Crear in english


pronunciation: krieɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

crearse = build up ; hew. 

Example: The third thing I'm perturbed about is this general atmosphere of negativism which seems to be building up.Example: All of the women hewed unconventional career paths mostly using convention.

crear = design (for/to) ; construct ; create ; engender ; establish ; fashion ; forge ; form ; invent ; set up ; compose ; originate ; bring into + being ; mint ; found ; institute ; come into + existence ; mother ; come up with ; father. 

Example: In lists designed for international use a symbolic notation instead of textual notes may be used.Example: The objective in executing these three stages is to construct a document profile which reflects its subject = The objective in executing these three stages is to construct a document profile which reflects its subject.Example: National agencies creating MARC records use national standards within their own country, and re-format records to UNIMARC for international exchange.Example: In addition to problems with new subjects which lacked 'accepted' or established names, this guiding principle engendered inconsistency in the form of headings.Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.Example: The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.Example: This article calls on libraries to forge a renewed national commitment to cooperate in the building of a national information network for scholarly communications.Example: Formed in 1969, the first operational system was implemented in 1972-3.Example: Frequently, but not always, this same process will have been attempted by the author when inventing the title, and this explains why the title is often a useful aid to indexing.Example: By imposing a ban one is only likely to set up antagonism and frustration which will turn against the very thing we are trying to encourage.Example: There have never been any attempts to compose a bibliography of US government documents relating to international law.Example: In the 'office of the present', a document is usually produced by several people: someone, say an administrator or manager, who originates and checks it, a typist, who prepares the text, and a draughtsman or artist who prepares the diagrams.Example: MARC was brought into being originally to facilitate the creation of LC catalogue cards.Example: The article 'The newly minted MLS: what do we need to know today?' describes the skills which, ideally, every US library school graduate should possess at the end of the 1990s.Example: The earliest community information service in Australia dates from as recently as 1958 when Citizens' Advice Bureaux, modelled on their British namesake, were founded in Perth = The earliest community information service in Australia dates from as recently as 1958 when Citizens' Advice Bureaux, modelled on their British namesake, were founded in Perth.Example: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.Example: Some university libraries have been built up over the centuries; others have come into existence over the last 40 years.Example: Necessity mothers invention, and certainly invention in the presentation of books mothers surprised interest.Example: Derfer corroborated her: 'I'd be very proud of you if you could come up with the means to draft a model collection development policy'.Example: Her son was fathered by her husband and her daughter was fathered by the man with whom she was reportedly having an affair.


» crear acuerdos de colaboraciónbuild + partnershipsbuild + alliances .

Example: When we say 'building partnerships,' we mean going beyond mere cooperation and into the realm of collaboration.

Example: The key to building alliances is to think outside the box -- ask yourself how a relationship can be mutually beneficial and satisfying.

» crear adicciónbe addictive .

Example: Prolonged television viewing is addictive and therefore dangerous to a child's wellbeing.

» crear alianzasform + alliancesmake + alliancesbuild + partnershipsbuild + alliances .

Example: Because of the threat of being sidelined if they did not participate, libraries had to form alliances to address issues of access.

Example: Major publishers of travel books and hotel guides have made alliances with software and hardware producers.

Example: When we say 'building partnerships,' we mean going beyond mere cooperation and into the realm of collaboration.

Example: The key to building alliances is to think outside the box -- ask yourself how a relationship can be mutually beneficial and satisfying.

» crear apoyobuild + support .

Example: Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.

» crear caoscause + chaoscause + mayhem .

Example: We can see that this may cause chaos.

Example: It is the individual citer who causes most mayhem by attaching citations to his writings which are inconsistent and idiosyncratic.

» crear con gran destrezacraft .

Example: The play was an entrancing production that was textured with ideas, witty, and cunningly crafted.

» crear consensoforge + consensus .

Example: This forum exists to harness expertise and forge consensus amongst agencies worldwide engaged in setting policy for the digitisation of our global cultural heritage.

» crear contactos conforge + contacts with .

Example: Over the years, he built an expertise in sales and forged contacts and relationships in Asia, particularly China.

» crear demandamake + a demand .

Example: Also, informative abstracts make greater demands upon appreciation of subject content than indicative abstracts.

» crear de nuevorecreate [re-create]  .

Example: Schools of library and information science are once again intellectually impoverished, and the Graduate Library School ought to be reinvented or re-created.

» crear desconfianzacreate + distrust .

Example: Equally powerful is the capacity of words to propagandize, create distrust, fuel hatred, or manipulate peoples' opinions in support of foregone political agendas.

» crear desesperaciónyield + despair .

Example: It is as if failure, having yielded despair, then gave rise to the sheerest optimism.

» crear en colaboraciónco-create .

Example: If we want to co-create a better world around us, it begins with us, not with those around us.

» crear escuelaset + the trend .

Example: After Conchita Wurst set the trend now lesbians are growing beards too.

» crear estrategiasstrategise [strategize, -USA] .

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» crear expectacióncreate + expectation .

Example: When someone plans for the short or long-term future, he is creating some kind of expectations.

