Costumbre in english


pronunciation: hæbət part of speech: noun
In gestures

costumbres = mores. 

Example: These reasons speak to the duties and enduring mores of the professoriate.

costumbre = custom ; habit ; use ; wont ; practice ; ritual. 

Example: If we don't understand these customs and traditions we shall misunderstand books of that particular period.Example: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.Example: This paper discusses factors which led to the need to reexamine the use of UK dealers, the major difference between UK and US dealers being their variance in pricing policies.Example: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.Example: This practice ensures that a later match can be achieved between the document and its description.Example: For example, a textbook on 'Social anthropology' will contain information on a large number of concepts such as social structure, kinship, marriage, ritual, etc.


» adquirir la costumbre deget into + the habit of .

Example: This way, you'll get into the habit of putting away a certain amount each month = De este modo, te acostumbrarás a ahorrar una cierta cantidad todos los meses.

» aferrarse a + Posesivo + costumbresget + set in + Posesivo + waysbe set in + Posesivo + ways .

Example: As frustrating as a finicky eater may be, this is a great time to teach your child to try new things, before he gets too set in his ways and begins to reject new foods.

Example: As I recall he said something to the effect that if she waited too long, she'd be set in her ways, and then she'd never remarry.

» animal de costumbrescreature of habit .

Example: He is also a creature of habit, a rationalist and a precisionist, a self-disciplinarian who attempts to regulate every aspect of waking life in accordance with the strictest reason and propriety.

» buenas costumbresproprietydecorum .

Example: Dissatisfaction is being expressed with the public library's feminised world of propriety and respectability.

Example: The lack of contemporary censure may suggest that he observed a type of decorum in costume appropriate to the social and moral status of his characters.

» coger la costumbre deget into + the habit of .

Example: This way, you'll get into the habit of putting away a certain amount each month = De este modo, te acostumbrarás a ahorrar una cierta cantidad todos los meses.

» como de costumbreas usualas alwaysaccording to normal practicetrue to formas per usualtrue to pattern .

Example: As usual, the presence of a term in a title and the stop-list will definitely cause an entry not to be created.

Example: As always, our members are ready to speak out clearly if the Cuban authorities dare to seize any of the uncensored books being sent to Cuba by President Carter.

Example: The vendor shall select the means of transport according to normal practice in the sector.

Example: She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.

Example: Tonight Italy will enter the tournament and the reigning champions are seen as one of the candidates to lift the trophy this year, as per usual.

Example: True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.

» consagrado por la costumbresanctified by custom .

Example: He attended the funeral in a costume which was an offence against the dignities and decorum prescribed by tradition and sanctified by custom.

» consagrado por la costumbre y la tradiciónsanctified by custom and tradition .

Example: For it entails turning on its head the structures sanctified by custom and tradition.

» convertirse en la costumbrebecome + the custom .

Example: Even before decorated Christmas trees became the custom, the crèche already had pride of place in people's homes.

» convertirse en una costumbrebecome + a habit .

Example: In a society where swearing untruthfully has become a habit, truthfulness and honesty gradually diminish and untruthfulness and lying become a trend.

» costumbre cada vez más frecuentegrowing practice .

Example: The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.

» costumbre popularfolkway .

Example: Breaking or questioning a folkway does not cause severe punishment, but may cause the person to be laughed at, frowned upon, or scolded.

» costumbresmores .

Example: These reasons speak to the duties and enduring mores of the professoriate.

» costumbres relajadasloose morals .

Example: Las Vegas was once notorious for loose morals, fast living and financial transactions murky enough to blot out the desert sun.

» costumbres y convencionesmores .

Example: These reasons speak to the duties and enduring mores of the professoriate.

» costumbre tradicionaltraditional custom .

Example: He challenged the government to demonstrate its commitment to preserving traditional custom and culture by establishing a master plan.

» debido a la costumbreinertial .

Example: A theoretical case is therefore made concerning the inertial impact of culture on IT implementation.

» de costumbreusualusually .

Example: It had three novel features: relative location, instead of the more usual fixed location.

Example: An abridgement is usually taken to be a condensation that necessarily omits a number of secondary points.

» desacatar las costumbresflout + a convention .

