Cristal in english


pronunciation: krɪstəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

cristal = crystal ; platen ; glass platen ; glass ; glass plate ; pane ; window pane. 

Example: A number of identical integrated circuits are usually made side by side on a single slice of silicon and the crystal is broken up into chips which are then packaged and joined to connectors.Example: Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.Example: The teacher writes or draws directly on to the acetate roll covering the glass platen of the projector using a water-based pen.Example: Occasionally the slide may be mounted between two pieces of glass to prevent damage caused by dust or fingerprints.Example: Many professionals, particularly press photographers, were still using glass plates until the 1950s.Example: Two wide windows stood with shattered panes, their glass slivered on the wide marble sill and scattered across the floor.Example: Before glass was invented, people in China used thin paper as window panes.


» agredir con un cristalglass .

Example: He was recovering from facial surgery in hospital today after a woman allegedly glassed him during a bar room brawl.

» araña de cristalchandeliercrystal chandelier .

Example: The work consists of a series of five crystal chandeliers connected to a wall-mounted plasma screen on which a text slowly appears.

Example: Whatever its look is, understated or overboard, a crystal chandelier doesn't blend in with all kinds of rooms.

» bola de cristalcrystal ball .

Example: The article 'The clouded crystal ball and the library profession' explains how the concepts of knowledge utilisation and information brokering are beginning to have an impact on the definition of the librarian's role.

» bola de cristal con nieve dentrosnow globe .

Example: Like a whirl of shiny flakes sparkling in a snow globe, Hubble catches an instantaneous glimpse of many hundreds of thousands of stars.

» botella de cristalglass bottle .

Example: Glass bottles with ground glass stoppers are often used to store stock solutions of chemicals.

» cristal cilindradoplate glass .

Example: Plate glass is often recyled into the raw material used in fiberglass and countertops.

» cristal de cuarzoquartz crystal .

Example: The equipment used includes a laser, quartz crystals, and chalk dust.

» cristal de espejoone-way mirror [Cristal que por un lado es espejo] .

Example: They describe what it is like to find yourself on the other side of a one-way mirror, innocent but presumed guilty, by professionals who are almost completely unaccountable.

» cristal de hieloice crystal .

Example: Boks were placed in ordinary freezers before being vacuum frozen to remove ice crystals from pages before they turned to liquid.

» cristal en láminasplate glass .

Example: Plate glass is often recyled into the raw material used in fiberglass and countertops.

» cristales ahumadostinting .

Example: Large glazed areas mean that users can enjoy natural daylight, but double glazing, tinting, or architectural shading are necessary to alleviate the worst effects of noise, solar gain and solar glare = Las áreas acristaladas permiten que los usuarios puedan disfrutar de la luz natural, aunque el doble acristalamiento, los cristales ahumados, o las sombras arquitectónicas son necesarios para reducir los efectos negativos del ruido, la radiación solar y el resplandor del sol.

» cristal esmeriladofrosted-glassground glass .

Example: Normally, they would view the image projected onto a frosted-glass screen or displayed on a video screen.

Example: Glass bottles with ground glass stoppers are often used to store stock solutions of chemicals.

» cristal líquidoliquid-crystal .

Example: Display devices are based mainly on the cathode-ray, or television, tube but other light-emitting or reflecting devices (e.g. plasma, liquid-crystals) are also in use on 'flatscreen' displays.

» cristal molidoground glass .

Example: A popular device in Victorian literature had fictional characters using ground glass to surreptitiously kill off unwanted relatives.

» cristal sopladoblown glass .

Example: These traditional oil cruets are made of blown glass, capturing the beautiful imperfections of this medium.

» cristal templadotempered glass .

Example: However, an increasing number of shower screens are made of tempered glass, which may potentially break.

» de cristalglass [Adjetivo] .

Example: The use of clear armoured glass walls gives excellent visual supervision in the Rare Book Room and in the Manuscript and Local History Reading Room.

» fotografía en placa de cristalglass-plate photography .

Example: Ultimately, dry emulsions were to help destroy glass-plate photography, for they made possible the introduction of flexible roll-film.

» grabado de cristalglass etching .

Example: Traditionally, glass etching has been done using acid etching or sandblasting, both of which are abrasive processes with some significant drawbacks.

» grabado en cristalglass etching .

Example: Traditionally, glass etching has been done using acid etching or sandblasting, both of which are abrasive processes with some significant drawbacks.

» herir con un cristalglass .

Example: He was recovering from facial surgery in hospital today after a woman allegedly glassed him during a bar room brawl.

» hoja de cristalpanesheet of glass .

Example: Two wide windows stood with shattered panes, their glass slivered on the wide marble sill and scattered across the floor.

Example: The silky skin beneath her skirt was as smooth as satin and as flawless as a sheet of glass.

» lámina de cristalplate glass .

Example: Plate glass is often recyled into the raw material used in fiberglass and countertops.

» mirar la bola de cristalgaze into + crystal ball .

Example: This article attempts to gaze into a crystal ball and anticipate future developments, both beneficial and adverse, which will determine the way ahead for resource sharing among special libraries.

» ojo de cristalglass eye .

Example: Stereoscopic cameras with two spaced glass eyes for striking improvements are just around the corner.

» pantalla de cristal líquidoLCD [liquid crystal display] .

Example: It's a move that may eliminate plasma screen TVs from the market, as they're less efficient than LCDs.

» placa de cristalglass plate [En un retroproyector, fotocopiadora, escáner, etc., base o placa de cristal en donde se coloca el documento que se desea proyectar, copiar, escanear, etc.]plate .

Example: Many professionals, particularly press photographers, were still using glass plates until the 1950s.

Example: When Brady made his Civil War pictures, the plate had to be wet at the time of exposure.

» plato de cristalglass plate .

Example: These glass plates come in a set of four, each one decorated with a bold and brilliant flower pattern.

» puerta corredera de cristalsliding glass door .

Example: This collection of videos pays tribute to nincompoops, deadheads and simps: people who walk into sliding glass doors and out of public restrooms with toilet paper trailing from one of their shoes.

» puerta de cristalglass door [glassdoor] .

Example: I really like the beading around the doors and drawers, and that the glass door muntins align with the shelves inside.

» puerta de cristalesglazed door .

Example: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.

» según el color del cristal con que se mirein the eye of the beholder [Se utiliza para indicar que nuestra visión de la realidad está mediatizada por la subjetividad del individuo] .

Example: The article is entitled 'In the eyes of the beholder: perceptions of professional journals by library/information science educators'.

» sin cristalesunglazed .

Example: In early Gothic ecclesiastical work, transoms are found only in belfry unglazed windows, where they were deemed necessary to strengthen the mullions.

» techo de cristalglass ceiling [Límite artificial que algunos sectores sociales marginados alcanzan, por encima del cual no pueden avanzar aunque puedan ver los objetivos y estén a su alcance] .

Example: This article describes the impact of the organizational factors which create the 'glass ceiling,' inhibiting women's ability to climb the corporate ladder.

Cristal synonyms

quartz in spanish: cuarzo, pronunciation: kwɔrts part of speech: noun watch glass in spanish: reloj de cristal, pronunciation: wɑtʃglæs part of speech: noun lechatelierite in spanish: lechatelierita, pronunciation: letʃətɪlɪrɪt part of speech: noun watch crystal in spanish: reloj de cristal, pronunciation: wɑtʃkrɪstəl part of speech: noun quartz glass in spanish: vidrio de cuarzo, pronunciation: kwɔrtsglæs part of speech: noun vitreous silica in spanish: sílice vítrea, pronunciation: vɪtriəssɪləkə part of speech: noun
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