Creíble in english


pronunciation: kredəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

creíble = credible ; believable. 

Example: The problem was to produce a credible operational definition of the term 'information education'.Example: But information policy has to be relevant, practicable and believable, otherwise it is merely ignored.


» ser creíbleinvoke + belief .

Example: The present paper disagrees, arguing that the Conspectus is too imprecise to be instructive, too untestable to invoke belief, and too laborious ever to repay the effort.

Creíble synonyms

plausible in spanish: plausible, pronunciation: plɔzəbəl part of speech: adjective likely in spanish: probable, pronunciation: laɪkli part of speech: adjective credulous in spanish: crédulo, pronunciation: kredʒələs part of speech: adjective presumptive in spanish: presunto, pronunciation: prizʌmptɪv part of speech: adjective convincing in spanish: Convincente, pronunciation: kənvɪnsɪŋ part of speech: adjective believable in spanish: creíble, pronunciation: bəlivəbəl part of speech: adjective
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