Credo in english


pronunciation: krid part of speech: noun
In gestures

credo1 = creed ; credo. 

Example: Democracy, rightly understood, is a positive creed and its political and social values would be greatly strengthened if the library service was planned on national lines to support them.Example: This has created problems -- donning this mantle, with its 'publish or perish' credo, has forced a re-evaluation of the librarian's role.



» el credoI believe .

Example: 'I Believe' is a one the prayers that was on the lips of many Jews as the walked into the gas chambers of Nazi Germany.

» rezar un credosay + an I Believe .

Example: The following day an inner voice taught her to say one 'Our Father', 'Hail Mary', and 'I believe' on ordinary rosary beads.

Credo synonyms

gospel in spanish: evangelio, pronunciation: gɑspəl part of speech: noun credo in spanish: credo, pronunciation: kreɪdoʊ part of speech: noun church doctrine in spanish: doctrina de la iglesia, pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃdɑktrən part of speech: noun religious doctrine in spanish: doctrina religiosa, pronunciation: rɪlɪdʒəsdɑktrən part of speech: noun
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