Credibilidad in english


pronunciation: kredəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

credibilidad = credibility ; credence ; plausibility ; believability. 

Example: You should recognize that different sources of information have various levels of credibility.Example: If 'mistakes are made of probability, of language, of relationship' then these 'must, in all but the simplest readers, destroy credence'.Example: It also provides a natural preference ordering on explanations, defined in terms of normality or plausibility.Example: The results show that a more innocuous message results in more positive judgments of believability.


» credibilidad de las fuentessource credibility .

Example: Fifty women were interviewed about their use of mass media and the public library for useful information and their attitudes about source credibility.

» dañar la credibilidadimpair + Posesivo + credibilitydamage + Posesivo + credibility .

Example: There exists a failure of LC cataloging to contemporize archaic, or just simply awkward, forms that impair both access and credibility.

Example: Sloppy reference work and lack of verification effort inevitably result in damaging a librarian's credibility with other librarians from whom assistance may be sought.

» dar credibilidadgive + credencelend + credencebestow + credibilityprovide + credibility .

Example: Many prominent librarians believe that materials selection is the single element of librarianship which gives it credence as a profession.

Example: The department head had hoped the latter request would lend credence to the seriousness of the situation.

Example: It was felt that locating such services in branch libraries would bestow on them more credibility.

Example: If FIAC manages to get established then it could provide much needed credibility for the Neighbourhood Advice Centre movement.

» ganar credibilidadgain + creditgain (in) + credibility .

Example: The work is very much akin to journalism in the way that time presses, the content must be dealt with in a craftsmanlike way but the author will gain credit more for 'reporting' skills than for philosophical analyses.

Example: As an entrepreneur, manager, or businessperson who is hoping to gain credibility, the worst thing you can do is to think you know everything.

» obtener credibilidadattain + credibility .

Example: Programmes will have to be based upon IT if their graduates are to attain credibility in a world in which information technology developments are changing the business environment rapidly.

» perder credibilidaddestroy + credencelose + credibility .

Example: If mistakes are made of probability, of language, of relationship then these must, in all but the simplest readers, destroy credence.

Example: A person who cusses all the time loses credibility.

» perder la credibilidadlose + face .

Example: Fear of 'losing face' often prevents people from seeking counseling for psychological problems until the problems are advanced.

» pérdida de credibilidadloss of face .

Example: Males are primarily concerned with a loss of face when confronted with a jealousy situation, while females are concerned with the possible loss of a partner.

» quitar la credibilidaddestroy + credence .

Example: If mistakes are made of probability, of language, of relationship then these must, in all but the simplest readers, destroy credence.

» restablecer la credibilidadre-establish + credibility .

Example: We need the courage of our conviction that we can establish or perhaps re-establish our credibility as a profession.

» robar la credibilidaddestroy + credence .

Example: If mistakes are made of probability, of language, of relationship then these must, in all but the simplest readers, destroy credence.

» superar un problema de credibilidadovercome + a credibility gap .

Example: From experience, it does appear to help in overcoming the credibility gap that the public have in associating libraries with information to help them with everyday problems.

» surgir un problema de credibilidadcredibility gap + arise .

Example: Because of widely differing perceptions between public library users, authorities and public librarians on the relative importance of the social and informational role of the public library, a credibility gap has arisen which is seriously detrimental to the public library.

Credibilidad synonyms

believability in spanish: credibilidad, pronunciation: bəlivəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun credibleness in spanish: credibilidad, pronunciation: kredəbəlnəs part of speech: noun
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