Crisis in english


pronunciation: kraɪsəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

crisis = crisis [crises, -pl.] ; trough ; shakeout [shake-out] ; crunch ; slump ; downswing ; bust ; funk ; meltdown. 

Example: An I&R service may involve itself in providing 'hotlines', that is emergency help during times of crises or when other services close down, eg evenings, weekends or public holidays.Example: Public libraries have continued to expand since the trough of the 1950s.Example: There will be a dramatic shakeout in librarianship but information scientists face a great opportunity to develop their skills by the opportunities afforded by the new technology.Example: The author of the article 'The crunch and academic library services: a personal view' believes that inflation is one of the underlying causes of the crisis in university libraries.Example: The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales.Example: A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.Example: The article 'El Dorado or bust?' warns that the electronic market is changing.Example: This one reason why smart buyers are making their moves now with the market in such a funk.Example: The Louisiana Legislature is edging closer toward a full meltdown that would derail not only its tax policy but also the state budget plan for next year.


» agravar una crisisexacerbate + crisis .

Example: The lack of a theoretical underpinning to provide a unified vision of librarianship, it is suggested, exacerbates this crisis.

» alcanzar proporciones de crisisgrow to + crisis proportions .

Example: When advance thought and analysis are routine, problems are less likely to grow to crisis proportions.

» anterior a la crisispre-crisis .

Example: Exports still have not regained their pre-crisis peak, and in fact remain below their level of a decade ago.

» causar una crisisprecipitate + a crisissend + Nombre + into meltdown .

Example: Saddam will play for time and avoid precipitating any crises that could cost him his hold on power.

Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.

» con anterioridad a la crisispre-crisis .

Example: Exports still have not regained their pre-crisis peak, and in fact remain below their level of a decade ago.

» con posterioridad a la crisispost-crisis [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: Post-crisis budgets will be marked by a further gutting of social spending.

» contra la crisisanti-crisis .

Example: The organizers of the planned anti-crisis rally have announced that they have reached an agreement with the local authorities to move the rally from the city center to the outskirts of the city.

» convertirse en una crisisgrow to + a crisis .

Example: It is better too, for the help to be given before the problem has grown to a crisis -- a stitch in time saves nine.

» crisis + aumentarcrisis + deepen .

Example: The educational crisis deepened in the 1990s.

» crisis bursátilmarket crashstock market crash .

Example: The excessive speculation in the late 1920's kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually lead to large market crashes.

Example: But these heady days came to a swift end with the stock market crash on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, in New York, Toronto, Montreal and other financial centres in the world.

» crisis crediticiacredit crunchcredit squeeze .

Example: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.

Example: The bank, like many others, needs extra capital to ride out the credit squeeze.

» crisis de enormes proporcionessituation of crisis proportions .

Example: There are a number of factors prevalent in mainly urbanized society which together have produced a situation of crisis proportions.

» crisis de fecrisis of faith .

Example: Its powerful title story explores a crisis of faith experienced by a formerly devout Jew living in a 1930s Bronx tenement.

» crisis de identidadcrisis of confidenceidentity crisiscrisis in confidence .

Example: Children in this state are in a crisis of confidence from which they must be relieved before their set about books can be refreshed and enlivened.

Example: The article 'A bogus and dismal science, or the eggplant that ate library schools' discusses the reasons for the perennial professional indentity crisis amongst librarians.

Example: The library profession is experiencing a paradigm shift, a major change in the way that librarians do their work and this is creating a crisis in confidence.

» crisis de la industria del librobook crisis .

Example: The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.

» crisis de liquidezliquidity crunch .

Example: Liquidity crunch is on and the market is in the red.

» crisis del librobook crisis .

Example: The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.

» crisis de los cuarentamid-life crisismiddle-age crisismiddle-age blues .

Example: 'I hope this doesn't sound like an off-the-wall remark but have you ever heard of or read anything about the so called mid-life crisis?'.

Example: The article is entitled 'The public library: middle-age crisis or old age?'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Fighting the middle-age blues -- is the public library winning the battle?'.

» crisis de los siete años, laseven-year itch, the .

Example: A longitudinal study of the career patterns of academic librarians is needed if this brain drain as a result of the 'seven-year itch' is to be prevented.

» crisis de refugiadosrefugee crisis .

Example: Djibouti continues to deal with a protracted refugee crisis, having hosted more than 23,000 mainly Somali refugees.

