Crucificar in english


pronunciation: krusəfaɪ part of speech: verb
In gestures

crucificar1 = crucify. 

Example: Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?.

crucificar2 = crucify. 

Example: I'm really trying to understand why she is being crucified by the media.

Crucificar synonyms

rag in spanish: trapo, pronunciation: ræg part of speech: noun dun in spanish: pardo, pronunciation: dʌn part of speech: noun torment in spanish: tormento, pronunciation: tɔrment part of speech: noun, verb frustrate in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: frʌstreɪt part of speech: verb tantalize in spanish: atormentar, pronunciation: tæntəlaɪz part of speech: verb bedevil in spanish: molestar, pronunciation: bɪdevəl part of speech: verb
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