» crear expectativascreate + expectancy .

Example: This novel grasps the attention of the reader from the opening pages, creating expectancy in their heart.

» crear falsas ilusionescreate + false illusions .

Example: The American Library Association and others are making wildly improbable statements creating false illusions throughout the library world.

» crear interésbuild + interestcreate + interest .

Example: Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.

Example: My job is to create interest, not to find people who already have an interest.

» crear la ilusióngenerate + illusion .

Example: The author examines a number of CD-ROM software products which turn a personal computer into a planetarium and generate the illusion that a user is flying a spaceship or landing on a planet.

» crear lazosbuild up + linksbuild + bonds .

Example: The library is generally an accepted, welcome and non-threatening feature of the rural scene and librarians often build up close and trusted links with their readers.

Example: Some of these stories are great examples of how humor can be used to build bonds among colleagues.

» crear lazos afectivosbond .

Example: This encourages students to quickly bond with each other at the beginning of the program.

» crearle problemas a Alguienget + Nombre + in(to) trouble .

Example: I think the difficulty most parents have is with tendency for kids to "tattletale" in a whiny voice, with the clear intent to try to get another child in trouble.

» crear muchas oportunidadesopen + the floodgates .

Example: His show opened the floodgates for literally dozens of British groups to achieve commercial success in the New World.

» crear negociobring in + business .

Example: In a nutshell, an effective personal coach teaches you how to bring in business.

» crear ocasionescreate + chances .

Example: We are poor defensively, we don't create enough chances and we don't score enough goals.

» crear posibilidadesopen + windowcreate + possibilities .

Example: Such strategies may open a window where non existed before.

Example: The Internet and digital technology create new possibilities for the development of cultures, education, communities and knowledge.

» crear problemasmake + wavesbuild up + problemsmake + troublestir up + trouble .

Example: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

Example: This article describes the problems which built up in the Danish Patent Office from 1977 to 1983.

Example: As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.

Example: Team members will be angry that the slacker gets a free ride while foisting work on colleagues and stirring up trouble.

» crear problemas, causar problemasmake + waves .

Example: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

» crear prototiposprototype .

Example: The electronic book (e-book) is already available commercially in Japan, and a British company is currently prototyping a handwriting recognition notepad.

» crear relacionesstructure + relationships .

Example: Reconceptualizing the role librarians and publishers play may enable us, in the digital environment, to structure relationships that allow both to accomplish their important goals = El replanteamiento de la función que los bibliotecarios y editores desempeñan pueden permitirnos, dentro de este entorno digital, establecer relaciones que nos ayuden a conseguir nuestros objetivos.

» crear rencorbreed + resentment .

Example: The war in Iraq became a 'cause célèbre' for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S..

» crear resentimientobreed + resentment .

Example: The war in Iraq became a 'cause célèbre' for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S..

» crearsebuild uphew .

Example: The third thing I'm perturbed about is this general atmosphere of negativism which seems to be building up.

Example: All of the women hewed unconventional career paths mostly using convention.

» crearse el prestigio de serestablish + a record as .

Example: The success that ACPAD has had in attracting donations suggests that it has established an enviable record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to institution libraries.

» crear servidor webput up + web site .

Example: Every Olympic sponsor, media organizer and dedicated fan are scrambling to put up the web site that carries the most and best information in what will be the first Olympic Games to be followed in cyberspace.

» crearse una identidadforge + Posesivo + identity .

Example: This paper reports an interview with Michael O'Donnell, whose brainchild, Salon Magazine is a successful World Wide Web only publication that has managed to forge a powerful identity without a printed counterpart.

» crearse una vidabuild + life .

Example: The book brings together numerous ideas about the nature of human dignity and what you actually need to stay alive and build a life that offers more than bare existence.

» crear una alianzaforge + an alliance .

Example: They are able to forge alliances between archivists and all others who have a responsibility for corporate memory and its management.

» crear una baseform + a basis .

Example: Full consideration of the above factors should form a firm basis for the design of an effective thesaurus or list of subject headings.

» crear una buena impresión enmake + a good impression on .

Example: If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.

» crear una categoríaestablish + a category .

Example: Fourier techniques are useful for establishing categories for sequences with inherent periodicities.

» crear una coaliciónforge + a coalition .

Example: This paper describes the ways in which a public library involves itself with the total community, working with a wide range of individuals, organisations and agencies to forge coalitions for the common good.

» crear una colecciónbuild + collection .

Example: It is difficult for librarians to judge objectively the accuracy of all materials and they should build collections that provide access to the views of the deniers as well as to those who refute them = Es difícil para los bibliotecarios evaluar objetivamente la fiabilidad de todos los materiales y deberían formar colecciones que ofrezcan acceso a las opiniones de los refutadores además de a las de aquellos que los refutan.

» crear una compañíabuild + a company .

Example: In most cases, building a company is a marathon journey, a lot of hard work, and much less glamorous than the movies would have you think.

» crear un acuerdowork out + an agreement .

Example: We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.

» crear una familiahave + a family .

