Creyente in english


pronunciation: bəlivɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

creyente = believer ; God-fearing ; worshipper. 

Example: I am a great believer in international cooperation, but international cooperation involves also the United States; it involves us = I am a great believer in international cooperation, but international cooperation involves also the United States; it involves us.Example: On this increasingly God-fearing globe, only Western Europe looks like the last bastion of secularism -- or are the faithful here too returning to the fold?.Example: The worshippers entered quietly as the cathedral bells started to peal.


» no creyenteunbelievernon-believer .

Example: In this prayer for unbelievers, we are reminded that they, too, are the children of God, and that their conversion would only increase our joy.

Example: We all have our cross to bear is said by believers and nonbelievers alike.

Creyente synonyms

worshipper in spanish: adorador, pronunciation: wɜrʃəpɜr part of speech: noun worshiper in spanish: adorador, pronunciation: wɜrʃəpɜr part of speech: noun
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