Creación in english


pronunciation: krieɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

creación = assignment ; authoring ; building ; construction ; creation ; establishment ; formation ; foundation ; generation ; provision ; setting up ; organisation [organization, -USA] ; brain child [brainchild] ; constitution ; fashioning ; crafting ; oeuvre ; set-up ; confection. 

Example: Similar principles may be applied in the formulation and assignment of headings irrespective of the physical form of the document.Example: This article presents a detailed discussion of the use of Hypermedia for authoring, organisation and presentation of information.Example: Building a search profile has much in common with building a document profile during indexing.Example: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Example: It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.Example: Music, especially classical works, often requires the establishment of a uniform title.Example: In 1970 she pointed to inconsistencies in the formation and arrangement of headings, the presence of useless ones, and variations in actual practice from what is thought to be practiced.Example: In the early part of the 20th century donations were received from William K. Bixby which led to the foundation of the rare book collection.Example: Information retrieval follows from the generation of an index.Example: Some school libraries are becoming involved in life-long learning but local government and public libraries must take responsibility for provisions for this.Example: This contribution outlines the setting up of the systems, its benefits and problems encountered.Example: This article discusses the history of the organisation of readers' camps for students of secondary schools in Slovakia which dates back to 1979.Example: This paper reports an interview with Michael O'Donnell, whose brainchild, Salon Magazine is a successful World Wide Web only publication that has managed to forge a powerful identity without a printed counterpart.Example: The chemical constitution of these materials is described and their deterioration characteristics explained.Example: The university is a major force in the fashioning of the constantly changing urban way of life.Example: This volume tellingly reveals the many negotiations, improvisations, sleights-of-hand, and slipknots that were a part of the crafting of Hitchcock's films.Example: For about a 3rd of the departments, publications not covered in citation indexes accounted for at least 30 per cent of the citations to their total oeuvre.Example: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.Example: The cubist confection they built in West Vancouver embraces ocean and forest with unparalleled gusto.


» artes de creación literaria y artística, lascreative arts, the .

Example: There are, it is assumed, 'high' and 'low' forms of culture, especially in the field of the creative arts which are conceived of as somehow the pinnacle and foremost end of human life.

» compañía de nueva creaciónstartup [start-up] .

Example: Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.

» creación artísticaart work .

Example: Her art works incorporate such abject materials as dirt, hair, excrement, dead animals, menstrual blood and rotting food in order to confront taboo issues of gender and sexuality.

» creación artística baratakitsch .

Example: Quality has deteriorated both through the arrival of Western style kitsch.

» creación de acuerdo de colaboraciónpartnership building .

Example: Several authors argue that many of these obstacles could be overcome through partnership building = Varios autores sostienen que muchos de estos obstáculos se podrían superar mediante la creación de acuerdos de colaboración.

» creación de categoríascategorisation [categorization, -USA] .

Example: As has been said, all of us are involved in categorization or classification as part of our daily lives and it is automatic.

» creación de coalicionescoalition building .

Example: There is a need for global coalition building amongst libraries which will make possible the global linking of multimedia information.

» creación de conglomeradosconglomeration .

Example: This article considers reasons for and dangers of conglomeration.

» creación de depósitos de datosdata warehousing [En una empresa, creación de archivos con todo tipo de información sobre clientes, ventas, operaciones, competencia, etc. para ayudar a la toma de decisiones] .

Example: Data warehousing is the process of developing an enterprise database using transactional information.

» creación de documentos secundariossurrogacy .

Example: The author presents recommendations for moving forward the development of a national preservation surrogacy strategy in line with other collection-based initiatives.

» creación de empleojob creation .

Example: Non-repayable grants are available for vocational training and guidance, recruitment and wage subsidies, resettlement and technical advice concerned with job creation.

» creación de imágenes digitalesdigital imaging .

Example: We're rather understaffed in this area, so we need a variety of skills, including text encoding, digital imaging, and audio/video capture and transcoding.

» creación de impedimentosfence building .

Example: Where one finds the defensiveness and fence building in libraries for the blind, they are almost all run by men.

» creación de las montañasmountain-building .

Example: This digital tapestry outlines the geologic story of continental collision and break-up, mountain-building, river erosion and deposition, glaciation, volcanism, and other events and processes that have shaped the region.

» creación de lazos de amistad entre hombresmale bonding [Generalmente mediante el desarrollo de actividades consideradas típicas de los hombres y en las que no suelen participar las mujeres] .

Example: For example, in the comic strip Bloom County, male bonding consisted primarily of sitting around in your underwear, drinking beer and watching football on TV.

» creación de leyesrulemaking [rule-making] .

Example: Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.

» creación de los índices de un libroback-of-the-book indexing [Proceso de confección de los índices que aparecen al final de un libro]back-of-book indexing .

