Credencial in english


pronunciation: krɪdentʃəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

credencial = credential ; badge ; name badge. 

Example: The current interest in establishing the skill credentials of so-called 'knowledge engineers' illustrates the point neatly enough.Example: Her list of categories includes: Advertisements, Almanacs, Announcements, Appointments, badges, Bumper stickers, Calendars, and Cards.Example: Admittance to lectures, classes, cookout and activities is limited to registered participants with name badges.

Credencial synonyms

certificate in spanish: certificado, pronunciation: sɜrtɪfɪkət part of speech: noun credentials in spanish: cartas credenciales, pronunciation: krədenʃəlz part of speech: noun certification in spanish: proceso de dar un título, pronunciation: sɜrtəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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