Crecimiento in english


pronunciation: ɪnkris part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

crecimiento = growth ; growing up ; waxing. 

Example: This document contains information on such concepts as settlement, urban growth, field patterns, forest clearance and many others.Example: Children and youth have a whole range of needs related to growing up.Example: This waning of one discipline and waxing of another represents the fundamental incommensurability, yet mutual dependence, of existing disciplinary categories of knowledge.


» anillo de crecimientogrowth ringtree ring [Visible al cortar el tronco de un árbol] .

Example: 90% of the examples considered were poplar, which has too few growth rings to permit dating.

Example: To reconstruct palaeoclimates, palaeoclimatologists analyse tree rings, ice cores, sea sediments and even rock strata which may hold clues to the state of the climate millions of years ago.

» atrofiar el crecimientostunt + growth .

Example: So many leaders quietly admit they are control freaks, but being a control freak stunts your organization's growth.

» cortar perpendicularmente a la veta de crecimientocut + across the grain .

Example: Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.

» crecimiento aceleradomushrooming growthrising tide .

Example: This article identifies recent information sources for the field of fibre optics, a mushrooming growth technology in the communications, utilities, computers and instrumentation industry.

Example: Depository libraries in the USA can no longer cope with the rising tide of government information and they serve only a select segment of the population.

» crecimiento celularcell growth .

Example: Most chemotherapeutic approaches to cancer try to target cancer cells specifically and do something that slows or stops their cell growth.

» crecimiento cerozero growth .

Example: Zero growth in the public sector will be the norm for the foreseable future, but change of priority in favour of the cultural sector is taking place.

» crecimiento clónicoclonal growth .

Example: This article focuses on the variety of plants that reproduce by asexual reproduction, a process known as clonal growth.

» crecimiento corporalbody growth .

Example: Body growth in men occurs till the age of 25.

» crecimiento de la coleccióncollection growth .

Example: For many research libraries, remote storage of library collections is a commonplace and inevitable strategy for handling collection growth.

» crecimiento de la literaturaliterature growth .

Example: There is significant optimism about technological innovation meeting any possible crisis in literature growth.

» crecimiento de la poblaciónpopulation growth .

Example: But this development is now coming to an end, and we will not experience a similarly rapid increase in population growth over the course of this century.

» crecimiento económicoeconomic growth .

Example: A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.

» crecimiento exponencialexponential increaseexponential growth .

Example: By the 20th century, the industrial revolution had resulted in an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources and an increase in health, wealth and population.

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

» crecimiento físicophysical growth .

Example: Normal physical growth during childhood is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

» crecimiento futurofuture growth .

Example: Future growth cannot be taken for granted.

» crecimiento logarítmicologarithmic growth .

Example: This model has the additional attractive feature of highlighting the logarithmic growth of clusters.

» crecimiento repentinogrowth spurt .

Example: Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty.

» crecimiento urbanísticourban growth .

Example: Rapid urban growth and suburban sprawl have heightened concern in many quarters about sustainable development.

» crecimiento urbano descontroladourban sprawlsuburban sprawl .

Example: There are some limitations, however, including a neglect of issues such as water shortages, urban sprawl, noise and light pollution, and diminishing wildlife habitat.

Example: Rapid urban growth and suburban sprawl have heightened concern in many quarters about sustainable development.

» crecimiento vertiginosoexponential growthexponential rate of + growthexponential increase .

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

Example: This article studies the impact of exponential rate of growth of periodicals and their cost on scientific and technical libraries.

Example: By the 20th century, the industrial revolution had resulted in an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources and an increase in health, wealth and population.

» crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, elinformation explosion, the [Expresión utilizada para describir el aumento tan repentino de la información que hay disponible en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: In the light of the information explosion, no researcher can now realistically expect to keep pace with developments in his own field, let alone those in allied fields = En vista del crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, siendo realista ahora el investigador no puede mantenerse al día en los avances de su propio campo y mucho menos de los de campos afines.

» dar cabida al crecimientoaccommodate + growth .

Example: To accommodate growth in the vertical file collection the library developed a project to convert hardcopy materials to jacketed microfiche.

