Criterio in english


pronunciation: kraɪtɪriən part of speech: noun
In gestures

criterio = criterion [criteria, -pl.] ; pattern ; yardstick ; touchstone. 

Example: Most documents have many characteristics that might be identified by a searcher as the criterion by which the document would be selected as relevant.Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Example: The legitimate yardstick against which to evaluate 'Beatlemusik' is not, pace Paul Johnson, Beethoven's last quartets, but other contemporary popular music.Example: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.


» a criterio deat the discretion of .

Example: The items that are recorded in the note area, and the style in which they are recorded, is at the discretion of the cataloguer.

» basado en criterioscriteria-based .

Example: The need to cancel journal subscriptions has increased pressure on libraries to develop criteria-based strategies.

» con criteriodiscerning .

Example: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.

» criterio de selecciónselection criterion .

Example: When the selection criteria are complete, the appropriate copy records in the holdings file are marked to be inventoried.

» criterio generalrule of thumb [Hábito de actuación] .

Example: Here, as elsewhere, one applies a second rule of thumb: retain self-control.

» criterio propiojudgement [judgment] .

Example: In my judgment, these changes will come about in one of two ways.

» criterios de búsquedasearch criteria .

Example: When you've completed typing in the search criteria, press <Enter>.

» criterios de relevanciarelevance criteria [Generalmente usado en el plural] .

Example: There is a core of relevance criteria that spans such factors as information needs, user environments, and types of information.

» cumplir (con) un criteriomeet + a standard .

Example: Such performance appraisal assures the organization that the individual is meeting the standard set and also reassures the individual that the contribution being made is significant.

» dejar Algo al criterio de Alguienleave + Nombre + up to .

Example: He left it up to the librarian to decide how best to present the material.

» establecer criterios paramake + provision for .

Example: In any subject device it is necessary to distinguish between syntactic and semantic relationships and to make a different kind of provision for the two types of relationship.

» evaluar muy positivamente según unos criterios establecidosrate + Nombre + high on + criteria .

Example: Generally respondents rated the abilities of the CEOs high on all criteria.

» no cumplir unos criteriosfall (far) short of + criteria .

Example: Libraries, therefore, fall far short of the criteria of Peters and Waterman.

» no satisfacer unos criteriosfall (far) short of + criteria .

Example: Libraries, therefore, fall far short of the criteria of Peters and Waterman.

» reunir todos los criteriostick + all the boxes .

Example: Open plan living with light, bright sun-filled rooms, this family home boasting a flexible floor plan ticks all the boxes for family living.

» satisfacer todos los criteriostick + all the boxes .

Example: Open plan living with light, bright sun-filled rooms, this family home boasting a flexible floor plan ticks all the boxes for family living.

» satisfacer un criteriofulfil + a criterion .

Example: The procedures of chain indexing which we shall now describe help to ensure that the resulting index entries fulfil this criterion.

» sea cual sea el criterio utilizadoby any standard(s) .

Example: By any standard there were many more illiterate Americans 100 years ago.

» sin criterio algunoindiscriminateindiscriminately .

Example: Nonetheless, the indiscriminate use of both terms in a data base creates a situation in which the serious scholar is either deprived of access to half of the material in the collection, or must consult two sequences.

Example: Furthermore, the value of citation bibliometry is currently being undermined by the formation of 'citation clubs', which aim to indiscriminately achieve maximum cross-citing between 'club members'.

Criterio synonyms

measure in spanish: medida, pronunciation: meʒɜr part of speech: noun, verb standard in spanish: estándar, pronunciation: stændɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun touchstone in spanish: piedra de toque, pronunciation: tʌtʃstoʊn part of speech: noun
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