Creativo in english


pronunciation: krieɪtɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

creativo = creative ; innovative. 

Example: His definitive article, 'Backlog to Frontlog,' Library Journal (September 15, 1969), was indicative of his creative and simple, yet effective and economical solutions to traditional library problems.Example: It is in this area that the computer can provide the greatest potential for a truly innovative advance in the maintenance of a catalog.


» artista creativocreative artist .

Example: The article is entitled 'The creative artist in the public library'.

» autor creativocreative author [Autor que trabajando principalmente en solitario es capaz de crear un contenido original más que compilar, sintetizar, comentar o rebatir el trabajo de otros] .

Example: Modern discussion centered around film and TV has interrogated more profoundly the social attitudes and theories which lie behind the concept of the creative author.

» con un diseño creativocreatively designed .

Example: If only more school buildings were as creatively designed as these, perhaps attendance rates would be higher.

» de forma creativacreatively .

Example: Sensitisation (training to provide the emotional preparation for the new technology) and education (to help staff think creatively about the possibilities and implications of new technologies in their institution) are important components of the course.

» de manera creativacreatively .

Example: Sensitisation (training to provide the emotional preparation for the new technology) and education (to help staff think creatively about the possibilities and implications of new technologies in their institution) are important components of the course.

» de modo creativocreatively .

Example: Sensitisation (training to provide the emotional preparation for the new technology) and education (to help staff think creatively about the possibilities and implications of new technologies in their institution) are important components of the course.

» escritura creativacreative writing .

Example: This might be achieved by the setting up of a network of housebound readers and writers for the sharing and discussion of their creative writing.

» espacio creativomakerspace .

Example: There are many different ways to define a 'makerspace' but essentially it is a place where people can come together to use, and learn to use materials as well as develop creative projects.

» industrias creativas, lascreative industries, the .

Example: The report stresses that there is 'a correlation between the growth of creative industries and legislation that protects intellectual property'.

» obra creativawork of imagination .

Example: Some novels, usually referred to as `literary' novels, are serious works of imagination which aspire to being genuine contributions to thought and culture.

» pensamiento creativocreative thought .

Example: Little wonder, then, that cognitive psychologists have long been fascinated by the mysteries of creative thought.

» pensar de forma creativathink out(side) + (of) the box .

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

» ser creativobe inventive .

Example: Cataloguers have, however, been inventive and there exists a plethora of physical forms in which catalogues are to be found.

» talento creativocreative talent .

Example: And then the cat is among the pigeons, and we need all Chase's creative talents to untangle this tangled web of confused relationships!.

» trabajo creativocreative work .

Example: It is commonly claimed that the application of new technology to the office reduces routine labour and frees the employee for more creative work.

Creativo synonyms

ingenious in spanish: ingenioso, pronunciation: ɪndʒinjəs part of speech: adjective notional in spanish: hipotético, pronunciation: noʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective productive in spanish: productivo, pronunciation: prədʌktɪv part of speech: adjective constructive in spanish: constructivo, pronunciation: kənstrʌktɪv part of speech: adjective fanciful in spanish: imaginario, pronunciation: fænsɪfəl part of speech: adjective imaginative in spanish: imaginativo, pronunciation: ɪmædʒənətɪv part of speech: adjective inventive in spanish: inventivo, pronunciation: ɪnventɪv part of speech: adjective fictive in spanish: ficticio, pronunciation: fɪktɪv part of speech: adjective generative in spanish: generativo, pronunciation: dʒenɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective yeasty in spanish: a levadura, pronunciation: jeɪsti part of speech: adjective originative in spanish: originario, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒənətɪv part of speech: adjective
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