Crimen in english


pronunciation: kraɪm part of speech: noun
In gestures

crimen = crime ; felony ; criminality. 

Example: Some headings are vague and without scope notes to define them: ROBBERS AND OUTLAWS; crime AND CRIMINALS; ROGUES AND VAGABONDS.Example: Every state has its own statutes and codes that may make the theft or mutilation of library materials a misdemeanor or even a felony.Example: Matters of civility rather than criminality are the focus of the discussion.


» cometer un crimencommit + a murder .

Example: In the novel the murders have been committed by counterfeiters, not by Lizzie, and Lizzie herself is fictionalized in terms of prevailing Victorian stereotypes of womanhood.

» crimen contra la humanidadcrime against humanity .

Example: After World War II, Hitler's right-hand man was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

» crimen contra naturacrime against nature .

Example: Whoever commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature, either with mankind or with a beast, shall be punished by imprisonment.

» crimen de guerrawar crime .

Example: Some of these documents were used as evidence in the Tokyo war crimes Trials.

» crimen de lesa humanidadcrime against humanity .

Example: After World War II, Hitler's right-hand man was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

» crimen de sangreviolent crimecrime of violence .

Example: Violent crime overall, however, is still at the same level as in 1974, despite having decreased steadily since 1991.

Example: This page highlights some of the current parliamentary material available on crimes of violence.

» crimen organizadoorganised crimeracketeering .

Example: The author provides some guidance on building a collection of Chinese organized crime.

Example: One of the most powerful Mexican drug lords of the 1990s has pleaded guilty today to racketeering.

» escena del crimencrime scene .

Example: Circled in red is the approximate location where the young woman is said to have met her demise in the parking lot, with the words 'crime scene'.

» escena del crimen, lascene of the crime, the .

Example: In the event of any incorrect citations, one can then return to the 'scene of the crime' and discover whether the error was in the source or in one's fatigued perception of it.

» escenario del crimen, elscene of the crime, the .

Example: In the event of any incorrect citations, one can then return to the 'scene of the crime' and discover whether the error was in the source or in one's fatigued perception of it.

» historia de crímenescrime story .

Example: Some of the best shows on TV and the most amazing crime stories all revolve around a person living a double life.

» lugar del crimen, elscene of the crime, the .

Example: In the event of any incorrect citations, one can then return to the 'scene of the crime' and discover whether the error was in the source or in one's fatigued perception of it.

» relato de crímenescrime story .

Example: Some of the best shows on TV and the most amazing crime stories all revolve around a person living a double life.

Crimen synonyms

law-breaking in spanish: infracción de la ley, pronunciation: lɔbreɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun
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