Cronometrar in english


pronunciation: taɪm part of speech: noun
In gestures

cronometrar = time ; clock. 

Example: The searches were timed and the retrieval steps and search terms were noted.Example: The cameras clock your speed and if you are going faster than you are supposed to, you can get a speed ticket in the post.


» cronometrar el tiempoclock + the time .

Example: He tried to measure the speed of sound by clocking the time that elapsed between the flash and the gunshot.

Cronometrar synonyms

sentence in spanish: frase, pronunciation: sentəns part of speech: noun clock in spanish: reloj, pronunciation: klɑk part of speech: noun clip in spanish: acortar, pronunciation: klɪp part of speech: noun meter in spanish: metro, pronunciation: mitɜr part of speech: noun fourth dimension in spanish: cuarta dimensión, pronunciation: fɔrθdɪmenʃən part of speech: noun prison term in spanish: pena de prisión, pronunciation: prɪzəntɜrm part of speech: noun clock time in spanish: Hora del reloj, pronunciation: klɑktaɪm part of speech: noun
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