Coto in english


pronunciation: prəzɜrv part of speech: verb
In gestures

coto = enclave. 

Example: They assisted the victims of a bloody turf war between rival biker gangs that took place near their enclave.


» coto cerradoclosed shop [Empresa que por decisión de los trabajadores sólo contrata a personas que se inscriban a un sindicato concreto] .

Example: The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed closed shops, jurisdictional strikes, sympathy strikes, and refusal to bargain.

» coto de cazagame reserve .

Example: Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.

» coto vedadopreserve .

Example: This article discusses the role of the librarian, who may view on-line as either status-enhancing or their own preserve.

Coto synonyms

keep in spanish: mantener, pronunciation: kip part of speech: verb maintain in spanish: mantener, pronunciation: meɪnteɪn part of speech: verb uphold in spanish: defender, pronunciation: əphoʊld part of speech: verb save in spanish: salvar, pronunciation: seɪv part of speech: verb continue in spanish: continuar, pronunciation: kəntɪnju part of speech: verb conserve in spanish: conservar, pronunciation: kənsɜrv part of speech: verb carry on in spanish: Continua, pronunciation: kæriɑn part of speech: verb keep up in spanish: Mantenga, pronunciation: kipʌp part of speech: verb preserves in spanish: conservas, pronunciation: prəzɜrvz part of speech: noun bear on in spanish: referirse a, pronunciation: berɑn part of speech: verb conserves in spanish: conserva, pronunciation: kənsɜrvz part of speech: noun
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