Criador in english


pronunciation: bridɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

criador = breeder. 

Example: With this database we hope to reduce the incidence of inherited disorders in dogs by providing information to owners and breeders.


» criador de avesaviculturist  .

Example: Her uncle was a serious aviculturist with a large collection of breeding aviaries dedicated to each species or mutation.

» criador de cerdospig farmer .

Example: So I say, we're just a bunch of poor, old, Midwestern pig farmers shuffling along trying to do what we can = Por eso digo que somos tan sólo un puñado de criadores de cerdos, viejos y pobres, de la región central de los Estados Unidos que vamos tirando como podemos.

» criador de perrosdog breeder .

Example: So be wary of adverts in the local paper where a dog breeder is selling several different breeds of dog.

Criador synonyms

stock breeder in spanish: criador de ganado, pronunciation: stɑkbridɜr part of speech: noun
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