Example: Though statistical techniques have a lot to offer for free-text data base systems, neither method has had much success with back-of-the-book indexing.

Example: This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.

» creación de modelosmodelling [modeling, -USA] .

Example: Several differing scientific approaches to mathematical modelling of information processes and systems are described.

» creación de obstáculosfence building .

Example: Where one finds the defensiveness and fence building in libraries for the blind, they are almost all run by men.

» creación de perfiles de usuariouser profiling .

Example: The topic of user profiling appears to be neglected in the records management literature.

» creación de prototiposprototyping .

Example: However, much of the emphasis placed today in systems development under prototyping focuses on the supporting technology.

» creación de referencias cruzadascross-referencing .

Example: It would be nice for libraries to practice more creative cross-referencing, for instance introducing cross-references from Flapjacks and Hotcakes to the primary heading, PANCAKES, WAFFLES, etc.; or from 'Coke' and 'Snow' to COCAINE.

» creación de réplicas en Internetmirroring [En Internet, copiar información que se encuentra en un servidor ftp y que es muy solicitada en otro servidor ftp para facilitar el acceso] .

Example: Mirroring involves replication of information available at commonly visited ftp sites = La creación de réplicas en Internet implica la duplicidad de información existente en los servidores ftp que normalmente se visitan.

» creación de servidor copiasite mirroring .

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

» creación de servidor espejosite mirroring .

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

» creación de servidor réplicasite mirroring .

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

» creación de sitio espejosite mirroring .

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

» creación de sustitutos documentalessurrogacy .

Example: The author presents recommendations for moving forward the development of a national preservation surrogacy strategy in line with other collection-based initiatives.

» creación divinadivine creation .

Example: Those of you who doubt that the worm is a divine creation, consider this: the worm is the perfect fishing bait.

» creación rápida de prototiposrapid prototyping .

Example: Its primary aim is to provide interface designers and librarians with a tool to do rapid prototyping of retrieval interfaces and to enable them to experiment with new ideas efficiently.

» de creaciónauthorial [Relativo a la creación o al autor] .

Example: Teacher herself is worked off her shoes coping with appeals for help with grammar, style, spelling, and, most of all, providing infusions of energy when authorial spirits run low.

» de reciente creaciónnewly developed [newly-developed] .

Example: The author analyzes seven newly developed formulas that reorder the retrieved documents.

» empresa de nueva creaciónthis sort of thingstartup [start-up] .

Example: Large corporate bureaucracies like those of traditional music and movie publishers do this sort of thing much better than most little beginner 'startups' do.

Example: Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.

» investigación para la creación de innovacionesinnovation research .

Example: In this study the concept of entropy well-known in information theory and thermodynamics is applied to the fields of scientometrics and innovation research.

» milagro de la creación, elmiracle of creation, the .

Example: It's interesting that the people gassing on about the miracle of creation never mention things like this.

» obra de creación literariafiction book .

Example: Susan Blanch is a fairly steady customer, taking only fiction books.

» obra de creación originalcreative work .

Example: Creative works that are in the 'public domain' are not protected under United States copyright law and can be used in whole or in part by any member of the public.

» obras de creación literariafiction [Obras literarias en prosa que presentan caracteres y acontecimientos imaginados por el autor con objeto de entretener al lector] .

Example: It is widely recognised that it is difficult and unhelpful to categorise fiction according to a subject classification = Es un hecho ampliamente reconocido la dificultad y la poca utilidad de clasificar la literatura narrativa de acuerdo con una clasificación por materias.

» tecnología para la creación de imágenes digitalesdigital imaging technology .

Example: The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.

» toda la creaciónall creation .

Example: For many centuries all creation has groaned and sighed under the thralldom of sin.

Creación synonyms

world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun nature in spanish: naturaleza, pronunciation: neɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun foundation in spanish: Fundación, pronunciation: faʊndeɪʃən part of speech: noun institution in spanish: institución, pronunciation: ɪnstɪtuʃən part of speech: noun universe in spanish: universo, pronunciation: junəvɜrs part of speech: noun cosmos in spanish: cosmos, pronunciation: kɑzmoʊs part of speech: noun conception in spanish: concepción, pronunciation: kənsepʃən part of speech: noun existence in spanish: existencia, pronunciation: egzɪstəns part of speech: noun initiation in spanish: iniciación, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪʃən part of speech: noun macrocosm in spanish: macrocosmo, pronunciation: məkroʊkɔzəm part of speech: noun origination in spanish: origen, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒəneɪʃən part of speech: noun instauration in spanish: instauración, pronunciation: ɪnstɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun founding in spanish: establecimiento, pronunciation: faʊndɪŋ part of speech: noun
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