Craso in english


pronunciation: kræs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

craso = crass. 

Example: The crass ignorance he showed then created a huge stir upsetting very many people.


» error crasocrass mistakecrass errorblundermonumental mistakemonumental errorfumblefoul-up .

Example: We rely on the collective knowledge of our fans to help us catch our crass mistakes.

Example: And, since it is based on a series of crass errors, we can well do without it.

Example: There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action -- blunders and all.

Example: We apologise for this apparent error of judgement but promise to keep you informed of any other similar monumental mistakes.

Example: Iraq and its future will be testimony to one of the most monumental errors in judgement the American and British people have ever made.

Example: But the other pleasures in this book are enough to make such fumbles dwindle in significance.

Example: The program delay was a result of a foul-up in the documentation that was supposed to detail exactly how the aircraft was made.

» ignorance crasagross ignorance .

Example: Data from a nation-wide survey reveal gross ignorance of major events, personalities, documents, and literary classics in Western civilisation.

Craso synonyms

unrefined in spanish: sin refinar, pronunciation: ənrifaɪnd part of speech: adjective
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