Crediticio in english


pronunciation: kredət part of speech: noun
In gestures



» capacidad crediticiacredit standing .

Example: The minimum amount due is the amount you are required to pay to keep your account in good credit standing.

» contracción crediticiacredit crunchcredit squeeze .

Example: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.

Example: The bank, like many others, needs extra capital to ride out the credit squeeze.

» crisis crediticiacredit crunchcredit squeeze .

Example: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.

Example: The bank, like many others, needs extra capital to ride out the credit squeeze.

» imagen crediticiacredit standing .

Example: The minimum amount due is the amount you are required to pay to keep your account in good credit standing.

» operación crediticiacredit transaction .

Example: Barter transactions are assessable and deductible for income tax purposes to the same extent as other cash or credit transactions.

» restricciones crediticiascredit crunchcredit squeeze .

Example: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.

Example: The bank, like many others, needs extra capital to ride out the credit squeeze.

» transacción crediticiacredit transaction .

Example: Barter transactions are assessable and deductible for income tax purposes to the same extent as other cash or credit transactions.

Crediticio synonyms

reference in spanish: referencia, pronunciation: refɜrəns part of speech: noun recognition in spanish: reconocimiento, pronunciation: rekəgnɪʃən part of speech: noun mention in spanish: mencionar, pronunciation: menʃən part of speech: verb, noun citation in spanish: citación, pronunciation: saɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun quotation in spanish: cotización, pronunciation: kwoʊteɪʃən part of speech: noun accredit in spanish: acreditar, pronunciation: əkredət part of speech: verb deferred payment in spanish: pago diferido, pronunciation: dɪfɜrdpeɪmənt part of speech: noun course credit in spanish: crédito del curso, pronunciation: kɔrskredət part of speech: noun credit entry in spanish: entrada de crédito, pronunciation: kredətentri part of speech: noun
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