Cotización in english


pronunciation: kwoʊteɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

cotización = stock quote ; estimate. 

Example: It can be used to present a wide variety of content channels such as stock quote, sports score, traffic report and weather forecast.Example: By the early 1980s one estimate put the number of publicly available files at five hundred.


» cotización a la seguridad socialnational insurance contribution .

Example: The four main sources of tax revenue in Barbados are taxes on domestic goods and services, imports, and national insurance contributions.

» cotización de bolsastock quote .

Example: It can be used to present a wide variety of content channels such as stock quote, sports score, traffic report and weather forecast.

» cotización de las accionesshare price .

Example: After rising to giddy heights, share prices of Internet companies have dropped.

» cotización inicialstarting price .

Example: Selecting your starting price requires balancing between how much money you want for the item, and what buyers will pay for it.

Cotización synonyms

credit in spanish: crédito, pronunciation: kredət part of speech: noun reference in spanish: referencia, pronunciation: refɜrəns part of speech: noun quote in spanish: citar, pronunciation: kwoʊt part of speech: verb, noun mention in spanish: mencionar, pronunciation: menʃən part of speech: verb, noun citation in spanish: citación, pronunciation: saɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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