Cotejar in english


pronunciation: kəleɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

cotejar = cross-tabulate ; collate ; cross check. 

Example: Survey items, including subject searched, method of instruction, amount of searching experience, data base selected, and perceived relevance of citations retrieved, were cross-tabulated and examined for significance using the chi squared test.Example: It is no longer necessary to collate unaided, since copies can now be compared mechanically with a Hinman collating machine, which rapidly shows up all variation between them.Example: All Allibone's work reveals how important it is for bibliographers to cross check their references and not take earlier work at its face value.


» cotejar concheck againstrun + Nombre + through + Nombre .

Example: Card catalogues are not portable, but drawers and individual cards can be removed by staff for checking against stock.

Example: Thus, after we run our cards through the format recognition programs, there will still be many corrections to make at immense cost.

» máquina de cotejarcollating machine .

Example: It is no longer necessary to collate unaided, since copies can now be compared mechanically with a Hinman collating machine, which rapidly shows up all variation between them.

Cotejar synonyms

collect in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: kəlekt part of speech: verb
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