Creatividad in english


pronunciation: krieɪtɪvəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

creatividad = creativity ; creativeness ; generativity ; resourcefulness. 

Example: An alertness to work in related fields may stimulate creativity in disseminating ideas from one field of study to another, for both the researcher and the manager.Example: Creativeness in all fields of activity results in an interest, a demand for more and eventually a market.Example: This article distinguishes between a society's ability to generate a scientific and technological potential (generativity) and the country's capacity to absorb or recieve scientific and technological research results (receptivity).Example: The impression left by the two early attempts to create universal bibliographic control was that the creation of one universal source of reference was beyond human resources and resourcefulness.


» con cuanta creatividadhow creatively .

Example: This would be an opportunity for us to see how creatively you'd approach an assignment of this sort.

» creatividad literariacreative writing .

Example: This cooperative venture aimed to encourage creative writing among young people.

» diseñado con creatividadcreatively designed .

Example: If only more school buildings were as creatively designed as these, perhaps attendance rates would be higher.

Creatividad synonyms

creativeness in spanish: creatividad, pronunciation: krieɪtɪvnəs part of speech: noun
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