Cristianismo in english


pronunciation: krɪstʃiænɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

cristianismo = christianity. 

Example: A Marxist history of christianity may offend the practising churchgoer.


» convertir al cristianismoevangelise [evangelize, -USA] .

Example: Through the three centuries of colonial domination printing and the book were used as much for evangelizing the natives as for supporting the administration.

» era anterior al Cristianismopre-Christian era .

Example: The term 'public library' may be applied to some libraries in the pre-Christian era but its meaning differed considerably from that of today.

Cristianismo synonyms

church in spanish: Iglesia, pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃ part of speech: noun christendom in spanish: cristiandad, pronunciation: krɪsəndəm part of speech: noun christian church in spanish: Iglesia cristiana, pronunciation: krɪstʃəntʃɜrtʃ part of speech: noun christian religion in spanish: religión cristiana, pronunciation: krɪstʃənrɪlɪdʒən part of speech: noun
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