Cruel in english


pronunciation: kruəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cruel = brutal ; cruel ; perverse ; unkind ; callous ; cold-blooded ; merciless ; brutish ; ferocious ; heartless ; cutthroat ; pitiless. 

Example: Few, if any of us, want to be involved in murder, but the brutal act of one person killing another, the motives for doing so, the personal and social consequences, all hold our attention, as newspaper editors well know and exploit = Few, if any of us, want to be involved in murder, but the brutal act of one person killing another, the motives for doing so, the personal and social consequences, all hold our attention, as newspaper editors well know and exploit.Example: With cruel suddenness she was being called upon to cover up for him.Example: The demand for business information, in relation to its price, is rather perverse in that high price often generates a high demand.Example: The enumeration at 940.5316: Children and other noncombatants; Pacifists; Enemy sympathizers seems a little unkind, if nothing else.Example: Not all large publishing companies are conducted in a callous and philistine manner, motivated solely by profit.Example: He was a cold-blooded killer, cardsharp, gambler and a consumptive who also ran several confidence scams.Example: The author discusses art critic Harry Quilter, usually remembered today as 'Arry,' the butt of merciless lampooning by J.M. Whistler.Example: In his most famous work, the Leviathan, Hobbes famously argued that life in the state of nature is 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short'.Example: One by one, he wiped the floor with opponents who had spoken in the debate -- with a ferocious blend of rant, rhetoric and rumbustious counterattack.Example: However, I knew there was a problem when I actually cared more about the relationship between the secondary characters of Josh McCool, heartless flunky of Warren's, and Mia.Example: As the saying goes, 'Be as innocent as a lamb, and as wily as a fox' -- shrewdness is a valuable attribute in this cutthroat world.Example: In my opinion, this initiative has developed de facto into a pitiless personal campaign of vilification against him.


» volverse cruelbecome + vicious .

Example: There's more to it than that - he becomes vicious, cutting people up behind their backs if they cross him in any way.

Cruel synonyms

hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective savage in spanish: salvaje, pronunciation: sævədʒ part of speech: adjective, noun harsh in spanish: duro, pronunciation: hɑrʃ part of speech: adjective vicious in spanish: vicioso, pronunciation: vɪʃəs part of speech: adjective fell in spanish: cayó, pronunciation: fel part of speech: verb rigorous in spanish: riguroso, pronunciation: rɪgɜrəs part of speech: adjective brutal in spanish: brutal, pronunciation: brutəl part of speech: adjective roughshod in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌfʃɑd part of speech: adjective barbarous in spanish: bárbaro, pronunciation: bɑrbɜrəs part of speech: adjective inhumane in spanish: inhumano, pronunciation: ɪnhjumeɪn part of speech: adjective unkind in spanish: cruel, pronunciation: ənkaɪnd part of speech: adjective heartless in spanish: cruel, pronunciation: hɑrtləs part of speech: adjective
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