Crol in english


pronunciation: krɔl part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

crol = front crawl ; crawl. 

Example: The front crawl in swimming is probably the most common of strokes associated with professional swimming, as it's the fastest one.Example: In freestyle swimming any stroke may be used, but the crawl, considered the speediest, is almost always favored.

Crol synonyms

creep in spanish: arrastrarse, pronunciation: krip part of speech: noun, verb cringe in spanish: encogerse, pronunciation: krɪndʒ part of speech: verb fawn in spanish: adular, pronunciation: fɔn part of speech: noun grovel in spanish: arrastrarse, pronunciation: grɑvəl part of speech: verb cower in spanish: acobardarse, pronunciation: kaʊɜr part of speech: verb creeping in spanish: progresivo, pronunciation: kripɪŋ part of speech: noun crawling in spanish: arrastrándose, pronunciation: krɔlɪŋ part of speech: noun australian crawl in spanish: rastreo australiano, pronunciation: ɔstreɪljənkrɔl part of speech: noun front crawl in spanish: rastreo frontal, pronunciation: frʌntkrɔl part of speech: noun
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