Cotorra in english


pronunciation: perət part of speech: noun
In gestures

cotorra1 = parrot. 

Example: When some of the parrots got sick, he nursed them back to health, and they in turn brought him back to life.


» cotorra monjemonk parakeet .

Example: The birds -- known as monk parakeets -- won't stop scoffing the farmers' crops -- they're not fussy about what they eat.

cotorra2 = chatterbox ; windbag ; blabbermouth ; chatterer. 

Example: The ebullient Mr Wang is a chatterbox and a bit of a show-off.Example: Anyway, some day in the not too distant future the old windbag will be pushing up the daisies.Example: He's kind of a blabbermouth, and sooner or later, he's going to irritate just about everybody.Example: Paul speaks of such chatterers, and calls them 'busybodies,' who out of idleness roam about retailing from house to house, the talk which they have heard.


» hablar como una cotorratalk + Posesivo + socks offtalk + the hind leg(s) off a donkeytalk for + Englandtalk + the hind leg(s) off a chairtalk + the head off a horsetalk + the hind leg(s) off a horse .

Example: There is a massive gulf between us and it will not be resolved by allowing them to talk their socks off at this time.

Example: We're looking for someone who is motivated, can talk the hind legs off a donkey and has an infectious personality.

Example: Barry's a keen player but the lad can talk for England and he has a tendency to get distracted when playing.

Example: I can talk the hind leg off a chair when I'm in the mood and can laugh at almost anything.

Example: I can talk the head off a horse and I'm a good listener.

Example: They both can talk the hind leg off a horse so in that respect they are a perfect match.

cotorra3 = chattery ; gabby ; gobby . 

Example: He is very chattery when he wants to be, and the rest of the time really chilled out and very rarely stressed.Example: I hate to talk on the phone but can be rather gabby in real life.Example: I'm quite gobby and will just go up and speak to anyone, I was one of those pesky kids at school.
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