operation to an 'outsider'.

Example: Not losing one's cool is essential, since it may appear as a weakness that can be exploited.

Example: In a competitie game defeat usually goes to the player who 'loses his head'.

Example: A boy on trial in the shooting death of his principal told investigators that he 'just freaked out' and pulled the trigger three times = Un chico juzgado por haber matado a tiros al director dijo a los investigadores que ?sencillamente había perdido los papeles? y apretó el gatillo tres veces.

Example: And this is coming from someone who had to be restrained in school after flipping out and kicking a bubbler.

Example: He acused politicians of 'losing the plot' on crime as the 'thriving yob culture' of hooligans and tearaways terrorise the streets.

Example: I come unglued when I feel out of control because my kids are screaming or fighting or whining or negotiating and won't listen.

Example: The pressure of the competition finally got to her and her usual happy-go-lucky demeanour disappeared as she went into meltdown.

Example: When you're in a heated argument, it's easy to lose control of yourself quickly.

Example: My wife is a bit of a tree-hugger, so she went ape-shit when I ran over a frog.

» cruzar una miradaexchange + glance .

Example: The assistants exchanged a quick glance.

» el que no se aventura no cruza el marnothing ventured, nothing gained .

Example: In today's recession it seems that the saying 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' could be re-written as 'nothing ventured, nothing lost'.

» persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizadojaywalker  .

Example: At any rate, jaywalking is a relatively minor annoyance (and a risk that falls mainly on the jaywalkers themselves), and it should not consume law enforcement resources.

cruzar2 = cross-pollinate ; interbreed ; hybridise [hybridize, -USA]. 

Example: The purpose of the conference is to cross-pollinate the research of all fields that endeavor to inform clients.Example: Our human ancestors were still interbreeding with their chimp cousins long after first splitting from the chimpanzee lineage, a genetic study suggests.Example: These birds now hybridize extensively with pied birds that have recently invaded the island.


» cruzar razascrossbreed .

Example: They also found that when the coral from the north and south were crossbred, genes for heat tolerance could be passed on.

cruzarse = interbreed. 

Example: Our human ancestors were still interbreeding with their chimp cousins long after first splitting from the chimpanzee lineage, a genetic study suggests.

Cruzar synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb track in spanish: pista, pronunciation: træk part of speech: noun cover in spanish: cubrir, pronunciation: kʌvɜr part of speech: verb, noun sweep in spanish: barrer, pronunciation: swip part of speech: noun, verb span in spanish: lapso, pronunciation: spæn part of speech: noun foil in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: fɔɪl part of speech: noun thwart in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: θwɔrt part of speech: verb traverse in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: trævɜrs part of speech: verb, noun spoil in spanish: mimar, pronunciation: spɔɪl part of speech: verb, noun baffle in spanish: deflector, pronunciation: bæfəl part of speech: noun, verb queer in spanish: raro, pronunciation: kwɪr part of speech: adjective, noun fussy in spanish: exigente, pronunciation: fʌsi part of speech: adjective transverse in spanish: transverso, pronunciation: trænzvɜrs part of speech: adjective grumpy in spanish: gruñón, pronunciation: grʌmpi part of speech: adjective scotch in spanish: escocés, pronunciation: skɑtʃ part of speech: noun, adjective crisscross in spanish: cruzado, pronunciation: krɪskrɔs part of speech: verb, adjective, noun bilk in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: bɪlk part of speech: verb crossing in spanish: cruce, pronunciation: krɔsɪŋ part of speech: noun frustrate in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: frʌstreɪt part of speech: verb intersect in spanish: intersecarse, pronunciation: ɪntɜrsekt part of speech: verb crabby in spanish: osco, pronunciation: kræbi part of speech: adjective grouchy in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: graʊtʃi part of speech: adjective crabbed in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: kræbd part of speech: adjective transversal in spanish: transversal, pronunciation: trænzvɜrzəl part of speech: adjective get over in spanish: superalo, pronunciation: getoʊvɜr part of speech: verb hybridization in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrədəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun pass over in spanish: pasar por alto, pronunciation: pæsoʊvɜr part of speech: verb bad-tempered in spanish: mal humor, pronunciation: bædtempɜrd part of speech: adjective cut through in spanish: romper, pronunciation: kʌtθru part of speech: verb cut across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: kʌtəkrɔs part of speech: verb get across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: getəkrɔs part of speech: verb interbreeding in spanish: mestizaje, pronunciation: ɪntɜrbridɪŋ part of speech: noun ill-tempered in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪltempɜrd part of speech: adjective crossbreeding in spanish: cruce, pronunciation: krɔsbridɪŋ part of speech: noun ill-natured in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪlnætʃɜrd part of speech: adjective crown of thorns in spanish: corona de espinas, pronunciation: kraʊnʌvθɔrnz part of speech: noun hybridisation in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrɪdəseɪʃən part of speech: noun hybridizing in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrɪdaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun thwartwise in spanish: al revés, pronunciation: θwɔrtwaɪz part of speech: adjective
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