Cruelmente in english


pronunciation: vɪʃəsli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

cruelmente = unkindly ; cruelly ; perversely ; heartlessly. 

Example: Very many SLIS were able to demonstrate a great deal of IT-related re-training endeavour; 're-treading of old tyres' one respondent rather unkindly put it.Example: 'Punch' satirised the opponents more cruelly: 'Here is an institution doomed to scare the furious devotees of laissez faire'.Example: Play indexes are numerous and perversely disparate.Example: Most shoe merchants do their sincerest best for their customers considering our limited knowledge of foot health -- others heartlessly use our lack of knowledge solely for profit.

Cruelmente synonyms

brutally in spanish: brutalmente, pronunciation: brutəli part of speech: adverb savagely in spanish: salvajemente, pronunciation: sævɪdʒli part of speech: adverb
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