Creer in english


pronunciation: bɪliv part of speech: verb
In gestures

creerse = make out to be. 

Example: This description suggests that OPAC searching is less dauntingly complex than it is often made out to be.

creer = believe ; feel ; think ; opine ; ween. 

Example: The preferred citation order should be that order which is believed to match the approach of many users who can be expected to retrieve information on the topic.Example: Some feel that the non-expressive nature of the notation limits the scheme's usefulness in computerised data bases.Example: Whether the juxtaposition of language with literature is as weighty an advantage as has on occasion been claimed is, I think, debatable.Example: Such techniques, she opined, emphasize production over people.Example: For I ween that I have done nothing less than the great apostles.


» al contrario de lo que se creecontrary to popular belief .

Example: Contrary to popular belief still held by some, no accompanying service support was provided by Carnegie for the institution behind these monumental facades.

» aunque no lo creasbelieve it or not .

Example: Believe it or not, you can be celibate without being chaste, and chaste without being celibate.

» como más conveniente lo + creerin the manner of + Posesivo + choosing .

Example: Each year, we encourage our staff members to devote 5% of their working hours to the charity of their choice, in the manner of their choosing.

» ¡como para creérselo!Posesivo + famous last words .

Example: Maybe these will be his famous last words but he swears he is really committed to 'giving up taking drugs for good'.

» comúnmente + creerse quebe commonly believed .

Example: It is commonly believed that a screw propeller for ships is more efficient than a paddle wheel.

» créemetake it from me .

Example: 'Take it from me, elections matter,' Gore said = "Créeme, las elecciones importan", dijo Gore.

» creer a Alguientake + Posesivo + word for it .

Example: We're also expected to take their word for it, because they're professionals, despite no real evidence.

» creer adecuadosee + fitthink + fit .

Example: He wanted to be free to develop the school according to his specifications, not someone else's, and he wanted to be able to expand in any way he saw fit.

Example: If you are dissatisfied with your responses, go back and revise such parts of the text as you think fit.

» creer convenientesee + fit .

Example: He wanted to be free to develop the school according to his specifications, not someone else's, and he wanted to be able to expand in any way he saw fit.

» creer de todo corazónbelieve + wholeheartedly .

Example: I really do believe wholeheartedly that the middle road is the way to go -- anything extreme is not long-lasting.

» creer enput + stock intake + stock inPosesivo + heart + be with + Nombre .

Example: He falls hopelessly for her and makes a difficult sacrifice in the hopes of winning her affection, but she's too nihilistic to put any stock in love.

Example: But, luckily, we've ended up better off than we ever have been, probably because it caused us to take stock in what's really important.

Example: I didn't want to even think about it but I can see your heart isn't with us.

» creer en imposibilidadesbelieve in + impossibilities .

Example: The problem with books like this is that people get sucked in and start believing in impossibilities.

» creer en lo imposiblebelieve in + the impossible .

Example: Believe in the impossible and defy science if you think homeopathy works.

» creer firmementebelieve + wholeheartedly .

Example: I really do believe wholeheartedly that the middle road is the way to go -- anything extreme is not long-lasting.

» creer firmemente en/quebe a firm believer in/thatbe firm in + Posesivo + belief that .

Example: We are firm believers in the 'if it's not broken don't fix it' mentality.

Example: She is firm in her belief that you can survive everything if you only try hard enough.

» creer necesariofeel + a need for .

Example: The need was felt for a local data system which would provide not only catalogue and circulation control, but also acquisition routines and periodicals control.

» creer queharbour + the belief thatbe of the view thatbe of the opinion that .

Example: I harbor the belief that to a multitude of people music has always meant, an will continually mean, but one thing out of two: something melodious or odious.

Example: The majority of respondents were of the view that their programmes now comprehend broader interests than might be suggested by the term 'librarianship'.

Example: Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.

» creer que estar bienfeel + right .

Example: Two teenagers who wanted to experience murder told police it 'felt right' to strangle a friend and bury her body .

» creer que estar malfeel + wrong .

Example: Usually, when I have trouble sleeping it's not because I feel wrong or anything like that, it just happens.

» creer (que + ser) necesariodeem + necessary .

Example: In early Gothic ecclesiastical work, transoms are found only in belfry unglazed windows, where they were deemed necessary to strengthen the mullions.

» creersemake out to be .

Example: This description suggests that OPAC searching is less dauntingly complex than it is often made out to be.

» creerse Diosplay + God .

Example: We'd have to mature a long, long way before we're truly ready to start playing God with out own genetic code.

