Cotorreo in english


pronunciation: tʃætɪŋ part of speech: verb
In gestures

cotorrear = chatter ; gaggle ; cackle ; prattle ; prate ; blabber ; blab. 

Example: A group of these birds were perched in a bush chattering noisily while swinging their long tails in all directions.Example: All around me, the women started gaggling and talking in weird languages producing a cacophony of strange sounds.Example: They sold both the land and the animals, keeping only a dog and a few hens that walked freely, pecking and cackling in the garden.Example: He shrugged and said nothing, just letting her prattle on.Example: Char loves to prate on about justice based solely on his own narrow views.Example: My son is almost 18 months old and he blabbers and acts like he is really telling you something, but uses very few real words.Example: Give a politician a microphone and they won't stop blabbing.

cotorreo = gaggle ; chatter ; cackle ; prattle ; prate ; tattletale. 

Example: As I waited at her door, I heard the gaggle of kids voices laughing and chatting all the way to the door.Example: Thoughts of this sort kept running about like clockwork mice in his head, while the murmur of chatter filled the room and outside dusk had yielded to black night.Example: You realise you are in Kokkrebellur only when you hear the cackle of birds and smell the slightly acrid stench of their droppings.Example: As my parents and her husband were not at home, it was I who had to bear with her prattle.Example: Jamie Allen, with his prate about Catholicism, is insufferable.Example: Amaya entered the car, and waited until Rio was finished with his tattletale session about a friend using inappropriate language at school.
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