Cotidiano in english


pronunciation: deɪli part of speech: adjective, adverb, noun
In gestures

cotidiano = day to day [day-to-day] ; everyday ; habitualized ; daily ; quotidian. 

Example: The latter is the viewpoint of those who are perhaps concerned about day to day maintenance of the equipment.Example: We have too much invested, and the new systems too intimately integrated into the everyday operation of the library, for us to assume any longer that we can temper their influence on emerging standards.Example: Habitualized actions, they further suggest, become embedded in human behavior and provide the psychological gain of narrowing choices.Example: Successful libraries will embrace the future by incorporating new technology into daily routines.Example: Most people's to-do lists are, almost by definition, pretty dull, filled with those quotidian little tasks that tend to slip out of our minds.


» actividad cotidianaday-to-day activitydaily activity .

Example: Alzheimer's disease can make ordinary, day-to-day activities challenging.

Example: If you have arthritis, you probably know by now even simple daily activities can become a lot harder.

» afrontar los problemas cotidianosgrapple with + life's problems .

Example: Literature, concerning as it does issues of identity, of relationships, of ethical and philosophical questions, offers students valuable insights for grappling with life's problems.

» asuntos cotidianoseveryday matters .

Example: Libraries are steeped in politics which affect not only important, high level decisions but also everyday matters such as the location of a workstation or decaffeinated coffee.

» dedicarse a + Posesivo + quehacer cotidianogo about + Posesivo + everyday lifego about + Posesivo + day .

Example: The last thing we want as we go about our everyday life is that hot sweaty self-conscious feeling.

Example: Well, I went about my day as usual, thanks to a friend, who let me have access to her vehicle, since mine is on the fritz.

» dedicarse a + Posesivo + tareas cotidianasgo about + Posesivo + everyday lifego about + Posesivo + day .

Example: The last thing we want as we go about our everyday life is that hot sweaty self-conscious feeling.

Example: Well, I went about my day as usual, thanks to a friend, who let me have access to her vehicle, since mine is on the fritz.

» de uso cotidianoin everyday use .

Example: There are about 3000 nickel-containing alloys in everyday use.

» en el uso cotidianoin everyday use .

Example: In everyday use, defeatism has negative connotation, and is often linked to treason and pessimism.

» experiencia cotidianaflux of experience .

Example: The author will be offering, no matter how provisionally, a way of ordering the flux of experience.

» expresión cotidianaeveryday locution .

Example: The most natural choice is to give preference to the hypothesis that preserves our everyday and scientific locutions by taking them at face value.

» formado por gente cotidiana de la callegrassroots [grass-roots] .

Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.

» hecho cotidianoeveryday eventeveryday occurrence .

Example: Investing in the foreign currency market without acknowledging the importance of everyday events is certainly not a recipe for success.

Example: An everyday occurrence, yet each birth is the culmination of one of nature's most complex, mysterious, and seemingly miraculous processes.

» intereses cotidianoslife interests .

Example: This article examines the ranges of life interests and reading interests among adult users of public libraries in communities of various sizes.

» lenguaje cotidianoeveryday speecheveryday languageeveryday discourseeveryday talk .

Example: The labels on the left have been chosen to come as close as possible to everyday speech.

Example: In summary, 'work' in everyday language means earning a living out of necessity.

Example: The article 'Tall Stories: The Metaphorical Nature of Everyday Talk' claims that everyday discourse is in fact richly metaphorical and that, through the operation of metaphor, people fictionalize as they talk.

Example: The article 'Tall Stories: The Metaphorical Nature of Everyday Talk' claims that everyday discourse is in fact richly metaphorical and that, through the operation of metaphor, people fictionalize as they talk.

» llevar la vida cotidianamanage + Posesivo + daily life .

Example: The discussion takes a special look at how music was used in battle calls, military maneuvers and managing daily life in the military.

» locución cotidianaeveryday locution .

Example: The most natural choice is to give preference to the hypothesis that preserves our everyday and scientific locutions by taking them at face value.

» mundo cotidianolifeworld [life world] .

Example: One of the main difficulties is that information technology transform our lifeworld.

» problema cotidianodaily problem .

Example: Community information is about helping those who are in anyway disadvantaged find the means to solve their daily problems and to find a better life.

» ser un hecho cotidianobe an everyday occurrencebe nothing out of the ordinary .

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

» ser un suceso cotidianobe an everyday occurrencebe nothing out of the ordinary .

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

» situación cotidianaeveryday situationdaily situation .

Example: These everyday situations occur everywhere and include shopping in an open-air market, greeting friends, choosing clothes to wear, singing the national anthem at a football game, and so forth.

Example: Nowadays, however, such occurrences are not common, yet we react to many daily situations as if they were life or death issues.

» suceso cotidianoeveryday eventeveryday occurrence .

Example: Investing in the foreign currency market without acknowledging the importance of everyday events is certainly not a recipe for success.

Example: An everyday occurrence, yet each birth is the culmination of one of nature's most complex, mysterious, and seemingly miraculous processes.

» trabajo cotidianodaily work .

Example: The newsletter will be of great value to information professionals in their daily work.

» vida cotidianadaily lifeeveryday livingdaily living .

Example: Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.

Example: John Maclaren in 1969 had drawn attention to the role of libraries in maintaining the quality of everyday living.

Example: Its major objectives were to demonstrate to neighborhood residents and the community at large that the urban public library can be a vital force in daily living.

» vida cotidiana, laday to day life, theeveryday life .

Example: The article 'The information society of the 1990s; blue sky and green pastures?' considers how the transformation into an information intensive society affects the day to day life of an individual.

Example: Education will become a part of everyday life, accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety of disciplines.

Cotidiano synonyms

everyday in spanish: todos los días, pronunciation: evrideɪ part of speech: adjective regular in spanish: regular, pronunciation: regjəlɜr part of speech: adjective day-to-day in spanish: día a día, pronunciation: deɪtudeɪ part of speech: adjective every day in spanish: todos los días, pronunciation: evɜrideɪ part of speech: adjective, adverb day by day in spanish: día a día, pronunciation: deɪbaɪdeɪ part of speech: adverb day-after-day in spanish: día tras día, pronunciation: deɪæftɜrdeɪ part of speech: adjective each day in spanish: cada día, pronunciation: itʃdeɪ part of speech: adverb
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