Creador in english


pronunciation: krieɪtɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

creador = creator ; framer ; maker ; originator ; Maker ; begetter ; builder ; originating. 

Example: An important feature of the scheme in its creator's eyes was the relative index.Example: It is the great expense and difficulty involved in changing a record which has proven an anathema to the framers of cataloging codes, and created a schism of interests between technical and public service librarians.Example: The first decision in establishing headings for the works of corporate bodies is the one over which code makers have wavered.Example: Clearly, the originators of the major schemes cannot be criticised for be ignorant of these principles.Example: He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.Example: Citing authors' names in references can cause great difficulties, as ghosts, subterfuges, and collaborative teamwork may often obscure the true begetters of published works.Example: No significant differences were observed between tool users and tool builders in terms of any key constructs examined in the study.Example: Refinements allow the user to search for: the originating agency; the date of exposure; the image format; the cloud cover; satellite; etc..


» creador de bases de datosdatabase producer .

Example: However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.

» creador de contenidocontent creator [En Internet, generalmente cualquier empresa o individuo que ofrece información en páginas web] .

Example: This is a welcome development, one that will highlight the pivotal role the information sector (libraries, publishers, information providers and content creators) play in the knowledge society.

» creador de imagenimage maker .

Example: The article 'The image makers' comments on the idea being perpetuated by the mass media that librarianship is a nice, clean leisurely profession = El artículo "El creador de imagen" comenta la idea que ha sido perpetuada por los medios de comunicación de masas de que la biblioteconomía es una profesión de ocio bonita y limpia.

» creador de leyesrule-maker [rulemaker] .

Example: We need rule-makers to be independent of the insurance industry, and the NAIC clearly does not meet this vital standard.

» espacio para creadoresmakerspace .

Example: There are many different ways to define a 'makerspace' but essentially it is a place where people can come together to use, and learn to use materials as well as develop creative projects.

» programa creador de informesreport writer .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS report writer is CPU intensive and cumbersome to operate.

Creador synonyms

divine in spanish: adivinar, pronunciation: dɪvaɪn part of speech: adjective, noun lord in spanish: señor, pronunciation: lɔrd part of speech: noun almighty in spanish: todopoderoso, pronunciation: ɔlmaɪti part of speech: noun jehovah in spanish: Jehová, pronunciation: dʒəhoʊvə part of speech: noun godhead in spanish: deidad, pronunciation: gɑdhed part of speech: noun god almighty in spanish: Dios omnipotente, pronunciation: gɑdɔlmaɪti part of speech: noun
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