Example: The next best thing to getting married to a man you love and having a family is shagging your best friend (who happens to be gay) and having a family.

» crear una ilusióncreate + an illusion .

Example: The ISBD created the illusion that entries produced in any country would readily be integrable in the catalogs of any other country.

» crear una imagenbuild + an imagecreate + imagesummon up + image .

Example: Most librarians have come to recognise the value of marketing and public relations in building positive images of libraries.

Example: To a large degree, the image an institution creates is determined by the leader who is the directing force of that institution.

Example: To most people in Britain, the phrase 'clotted cream' instantly summons up an image of teatime.

» crear una injusticiacreate + injustice .

Example: The categories available for classifying legal problems simply mask the incoherency and indeterminacy of legal doctrine, inhibit the growth of the law and create injustice by causing unequal situations to be treated as if they were equal.

» crear una marca de identidadbranding [Generalmente aplicado a las empresas y a sus productos] .

Example: Publishers now have an ideal opportunity to establish sharper identities and branding by judicious use of Web sites.

» crear una ocasióncreate + opportunity .

Example: The most rewarding part of being a reference administrator is in creating the opportunity for one's staff to perform work that they love in an invigorating pleasant environment.

» crear una preocupacióncreate + concern .

Example: The consequences were beginning to seep through to respondents at the time of the visits made to them and were creating a great deal of concern.

» crear una situacióncreate + a situation .

Example: This creates a situation where a great amount of bibliographic information can be located online in real time.

» crear un canal paraestablish + a channel for .

Example: Channels for the acquisition of some of these excluded categories had already been established.

» crear un climapromote + climate .

Example: One of the aims of this Department is to promote a climate for British industry and commerce as conducive to enterprise and competition as that in any other industrialized country.

» crear un comitéset up + committee .

Example: But only in 1982 did the union set up a committee to examine the service, and the inspectorate also pressed for a reevaluation.

» crear un entornocreate + an environment .

Example: Advances in computer and network technologies have created an environment in which the fundamental nature of publishing is changing.

» crear un equilibrioestablish + a balancecreate + a balance .

Example: Copyright has established a balance between the users and rights holders = El derecho de autor ha creado un equilibrio entre los usuarios y los titulares del mismo.

Example: In two parent homes you have to split the responsibility to create a balance between work and children.

» crear un fondo común de conocimientospool + knowledge .

Example: This benefits the departmental unit by pooling knowledge and producing a higher level of cooperation and training.

» crear un fondo común de experiencias profesionalespool + expertise .

Example: This is a prototype online support Web based system pooling expertise which can be shared widely.

» crear un gruposet up + group .

Example: The group was set up to investigate and monitor developments within the media.

» crear un índicegenerate + index .

Example: Usually indexes are generated at intervals to cover several issues.

» crear un mercado paraproduce + a market for .

Example: Continuing differences of opinion on such matters as the Community budget and the Common Agricultural Policy have stimulated the interest of academics and produced a market for their publications.

» crear un perfilcompile + profileformulate + a profile .

Example: Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.

Example: In order to find out the needs of users the librarian must carry out questionnaires and surveys and study demographic composition so as to be able to formulate a library profile.

» crear un servidor webopen up + a web site .

Example: As the publishers themselves opened up web sites -- by subscription or on a trial basis -- MEDLINE saw the possibility tyo use its content to provide navigation across all medical publishers.

» crear un subcomitéset up + subcommittee .

Example: A small sub-committee of verderers needs to be set up who can be consulted when problems arise and agree solutions.

» crear vínculosbuild up + linksbuild + bonds .

Example: The library is generally an accepted, welcome and non-threatening feature of the rural scene and librarians often build up close and trusted links with their readers.

Example: Some of these stories are great examples of how humor can be used to build bonds among colleagues.

» crear vínculos afectivosbond .

Example: This encourages students to quickly bond with each other at the beginning of the program.

» oposición + crearopposition + line up .

Example: This paper examines claims by Microsoft's Bill Gates that networked computers have no future, and looks at the opposition lining up against him.

» que crea adicciónaddictive .

Example: Everything that happens in the couple's tiny, shrunken, enclosed world is addictive, unglamorous, and boringly awful = Todo lo que ocurre en el pequeño, reducido y cerrado mundo de esta pareja es adictivo, poco atractivo y aburridamente espantoso.

» que crea escuelatrend-setting .

Example: You can't help but appreciate these trend-setting fashion designers, especially when hot models and actresses wear their creations.

» que crea hábitoaddictive .

Example: Everything that happens in the couple's tiny, shrunken, enclosed world is addictive, unglamorous, and boringly awful = Todo lo que ocurre en el pequeño, reducido y cerrado mundo de esta pareja es adictivo, poco atractivo y aburridamente espantoso.

» volver a crearrecreate [re-create]  .

Example: Schools of library and information science are once again intellectually impoverished, and the Graduate Library School ought to be reinvented or re-created.

Crear synonyms

make in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: meɪk part of speech: verb produce in spanish: Produce, pronunciation: prədus part of speech: verb
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