» creerse equivocadamentelull + Nombre + into thinking .

Example: One is sometimes lulled into thinking that there might be a grain of rationality in his commentaries.

» creerse la salvación debe god's gift to .

Example: I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.

» creérselas defancy + Reflexivo .

Example: A chemical engineering graduate of the California Institute of Technology, he fancied himself a scientist and something of an amateur theologian.

» creérselogo to + Posesivo + headget + too big for + Posesivo + bootsget + too big for + Posesivo + breechesgrow + too big for + Posesivo + breechesgrow + too big for + Posesivo + boots .

Example: He put away twice as much wine as usual and it went to his head, so he stretched out on his bed for a nap.

Example: He told Thaksin that when he himself was a boy, his mother always cut him down to size when he got too big for his boots.

Example: He was unhappy about Rosecrans grabbing the limelight and just getting too big for his breeches and decided to let him stew a little bit.

Example: Maybe he's just grown too big for his breeches; maybe she has been away too long and no one else has cut him down to size adequately enough in her absence.

Example: He has grown too big for his boots and I hope someone cuts him down to size soon.

» creerse quebe under the illusion that .

Example: Kids are under the illusion that the 'shotgun' seat holds more importance than the back seats.

» creerse una bromafall for + a jokefall for + it .

Example: Some people understood the joke and laughed, others fell for the joke and took it seriously.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

» creer sinceramentebelieve + wholeheartedly .

Example: I really do believe wholeheartedly that the middle road is the way to go -- anything extreme is not long-lasting.

» crees que...?do you reckon...? .

Example: Do you reckon stress can make your blood sugar numbers suddenly go high?.

» en contrar de lo que se creecontrary to popular belief .

Example: Contrary to popular belief still held by some, no accompanying service support was provided by Carnegie for the institution behind these monumental facades.

» hacer creerlead to + believelull + Nombre + into thinking .

Example: The Act was launched with a glossy advertising campaign that led claimants to believe they were entitled to larger sums of money than they in fact received.

Example: One is sometimes lulled into thinking that there might be a grain of rationality in his commentaries.

» hacer creer quelead + Nombre + to believe .

Example: The sci-fi movie she watched led her to believe her family was being taken over by aliens and that the parade float they were constructing was really a spaceship.

» lo creas o nobelieve it or not .

Example: Believe it or not, you can be celibate without being chaste, and chaste without being celibate.

» lo + creer + cuando lo + verPronombre + will believe it when + Pronombre + see it .

Example: As for corrective measures having been taken, we'll believe it when we see it.

» mucha gente + creer quebe widely believed .

Example: It is widely believed that the earth's natural ozone layer is being depleted because of chlorofluorocarbons.

» no creerse Algo al pie de la letratake + Nombre + with a pinch of salt .

Example: It is suggested that the 47% figure be taken with a large pinch of salt.

» no creerse Algo del todotake + Nombre + with a pinch of salt .

Example: It is suggested that the 47% figure be taken with a large pinch of salt.

» no creérselonot buy it .

Example: Virginia is claiming that global warming is 'unreliable, unverifiable and doctored' science, but the state's climatologists aren't buying it.

» no + creerse + que + chuparse + el dedobe not just a(nother) pretty face .

Example: She's not just a pretty face but she's also full of talent with a bossy streak.

» no + creerse + que + chuparse el dedoknow + what's what .

Example: Amy may play the 'dumb blonde' persona, but she knows what's what.

» no poderse creerdefy + beliefbeggar + belief .

Example: The bigoted attitude adopted by the author defies belief and his hatred of drug users is so deep that he wishes them dead.

Example: It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.

» persona que se cree Algobiter  .

Example: USA presidential and vice presidential campaign stories were analyzed in terms of categories of biters and types of bites.

» según se creereputedly .

Example: Reputedly, an Englishman's home is his castle.

» ser muy difícil de creerbeggar + beliefdefy + belief .

Example: It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.

Example: The bigoted attitude adopted by the author defies belief and his hatred of drug users is so deep that he wishes them dead.

» ya lo creoindeed .

Example: Indeed the selection of an indexing approach is crucially dependent upon the way in which the index is to be used.

Creer synonyms

trust in spanish: confianza, pronunciation: trʌst part of speech: noun, verb think in spanish: pensar, pronunciation: θɪŋk part of speech: verb consider in spanish: considerar, pronunciation: kənsɪdɜr part of speech: verb conceive in spanish: concebir, pronunciation: kənsiv part of speech: verb
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