Creencia in english


pronunciation: bɪlif part of speech: noun
In gestures

creencia = belief ; conviction ; persuasion ; credo ; shibboleth. 

Example: Written substantiation of this belief, from a wide variety of points of view, has become plentiful in the 1970s.Example: It is a source of innovation and strength, but it blurs traditional distinctions and can unsettle professional convictions.Example: However, libraries are not subject to the will and/or persuasions of the majority.Example: This has created problems -- donning this mantle, with its 'publish or perish' credo, has forced a re-evaluation of the librarian's role.Example: The article is entitled 'Shibboleth and substance in North American library and information science education'.


» al contrario de la creencia popularcontrary to popular belief .

Example: Contrary to popular belief still held by some, no accompanying service support was provided by Carnegie for the institution behind these monumental facades.

» creencia comúncommon belief .

Example: And the common belief that the possession of the same surname allows you to use a family's arms has no legal or heraldic warrant.

» creencia en lo utópicoutopianism  .

Example: In rejecting the reductivism and utopianism of modernist architectural doctrine, Venturi and his collaborators propose an architecture that accepts actual conditions and social and economic realities.

» creencia generalconventional wisdomconventional thinking .

Example: This analysis of labour incentives within cooperatives challenges the conventional wisdom that cooperatives suffer from a problem of weak work incentives.

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» creencia generalmente aceptadaconventional wisdomconventional thinking .

Example: This analysis of labour incentives within cooperatives challenges the conventional wisdom that cooperatives suffer from a problem of weak work incentives.

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» creencia muy extendidawidely held belief .

Example: There are 3 widely held beliefs about cryptology which underpin much research on the subject.

» creencia popularurban legendpopular belief .

Example: Every day, Internet users are pelted with spam, hoaxes, urban legends, and scams - in other words, untrustworthy data.

Example: In popular belief the human being who went to live with a mermaid or a merman lost his or her soul and became as one of these.

» creencia religiosafaithreligious beliefconfession .

Example: This may be seen as a good or a bad thing, depending on your faith in the market forces and laisser-faire of Prestel or the benign dictatorship of the BBC and ITV.

Example: Librarians dealing with people who hold strong religious beliefs should have a sensitive, open, and non-judgemental attitude.

Example: The Our Father is a prayer by Jesus Christ, used by Christians from all confessions.

» creenciascreedbelief system .

Example: Not only is it an error of judgment but also a Constitutional violation to consider race, creed, color, religion, politics, nationality and sex in evaluating work performance.

Example: Librarians need to examine their methods of clinical practice to determine whether there is a true congruence between their belief system and their style of service.

» existir la creencia generalizada quebe widely believed .

Example: It is widely believed that the earth's natural ozone layer is being depleted because of chlorofluorocarbons.

» fiel a + Posesivo + creenciastrue to + Posesivo + beliefs .

Example: Cordelia emerges amid the moral depravity and social decay as one who is honest and true to her beliefs = Cordelia emerge en medio de la depravación moral y la decadencia social como una persona que es honesta y fiel a sus creencias.

» perpetuar una creenciaperpetuate + belief .

Example: Children's librarians have perpetuated beliefs and behaviour patterns that may lead to the elimination, downgrading or ostracism of children's services.

» ser la creencia generalizada quebe widely believed .

Example: It is widely believed that the earth's natural ozone layer is being depleted because of chlorofluorocarbons.

» sistema de creenciasbelief system .

Example: Librarians need to examine their methods of clinical practice to determine whether there is a true congruence between their belief system and their style of service.

» tener la creencia de queharbour + the belief that .

Example: I harbor the belief that to a multitude of people music has always meant, an will continually mean, but one thing out of two: something melodious or odious.

» tener una creenciahold + a belief .

Example: Librarians dealing with people who hold strong religious beliefs should have a sensitive, open, and non-judgemental attitude.

Creencia synonyms

tenet in spanish: principio, pronunciation: tenət part of speech: noun dogma in spanish: dogma, pronunciation: dɑgmə part of speech: noun notion in spanish: noción, pronunciation: noʊʃən part of speech: noun impression in spanish: impresión, pronunciation: ɪmpreʃən part of speech: noun feeling in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: filɪŋ part of speech: noun
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