Cruz in english


pronunciation: krɔs part of speech: noun, adjective, verb
In gestures

cruz1 = cross. 

Example: Examples of iconic expressions are the cross and the Crescent representing Christianity and Islam respectively.


» cara o cruzheads or tails .

Example: There are only two possible outcomes: heads or tails.

» cruz católicaCatholic cross .

Example: Over time, other small Catholic crosses were placed in the cemetery in memory of the persons who had died in the prison camp.

» cruz cristianaChristian cross .

Example: The Christian cross, with or without a figure of Christ included, is the main religious symbol of Christianity.

» Cruz de Hierro, laIron Cross, the .

Example: During the next six years, the Iron Cross was awarded to Germans and their allies not only for personal bravery, but also for outstanding military achievements.

» cruz de + Nombre, lacurse of + Nombre, thebane of + Nombre, the .

Example: The curse of professionalism is its tendency to distract the specialist's attention from his basic function by concentrating his thinking on a multiplicity of details.

Example: This process has become a source of frustration and time-consuming, bureaucratic manoeuvering which appears to be the bane of acquisitions librarians everywhere.

» cruz gamadaswastikafylfot .

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.

Example: The fylfot is an ancient symbol for good luck.

» cruz griegaGreek cross .

Example: Both the Latin and Greek crosses play an important part in the decorative styles of church buildings during the fourth and subsequent centuries.

» cruz latinaLatin cross .

Example: Both the Latin and Greek crosses play an important part in the decorative styles of church buildings during the fourth and subsequent centuries.

» cruz que se lleva a cuestasmillstone around + Posesivo + neck .

Example: Like a millstone around our necks, the scandal, year after endless year, drags us all down with it.

» Cruz Roja, laRed Cross, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The Red Cross then established and ran a library for the about 500 asylum seekers who were interned on the ship awaiting police interviewing.

» echar cara o cruztoss + heads or tails .

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

» echárselo a cara o cruztoss + heads or tailstoss + a cointoss for itflip + a coin .

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

Example: When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.

Example: If you can't decide you can always toss for it.

Example: For example, if you flip a coin 10 times, how many times do you expect it to come up heads?.

» en forma de cruzcross-shaped .

Example: After all, people have been designing cross-shaped buildings for thousands of years -- they're called churches.

» jugárselo a cara o cruztoss + heads or tailstoss + a cointoss for itflip + a coin .

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

Example: When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.

Example: If you can't decide you can always toss for it.

Example: For example, if you flip a coin 10 times, how many times do you expect it to come up heads?.

» llevar una cruzsuffer from + a curse .

Example: Watt suffered in generous measure from that curse which descends upon all bibliographers who are not severely self disciplined.

» punto de cruzcross-stitchingcross-stitch .

Example: That being said, it does take a little getting used to and we don't recommend it for your first cross-stitching project.

Example: Cross-stitch is easy -- it's just two little stitches crossed over each other.

» salir cruzcome up + tails .

Example: This time, you will receive $4 if it is heads and nothing if it comes up tails.

» ser cara o cruzbe a toss-up (between... and.../whether... or not...) .

Example: Nine major forecasters all say Iowa is a toss-up, ranging anywhere from a 62 percent chance of a Clinton win to a 65 percent chance of a Trump win.

» todos tenemos una cruz que llevarwe all have our cross to bear .

Example: We all have our cross to bear is said by believers and nonbelievers alike.

cruz2 = dagger. 

Example: This type of relationship is indicated under the preferred terms by a dagger, thus Sea water UF– Artificial sea water.

Cruz synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb track in spanish: pista, pronunciation: træk part of speech: noun cover in spanish: cubrir, pronunciation: kʌvɜr part of speech: verb, noun sweep in spanish: barrer, pronunciation: swip part of speech: noun, verb span in spanish: lapso, pronunciation: spæn part of speech: noun foil in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: fɔɪl part of speech: noun thwart in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: θwɔrt part of speech: verb traverse in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: trævɜrs part of speech: verb, noun spoil in spanish: mimar, pronunciation: spɔɪl part of speech: verb, noun baffle in spanish: deflector, pronunciation: bæfəl part of speech: noun, verb queer in spanish: raro, pronunciation: kwɪr part of speech: adjective, noun fussy in spanish: exigente, pronunciation: fʌsi part of speech: adjective transverse in spanish: transverso, pronunciation: trænzvɜrs part of speech: adjective grumpy in spanish: gruñón, pronunciation: grʌmpi part of speech: adjective scotch in spanish: escocés, pronunciation: skɑtʃ part of speech: noun, adjective crisscross in spanish: cruzado, pronunciation: krɪskrɔs part of speech: verb, adjective, noun bilk in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: bɪlk part of speech: verb crossing in spanish: cruce, pronunciation: krɔsɪŋ part of speech: noun frustrate in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: frʌstreɪt part of speech: verb intersect in spanish: intersecarse, pronunciation: ɪntɜrsekt part of speech: verb crabby in spanish: osco, pronunciation: kræbi part of speech: adjective grouchy in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: graʊtʃi part of speech: adjective crabbed in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: kræbd part of speech: adjective transversal in spanish: transversal, pronunciation: trænzvɜrzəl part of speech: adjective get over in spanish: superalo, pronunciation: getoʊvɜr part of speech: verb hybridization in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrədəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun pass over in spanish: pasar por alto, pronunciation: pæsoʊvɜr part of speech: verb bad-tempered in spanish: mal humor, pronunciation: bædtempɜrd part of speech: adjective cut through in spanish: romper, pronunciation: kʌtθru part of speech: verb cut across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: kʌtəkrɔs part of speech: verb get across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: getəkrɔs part of speech: verb interbreeding in spanish: mestizaje, pronunciation: ɪntɜrbridɪŋ part of speech: noun ill-tempered in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪltempɜrd part of speech: adjective crossbreeding in spanish: cruce, pronunciation: krɔsbridɪŋ part of speech: noun ill-natured in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪlnætʃɜrd part of speech: adjective crown of thorns in spanish: corona de espinas, pronunciation: kraʊnʌvθɔrnz part of speech: noun hybridisation in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrɪdəseɪʃən part of speech: noun hybridizing in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrɪdaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun thwartwise in spanish: al revés, pronunciation: θwɔrtwaɪz part of speech: adjective
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