Crujir in english


pronunciation: krik part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

crujir = crackle ; snap ; creak ; squeak. 

Example: The advice is to chill out most artefacts with confidence, although coating on wood may crackle a little bit by -50 degrees centigrade.Example: But when runner beans are fresh, they do snap when you break them in half!.Example: One last thing, my bike started creaking again last week but it totally stopped after about 15-20 miles.Example: My 16-year antediluvian cat suddenly started squeaking instead of meowing -- Should I be concerned?.

Crujir synonyms

squeak in spanish: chirrido, pronunciation: skwik part of speech: noun, verb screech in spanish: chillido, pronunciation: skritʃ part of speech: noun skreigh in spanish: Skreigh, pronunciation: skreɪ part of speech: verb creaking in spanish: crujiente, pronunciation: krikɪŋ part of speech: noun screak in spanish: chirrido, pronunciation: skrik part of speech: verb skreak in spanish: Skreak, pronunciation: skrik part of speech: verb skriegh in spanish: skriegh, pronunciation: skrig skriech in spanish: skriech, pronunciation: skritʃ
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