Crucial in english


pronunciation: kruʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

crucial = crucial ; critical ; of the essence. 

Example: Cost are obviously a crucial factor, although absolute costs are not usually relevant.Example: Needless to say, this technique is relatively slow but can be valuable if retrieval speed is not critical.Example: Understanding is of the essence -- natural remedies have never been so popular but it is important to know how they work.


» crucial para la vida de una personalife-saving .

Example: The more experienced physicians, however, told a different story about lifesaving practices in pediatrics.

» de crucial importanciacrucially important .

Example: Light-induced oxidation reactions are crucially important in the degradation of lignin.

» de importancia crucialcrucially important .

Example: Light-induced oxidation reactions are crucially important in the degradation of lignin.

» momento crucialPosesivo + road to Damascus .

Example: His road to Damascus moment came when he realised that at 42 he is the same age Elvis was when he died.

» ser crucial (para)be central (to) .

Example: In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.

» tiempo + ser crucialtime + be of the essence .

Example: I think we would have done it eventually, but not as quickly as this and, with time being of the essence, this has really taken a load off her mind.

Crucial synonyms

relevant in spanish: pertinente, pronunciation: reləvənt part of speech: adjective critical in spanish: crítico, pronunciation: krɪtɪkəl part of speech: adjective material in spanish: material, pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun essential in spanish: esencial, pronunciation: ɪsenʃəl part of speech: adjective important in spanish: importante, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective pivotal in spanish: esencial, pronunciation: pɪvətəl part of speech: adjective decisive in spanish: decisivo, pronunciation: dɪsaɪsɪv part of speech: adjective polar in spanish: polar, pronunciation: poʊlɜr part of speech: adjective determinant in spanish: determinante, pronunciation: dɪtɜrmənənt part of speech: noun determining in spanish: determinando, pronunciation: dɪtɜrmənɪŋ part of speech: verb determinative in spanish: determinativo, pronunciation: dɪtɜrmɪnətɪv part of speech: adjective deciding in spanish: decidir, pronunciation: dɪsaɪdɪŋ part of speech: noun all-important in spanish: todo importante, pronunciation: ɔlɪmpɔrtənt all important in spanish: todo importante, pronunciation: ɔlɪmpɔrtənt of the essence in spanish: de la esencia, pronunciation: ʌvðəesəns of import in spanish: de importacion, pronunciation: ʌvɪmpɔrt part of speech: adjective
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