Cromo in english


pronunciation: kroʊm part of speech: noun
In gestures

cromo1 = chromium ; chrome. 

Example: Take, for instance, the title like subject statement 'Determination of magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium in the presence of iron and chromium'.Example: By means of a search for information on nickel-chrome-aluminium alloys a demonstration is given of the way in which publications containing information on alloys are recorded in Chemical Abstracts.


» contaminación de cromochromium pollution .

Example: The main source of chromium pollution is local industry, especially iron and steel mills.

» contaminación por cromochromium pollution .

Example: The main source of chromium pollution is local industry, especially iron and steel mills.



» cromo de jugadores de béisbolbaseball card .

Example: It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg baseball cards, stamps, coins and shells.

» cromo de jugadores de fútbolfootball card .

Example: It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg football cards, stamps, coins and shells.

» hecho un cromodapperdolled-upin full regalia .

Example: He was looking very dapper in a pinstripe suit and tie, for some reason not sweaty and gross like everyone else.

Example: An Iranian cleric has claimed that dolled-up women incite extramarital sex, causing more earthquakes in Iran, a country that straddles several fault lines.

Example: This detailed and hand-finished Athena statue shows the warrior Goddess in full regalia with sword and snake shield.

Cromo synonyms

chromium-plate in spanish: placa de cromo, pronunciation: kroʊmiəmpleɪt part of speech: verb
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