» crisis económicafinancial straitseconomic crisisfinancial crisiscrashbad economic timesshakeout [shake-out]financial cruncheconomic slumpdifficult economic timeseconomic depressioneconomic doldrumsfinancial meltdowneconomic meltdown .

Example: Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.

Example: During the economic crisis of the inter-war years, the development of Polish libraries was hampered by lack of funds and the inflationary cost of books.

Example: In 1893 when the nation was deep in one of its worst financial crises, librarians across the land were emphasizing the public library's role as a conservator of order.

Example: The article 'After the crash: librarians take stock following the market's recent nosedive' discusses the possible effects of the recent stock market crash on U.S. libraries and suggests how libraries can protect themselves during economic recession.

Example: With rare exceptions, law firms prosper during good and bad economic times.

Example: There will be a dramatic shakeout in librarianship but information scientists face a great opportunity to develop their skills by the opportunities afforded by the new technology.

Example: The article is entitled 'Book acquisition programme in libraries and information centres under the financial crunch'.

Example: The mysterious decline in the profitability of the children's book market has less to do with an economic slump than with shifts in market share between established players and the newcomers.

Example: This sector has been something of a social 'shock absorber' in recent difficult economic times.

Example: Due to economic depression, lap dog thievery is now on the increase.

Example: People on both sides noted sardonically that economic doldrums were forcing Croats to turn to Serbs to help save them.

Example: With Greece in a financial meltdown, and the summer holidays just around the corner, many travelers will be jetting off to Greece this summer.

Example: If you have the illusion that the global economic meltdown is over, you need to wake up to reality.

» crisis económica mundialglobal economic slumpglobal financial crisis .

Example: Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.

Example: He said that despite the stiff competition in the market and the adverse effects of the global financial crisis which has impacted the financial sector they achieved good results.

» crisis emocionalemotional crisisemotional breakdown .

Example: An emotional crisis at home may send a child burrowing back into the security of well-loved books remembered from happier days.

Example: He came close to death when he was hospitalised earlier this month following a 'small emotional breakdown'.

» crisis energéticaenergy crisis .

Example: The energy crisis of the early 1970s encouraged programmes on non-conventional energy sources and energy saving.

» crisis existencialexistential crisis .

Example: Dan has been acting weirdly lately --. I think he's having yet another existential crisis.

» crisis financierafinancial crisisfinancial crunch .

Example: In 1893 when the nation was deep in one of its worst financial crises, librarians across the land were emphasizing the public library's role as a conservator of order.

Example: The article is entitled 'Book acquisition programme in libraries and information centres under the financial crunch'.

» crisis medioambientalenvironmental crisis .

Example: The energy crisis & the environmental crisis are rooted not in a stony ground of technological intractability, but in irresponsibility & dereliction.

» crisis mundialglobal crisis .

Example: It's the most well-positioned superregional bank in the country to come out of the global crisis.

» crisis nerviosacrack-upnervous breakdown .

Example: But sometimes people emerge from such crack-ups with a new sense of the value of others as well as of themselves.

Example: If a program receives an instruction for which it is not programmed it will 'crash', which is the computer equivalent of a nervous breakdown!.

» crisis políticapolitical crisis .

Example: Following the failure of David Cameron's flying visit to Belfast last week, Northern Ireland is once again looking into the abyss of a political crisis.

» crisis socialsocial crisis .

Example: This library serves a population displaying all the familiar features of low income, family social and financial crises, juvenile delinquency, and landlord/tenant problems.

» crisis terroristaterror crisis .

Example: Cameron is under fire again for swanning off to Ibiza whilst the UK is supposedly facing a terror crisis.

» desatar una crisisprecipitate + a crisissend + Nombre + into meltdown .

Example: Saddam will play for time and avoid precipitating any crises that could cost him his hold on power.

Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.

» después de la crisispost-crisis [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: Post-crisis budgets will be marked by a further gutting of social spending.

» en crisisdepressedcrisis-riddenon the rocks .

Example: In the end, whether public libraries are allowed to continue in their present depressed state or whether they will become a many-sided embodier and nourisher of a literate society's literacy, depends not on the standards discussed by the professionals, but on those willed by the public.

Example: The crisis-ridden French publishing industry is looking to networked information for its salvation.

Example: Marriage is on the rocks in Britain, with the proportion of unmarried people exceeding that of married people as more men and women opt to live together without constraints.

» en época(s) de crisisduring times of crisisin times of crisis .

Example: Neighbours can be a real godsend during times of crisis.

