Cresta in english


pronunciation: krest part of speech: noun
In gestures

cresta1 = ridge ; crest. 

Example: It is worth camping out there for the weekend but probably with mates as it is hard to convince the chicks they want to hike over a ridge to get to a place with no bogs.Example: In the crest of the timeworn Black Mountains lies the summit of Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi.


» cresta de montañamountain ridge .

Example: New Zealand is a long, narrow, mountainous country; its islands are the unsubmerged parts of mountain ridges separated from Australia.

» cresta de una olacrest of a wave .

Example: The water at the crest of a wave may create foam as it spills down the face of the wave.

» en la cresta deon the cusp of .

Example: Although this approach worked well for the very young and the very old, patrons on the cusp of these age groupings may have been misclassified.

» estar en la cresta de la olaride on + the crest of a waveride + highbe on the crest of a wave .

Example: Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.

Example: By all rights, he should have died that day; instead, this super-energetic entrepreneur is riding high!.

Example: A group of young people are on the crest of a wave after completing an eight-day sailing challenge that tested them to their limits.

» navegar sobre la cresta de las olasride + the wave(s) .

Example: The global economy is at high tide and Canada is expected to ride the wave with six per cent export growth this year.

cresta2 = crest. 

Example: Crests were originally worn on the helmet during tournaments; they consisted of a panache of feathers attached to a wreath made of twisted strands, which was itself attached to the helmet by means of laces or rivets.


» con crestacrested .

Example: The basilisk is usually described as a crested snake, and sometimes as a cockerel with a snake's tail.

» decorar con crestacrest .

Example: Even a plain, white material will work, when you crest it with a burgundy, russet, orange, red, or yellow runner.

Cresta synonyms

top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective cap in spanish: gorra, pronunciation: kæp part of speech: noun tip in spanish: propina, pronunciation: tɪp part of speech: noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective crown in spanish: corona, pronunciation: kraʊn part of speech: noun summit in spanish: cumbre, pronunciation: sʌmət part of speech: noun
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