Crudo in english


pronunciation: part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

crudo1 = petroleum ; crude oil. 

Example: Several of the exclusive data bases cover petroleum and fossil fuels.Example: In any case the great petrol tankers cannot reach Antwerp, whence the need to lay oil pipelines from Rotterdam to improve the supplying of crude oil to the refineries.


» bidón de crudooil drum .

Example: Now its a frigging oil drum and the reason nobody would take it was because there was a tiny bit of oil in the bottom.

» precio del crudocrude priceoil price .

Example: Most airline carriers have been making losses as aviation fuel prices spiralled after crude prices soared = La mayoría de las compañías aéreas han estado teniendo pérdidas debido a que el precio del combustible de avión se ha puesto por las nubes tras dispararse el precio del crudo.

Example: Russian government triples bank bailout to $2.4billion as rouble lurches deeper into crisis due to Western sanctions and falling oil prices.

crudo2 = raw ; uncooked. 

Example: Vegetable fibres in their raw state contain the necessary strands of cellulose which can be converted into paper.Example: That is the major drawback to rawism, the diet trend that promotes the consumption of uncooked food.


» alimentos crudosraw food .

Example: In the twentieth century raw food has found an ally above suspicion in dietetic science.

» carne crudaraw meat .

Example: The point to be made for the novice abstractor is that editors are not ghouls who must be thrown raw meat before a check is issued.

» crudo inviernobitter winter .

Example: This firewater of yours seems like good drink to warm a man during this bitter winter.

crudo3 = crude. 

Example: Some unfortunate children grow up as readers of James Bond, of dashing thrillers and the blood-and-guts of crude war stories.


» cruda realidad, lastark reality, the .

Example: For those involved in producing BNB, the eighties have seen this question leap in a single bound into the realm of stark reality from the cosy abstraction of AACR2.

» cruda verdad, labald truth, the .

Example: Prince Harry, known for taking swipes at his brother Prince William's receding hairline, is facing the bald truth that his ginger locks are also thinning.

» en lo más crudo del inviernoin the dead of winter .

Example: David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter -- meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.

» tenerlo crudobe not easy .

Example: It would not be easy to find in the history of philosophy and the sciences a situation more confused than our own.

Crudo synonyms

green in spanish: verde, pronunciation: grin part of speech: adjective, noun open in spanish: abierto, pronunciation: oʊpən part of speech: adjective, verb natural in spanish: natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective bleak in spanish: desolado, pronunciation: blik part of speech: adjective buff in spanish: pulir, pronunciation: bʌf part of speech: noun, adjective overt in spanish: abierto, pronunciation: oʊvɜrt part of speech: adjective sore in spanish: dolorido, pronunciation: sɔr part of speech: adjective rare in spanish: raro, pronunciation: rer part of speech: adjective altogether in spanish: en total, pronunciation: ɔltəgeðɜr part of speech: adverb crude in spanish: crudo, pronunciation: krud part of speech: adjective, noun rude in spanish: grosero, pronunciation: rud part of speech: adjective naked in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: neɪkəd part of speech: adjective cutting in spanish: corte, pronunciation: kʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun unfair in spanish: injusto, pronunciation: ənfer part of speech: adjective unjust in spanish: injusto, pronunciation: əndʒʌst part of speech: adjective peeled in spanish: pelado, pronunciation: pild part of speech: adjective injured in spanish: lesionado, pronunciation: ɪndʒɜrd part of speech: adjective half-baked in spanish: medio cocido, pronunciation: hæfbeɪkt part of speech: adjective inexperienced in spanish: inexperto, pronunciation: ɪnɪkspɪriənst part of speech: adjective unhealthy in spanish: insalubre, pronunciation: ənhelθi part of speech: adjective wet behind the ears in spanish: humedad detrás de las orejas, pronunciation: wetbɪhaɪndðəɪrz birthday suit in spanish: traje de cumpleaños, pronunciation: bɜrθdeɪsut part of speech: noun unpolished in spanish: sin pulir, pronunciation: ənpɑlɪʃt part of speech: adjective underdone in spanish: cocido insuficientemente, pronunciation: ʌndɜrdoʊn part of speech: adjective untreated in spanish: sin tratar, pronunciation: əntritɪd part of speech: adjective unclothed in spanish: desvestido, pronunciation: ənkloʊðd part of speech: adjective bare-ass in spanish: culo desnudo, pronunciation: beræs part of speech: adjective bare-assed in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: berəst part of speech: adjective uncooked in spanish: sin cocinar, pronunciation: ʌnkʊkt part of speech: adjective naked as a jaybird in spanish: desnudo como un jaybird, pronunciation: neɪkədæzədʒeɪbɜrd part of speech: adjective stark naked in spanish: completamente desnudo, pronunciation: stɑrkneɪkəd part of speech: adjective in the raw in spanish: al natural, pronunciation: ɪnðərɑ part of speech: adjective in the altogether in spanish: en cueros vivos, pronunciation: ɪnðəɔltəgeðɜr part of speech: adjective in the buff in spanish: en el aficionado, pronunciation: ɪnðəbʌf part of speech: adjective unsanded in spanish: sin arena, pronunciation: ənsændɪd part of speech: adjective unanalyzed in spanish: sin analizar, pronunciation: ənænəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective untoasted in spanish: sin tostar, pronunciation: əntoʊstɪd part of speech: adjective
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