Crack in english


pronunciation: kræk part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

crack = crack ; crack cocaine. 

Example: Angela, a Soho hostess, has also admitted that many of the girls who work the clip joints are addicted to hard drugs -- heroin, crack and cocaine.Example: If you're not familiar what happened, Sophie was caught whoring her body for money and crack cocaine.


» adicto al crackcrackhead .

Example: Actually to do something about a young crackhead fidgeting with a gun takes more than high-flown language -- it takes bravery = De hecho, para hacer algo acerca de un joven adicto al crack que le gusta juguetear con una pistola requiere algo más que un lenguaje pretencioso, se necesita valentía.

» fumadero de crackcrack house .

Example: People always describe crack houses as someplace they wouldn't want to be.

Crack synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb break in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun shot in spanish: Disparo, pronunciation: ʃɑt part of speech: noun check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun fling in spanish: arrojar, pronunciation: flɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun snap in spanish: chasquido, pronunciation: snæp part of speech: noun, verb offer in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: ɔfɜr part of speech: verb, noun chip in spanish: chip, pronunciation: tʃɪp part of speech: noun fracture in spanish: fractura, pronunciation: fræktʃɜr part of speech: noun ace in spanish: as, pronunciation: eɪs part of speech: noun gap in spanish: brecha, pronunciation: gæp part of speech: noun superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective super in spanish: súper, pronunciation: supɜr part of speech: noun, adjective collapse in spanish: colapso, pronunciation: kəlæps part of speech: noun, verb fissure in spanish: fisura, pronunciation: fɪʃɜr part of speech: noun quip in spanish: sofismo, pronunciation: kwɪp part of speech: noun sally in spanish: salida, pronunciation: sæli part of speech: noun cleft in spanish: hendido, pronunciation: kleft part of speech: adjective, noun whirl in spanish: giro, pronunciation: wɜrl part of speech: noun, verb chap in spanish: Cap, pronunciation: tʃæp part of speech: noun crevice in spanish: hendedura, pronunciation: krevəs part of speech: noun cranny in spanish: grieta, pronunciation: kræni part of speech: noun cracking in spanish: agrietamiento, pronunciation: krækɪŋ part of speech: noun tops in spanish: tops, pronunciation: tɑps part of speech: noun break up in spanish: dividir, pronunciation: breɪkʌp part of speech: verb topnotch in spanish: de primera categoría, pronunciation: təpnɑtʃ part of speech: adjective wisecrack in spanish: cuchufleta, pronunciation: waɪzkræk part of speech: noun tiptop in spanish: excelente, pronunciation: tɪptɑp part of speech: adjective first-rate in spanish: de primera clase, pronunciation: fɜrstreɪt part of speech: adjective, adverb crack up in spanish: reímos a carcajadas, pronunciation: krækʌp part of speech: verb scissure in spanish: tijera, pronunciation: sɪʃɜr part of speech: noun break through in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: breɪkθru part of speech: verb a-one in spanish: uno, pronunciation: əwʌn part of speech: adjective crock up in spanish: levantarse, pronunciation: krɑkʌp part of speech: verb
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