» de bajo crecimientolow-growing .

Example: The site is covered with low-growing myrtle and is surrounded by oak trees.

» de crecimiento a ras de(l) sueloprostrate [Usado generalmente para las plantas que crecen lateralmente ] .

Example: This plant is a summer annual with branched stems up to 2' long; it is more or less prostrate.

» de crecimiento continuosteadily growing .

Example: The strategy is to maintain a steadily growing base line which can expand in better times.

» de crecimiento desparramadostraggly [stragglier -comp., straggliest -sup.]  .

Example: Unfortunately I did not noticed that they had been flattened under some other plants by the snow and are now very straggly.

» de crecimiento lateralprostrate [Usado generalmente para las plantas que crecen lateralmente ] .

Example: This plant is a summer annual with branched stems up to 2' long; it is more or less prostrate.

» de crecimiento más rápidofastest-growing .

Example: We cannot figure out why you haven't realized that soccer is the fastest-growing preferred sport of most children.

» de crecimiento rápidofast-growingfast-evolving .

Example: Fixed location is difficult to maintain with a fast-growing collection.

Example: To deal with these fast-evolving mobile markets, unique skill sets are needed.

» de crecimiento rápido y descontroladosprawling [Que se extiende sobre una zona muy amplia y de forma descontrolada] .

Example: In Britain, this meant the dislocation and scattering of what were close-knit communities either to sprawling suburban council estates, often grossly lacking in amenities, or to blocks of high-rise flats.

» de rápido crecimientorapidly growingrapidly expanding .

Example: The scheme was designed by the Library of Congress staff to be tailor-made for their own library with its immense and rapidly growing stock and with its bias towards law and the social sciences.

Example: A rapidly expanding number of organizations have begun to use high performance, completely digital networks, such as the Internet.

» el crecimiento dethe rising tide of .

Example: Depository libraries in the USA can no longer cope with the rising tide of government information and they serve only a select segment of the population.

» estirón de crecimientogrowth spurt .

Example: Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty.

» experimentar un crecimientoexperience + growth .

Example: Biotechnology has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

» hacer posible el crecimientoaccommodate + growth .

Example: To accommodate growth in the vertical file collection the library developed a project to convert hardcopy materials to jacketed microfiche.

» hormona del crecimientogrowth hormone .

Example: The use of genetically produced growth hormone in milk-producing cows may adversely impact the safety of the milk supply.

» impedir el crecimientostunt + growth .

Example: So many leaders quietly admit they are control freaks, but being a control freak stunts your organization's growth.

» índice de crecimiento de la poblaciónpopulation growth rate .

Example: Population growth rates were not only high, but at that point, they had been increasing substantially for over a decade.

» perspectiva de crecimientogrowth pattern .

Example: The shift was planned so that available space was distributed according to the growth patterns of the collection, to prevent the need for further shifting within 10 years.

» problemas del crecimientogrowing pains [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos] .

Example: Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.

» problemas inherentes al crecimientogrowing pains [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos] .

Example: Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.

» ser de crecimiento rápidobe a quick grower .

Example: Eucalyptus trees are quick growers and many species reach a great height.

» sin crecimientonon-growth .

Example: In today's economic situation we are seeing the actualization of the nongrowth library.

» tasa de crecimientogrowth allowancegrowth raterate of growth .

Example: The growth allowance for the next ten years was to be calculated at 0.2 sq. m. for every student.

Example: After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.

Example: The rate of growth in Australian data base activity is second to none in the world.

» tasa de crecimiento de la poblaciónpopulation growth rate .

Example: Population growth rates were not only high, but at that point, they had been increasing substantially for over a decade.

Crecimiento synonyms

gain in spanish: ganancia, pronunciation: geɪn part of speech: verb, noun addition in spanish: adición, pronunciation: ədɪʃən part of speech: noun growth in spanish: crecimiento, pronunciation: groʊθ part of speech: noun increment in spanish: incremento, pronunciation: ɪnkrəmənt part of speech: noun step-up in spanish: aumentar, pronunciation: stepʌp part of speech: noun
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