Example: These trust funds will enable EU countries to pool resources to provide coordinated and prompt financial assistance in times of crisis.

» enfrentarse a una crisisface + a crisisdeal with + a crisistackle + a crisis .

Example: Calculated, moderate risk-taking in search of improvement and change must be the strategy of the dynamic librarian of the 1980s in the light of the crisis to be faced.

Example: His method of dealing with crises, he explained, was to 'turn out the light, say "bugger everyone," and go to sleep'.

Example: The continuing political tension in Pakistan undermines the government's ability to tackle the country's multiple crises.

» en situación de crisison the rocks .

Example: Marriage is on the rocks in Britain, with the proportion of unmarried people exceeding that of married people as more men and women opt to live together without constraints.

» en tiempos de crisisin times of crisisduring times of crisis .

Example: These trust funds will enable EU countries to pool resources to provide coordinated and prompt financial assistance in times of crisis.

Example: Neighbours can be a real godsend during times of crisis.

» estar sumido en una crisisbe deep in crisis .

Example: In 1893 when the nation was deep in one of its worst financial crises, librarians across the land were emphasizing the public library's role as a conservator of order.

» gestión de crisiscrisis management [Solución de dificultades en situación problemática] .

Example: While a large-scale bar coding project can be intimidating, detailed planning can prevent hours of anxiety and the need for crisis management.

» hacer frente a una crisisface + a crisismeet + a crisisdeal with + a crisistackle + a crisis .

Example: Calculated, moderate risk-taking in search of improvement and change must be the strategy of the dynamic librarian of the 1980s in the light of the crisis to be faced.

Example: There is significant optimism about technological innovation meeting any possible crisis in literature growth.

Example: His method of dealing with crises, he explained, was to 'turn out the light, say "bugger everyone," and go to sleep'.

Example: The continuing political tension in Pakistan undermines the government's ability to tackle the country's multiple crises.

» llegar a una crisisreach + a crisis (point) .

Example: Rhino poaching has reached a crisis point, and if the killing continues at this rate, we could soon see rhino deaths overtaking births.

» llegar a un punto de crisisreach + a crisis (point) .

Example: Rhino poaching has reached a crisis point, and if the killing continues at this rate, we could soon see rhino deaths overtaking births.

» medida contra la crisisanti-crisis measurecrisis measure .

Example: Overall, the new rules can be described as an anti-crisis measure substantially improving the situation of taxpayers.

Example: If, on the other hand, we take strategic action now, when the inevitable cuts in funding hit us, we will be able to absorb them without being forced into crisis measures.

» momento de crisiscrunch timecrisis situation .

Example: Before she reaches the end of her tether and does something she may later regret, she knows she has to make a decision -- it's crunch time in their relationship.

Example: 75 percent of the starvelings are children: malnutrition is one of the most frequent causes of child mortality in crisis situations.

» ocasionar una crisisprecipitate + a crisissend + Nombre + into meltdown .

Example: Saddam will play for time and avoid precipitating any crises that could cost him his hold on power.

Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.

» pasar una crisisface + a crisis .

Example: Calculated, moderate risk-taking in search of improvement and change must be the strategy of the dynamic librarian of the 1980s in the light of the crisis to be faced.

» posterior a la crisispost-crisis [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: Post-crisis budgets will be marked by a further gutting of social spending.

» provocar una crisisprecipitate + a crisissend + Nombre + into meltdown .

Example: Saddam will play for time and avoid precipitating any crises that could cost him his hold on power.

Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.

» resolver una crisissolve + a crisis .

Example: In the final analysis, flexibility in pursuing different options to suit needs, combined with excellent communications all around will help solve this crisis.

» situación de crisiscrisis situationcrunch time .

Example: 75 percent of the starvelings are children: malnutrition is one of the most frequent causes of child mortality in crisis situations.

Example: Before she reaches the end of her tether and does something she may later regret, she knows she has to make a decision -- it's crunch time in their relationship.

» sobrevivir a una crisissurvive + a crisis .

Example: By the same token, the Obama campaign has remained relatively dignified, has survived the worst of crises, has been even-keeled, efficient and well-managed.

» superar una crisisford + a crisissurvive + a crisis .

Example: Though these suggestions, taken separately or together, cannot guarantee that we will successfully ford the current crisis, they may help us avoid some of the rocks and shoals on which other private institutions have foundered.

Example: By the same token, the Obama campaign has remained relatively dignified, has survived the worst of crises, has been even-keeled, efficient and well-managed.
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