Example: In the 1970s it was called 'living in sin' but the couples who flouted convention back then mostly married each other before two years were up.

» fuerza de la costumbre, laforce of habit .

Example: After mulling this over for days, I have reached the conclusion that sheer force of habit has a whole lot to do with my track record.

» las viejas costumbres no se pierden fácilmenteold habits die hard .

Example: It's become painfully obvious to me that old habits die hard, and I'll be honest -- it scares the hell out of me.

» las viejas costumbres son difíciles de erradicarold habits die hard .

Example: It's become painfully obvious to me that old habits die hard, and I'll be honest -- it scares the hell out of me.

» perder la costumbre deget out of + the habit of .

Example: I think we need to get out of the habit of thinking that for quality we have to pay large sums of money.

» por la fuerza de la costumbreby force of habitout of habitfrom force of habitthrough force of habit .

Example: Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.

Example: The main challenge is that sometimes we may not realize that what we have just done or said came out of habit.

Example: Sociology starts from the premise that we are basically social animals, not just from force of habit but because we could not otherwise survive.

Example: They live still through force of habit and snobbery in a recent past, but the great majority in all places no longer have any sincere passion for art.

» según la costumbreaccording to normal practice .

Example: The vendor shall select the means of transport according to normal practice in the sector.

» según la(s) costumbre(s)according to custom .

Example: According to custom, men are allowed to have concubines & women lack the right to refuse sex to their male partners = Según las costumbres, a los hombres se les permite tener concubinas y las mujeres no tienen derecho a negarle las relaciones sexuales a sus compañeros sentimentales.

» ser costumbrebe customary .

Example: She deliberately refused to rise to her feet when he entered a room as was customary, often pretending not to have seen him.

» ser intransigente en + Posesivo + costumbresget + set in + Posesivo + waysbe set in + Posesivo + ways .

Example: As frustrating as a finicky eater may be, this is a great time to teach your child to try new things, before he gets too set in his ways and begins to reject new foods.

Example: As I recall he said something to the effect that if she waited too long, she'd be set in her ways, and then she'd never remarry.

» ser la costumbrebe customarybecome + the custom .

Example: She deliberately refused to rise to her feet when he entered a room as was customary, often pretending not to have seen him.

Example: Even before decorated Christmas trees became the custom, the crèche already had pride of place in people's homes.

» tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbreas + Adjetivo + as ever .

Example: In this live peformance video, Joan Sutherland's coloratura is as deft as ever.

» tener la costumbre dehave + a habit ofhave + the habit of .

Example: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.

Example: The director had a habit of postponing certain questions and never returning to them.

» tener la costumbre de + Infinitivobe in the habit of + Gerundio .

Example: Roger Horn tells of a librarian who actually complained in print that just as the materials began to pile up nicely the enquirers were in the habit of disappearing.

» tener por costumbre + Infinitivobe in the habit of + Gerundio .

Example: Roger Horn tells of a librarian who actually complained in print that just as the materials began to pile up nicely the enquirers were in the habit of disappearing.

» usos y costumbrescustoms and habits .

Example: Every religion possesses its own unique customs and habits, but they all need a place to congregate and worship.

» vieja costumbreold habit .

Example: This failure was to be expected, for Petrodar had not changed the old habits of appropriating land without paying compensation during the war years.

» Posesivo + viejas costumbresPosesivo + old ways .

Example: The rest of us can only content ourselves with silly attempts to change, only to default to our old ways.

» viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, lasold ways never die, the .

Example: But thankfully the old ways never die, just think about stone engraving, calligraphy, horseback riding, and wood-burning fireplaces.

» volverse intransigente en + Posesivo + costumbresget + set in + Posesivo + waysbe set in + Posesivo + ways .

Example: As frustrating as a finicky eater may be, this is a great time to teach your child to try new things, before he gets too set in his ways and begins to reject new foods.

Example: As I recall he said something to the effect that if she waited too long, she'd be set in her ways, and then she'd never remarry.

Costumbre synonyms

use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb wont in spanish: no, pronunciation: woʊnt part of speech: noun substance abuse in spanish: abuso de sustancias, pronunciation: sʌbstənsəbjus part of speech: noun drug abuse in spanish: abuso de drogas, pronunciation: drʌgəbjus part of speech: noun
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