Cristiano in english


pronunciation: krɪstʃən part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

cristiano = Christian. 

Example: In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.


» Ciencia Cristiana, laChristian Science .

Example: Christian Science, a faith that has epitomize a quiet, disciplined spirituality, is being rent by discord.

» cruz cristianaChristian cross .

Example: The Christian cross, with or without a figure of Christ included, is the main religious symbol of Christianity.

» era cristiana, lacommon era, the (C.E.) .

Example: The codex was truly the invention that revolutionized the arrangement and processing of information in the earliest centuries of the common era.

» Iglesia Cristiana, laChristian Church, the .

Example: Pentecost, also known as Whitsunday, celebrates the birthday of the Christian Church, when the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles.

» misionero cristianoChristian missionary .

Example: Religion and Christian missionaries formed part of the complex ideological framework associated with colonialism.

» YMCA (Asociación Cristiana de Hombres Jóvenes)YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) .

Example: This multi-functional community complex incorporates meeting rooms, sports hall, squash courts, old people's day centre, toy library, YMCA flats, a church centre and arts and crafts workshops.

Cristiano synonyms

christlike in spanish: como Cristo, pronunciation: krɪstlaɪk part of speech: adjective christly in spanish: cristiano, pronunciation: krɪstli part of speech: adjective christianly in spanish: cristianamente, pronunciation: krɪstʃənli part of speech: adjective
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