Costado in english

Side stand

pronunciation: saɪdstænd part of speech: none
In gestures

costado = side ; flank. 

Example: The red ON/OFF switch for the terminal is located at the left side of the screen.Example: Mostly 100 to 500 meters in diameter, the hillocks cover the edge of the volcano flank.


» con cuatro costadosfour-sided .

Example: Because of the high cost of constructing a four-sided free standing shed, some clients prefer to have a lean-to shed attached to their home.

» costado derecho, elright side, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The right side of the top three lines is used for error messages.

» costado izquierdo, elleft side, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The left side of the top line identifies the main function in use (searching or cataloguing, for example).

» de costadosidewaysedgewiseedgeways .

Example: The film-strip may roll sideways a little as a canister is removed if they are housed on flat shelves.

Example: It is a swirling abstract pattern made of ribbons of paper mounted edgewise on canvas.

Example: Another interesting observation is that this type of blade will be stiffer edgeways as well as sideways.

» de cuatro costadosfour-sided .

Example: Because of the high cost of constructing a four-sided free standing shed, some clients prefer to have a lean-to shed attached to their home.

» dinero que tanto ha costado ganarhard-earned money .

Example: Customers choose an establishment and spend hard-earned money and they want employees to exude appreciation through the attitude that 'we aim to please, the customer is always right, service is our business, and quality is our middle name'.

» dormir de costadosleep on + Posesivo + side .

Example: Whether you sleep face up, face down, or on your side may seem completely arbitrary, but studies have shown that certain poses can exacerbate -- or alleviate -- existing health conditions.

» perder por los cuatro costadosleak like + a sieve .

Example: It seems to me that it won't take long for this new pond to develop some cracks which will make it leak like a sieve.

» poner de pie apoyado sobre un costadostand on + Posesivo + side .

Example: The compositor therefore pushed the forme to one side (or stood it on its edge on the floor, leaning against its frame) and proceeded to impose the second forme of the sheet in the same way..

» viento de costadocrosswind .

Example: It also happens that a crosswind causes a much larger deflection than does a headwind or tailwind of the same speed.

» volcar de costadoturn + sideways .

Example: Suddenly, she found herself hanging on to her seat for dear life, inside a bus turned sideways.

costar = cost. 

Example: The Mansell pre-1956 imprint catalog, in 604 volumes, is being edited at the rate of 20,000 entries a week, and is costing $1 million per year to edit.


» costar baratocome at + a low pricecome at + a low cost .

Example: And just because they come at a low price doesn't mean that we compromise on quality.

Example: It is an ideal instrument for every shop and comes at a low cost!.

» costar + Cantidadrun into + Cantidad .

Example: Millions of abstracts are produced annually at a total cost that runs into millions of dollars.

» costar carocost + dearlynot come without + a costcome at + a costcome at + a price .

Example: Poor education policies have cost us dearly.

Example: My freedom and new life did not come without a cost, I lost something I loved dearly and will always hold her close to my heart.

Example: Economic stability comes at a cost under Thailand's military junta.

Example: Investors need to be aware that such reforms often come at a price.

» costar casi nadacost + next to nothingpay + Nombre + peanutspay + Nombre + next to nothing .

Example: Desk research is information that costs next to nothing.

Example: If you pay peanuts, you could end up with something that sounds like a barrel load of monkeys.

Example: Workers are paid next to nothing with wages as low as $39 dollars a month.

» costar dinerocost + moneytake + money .

Example: Donations cost money in terms of the staff time required to evaluate and process them.

Example: That's what takes money and so title entry is not going to save money for the administration.

» costar el oro y el morocost + the earthcost + an arm and a legcost + a pretty pennycost + a fortunepay + a pretty penny .

Example: The article is entitled 'Athena: a Windows-based library system that does not cost the earth'.

Example: Mishaps can cost an arm and a leg without insurance cover.

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

Example: Cheese on the other hand costs a fortune even if you make it yourself, unless you own a goat or a cow.

Example: No matter where you're driving over the limit, you could pay a pretty penny in fines, but it really depends on the city.

» costar esfuerzotake + efforttake (up) + a lot of energy .

Example: Personal indexes maintained by manual methods can take more effort than many scientists and engineers are able or willing to devote to them.

Example: The new Statutes, which inevitably took up a lot of our energies, have delivered at least some of the objectives which the Working Party envisaged.

» costar la vidacost + Posesivo + life .

Example: These views are not only irrational but also dangerous because they influence policies and cost lives.

» costarle a Alguien la vidacost + Nombre + Posesivo + life .

Example: At the time he was conscious of but one thing -- that he had stumbled into a predicament which might easily cost him his life.

» costar muchísimo dinerobreak + the bank .

Example: Though pampering may ease our bodies and minds, sometimes it can break the bank.

» costar mucho trabajohave + a tough timehave + a hard timehave + a rough timehave + a rough ride .

Example: He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.

Example: Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.

Example: I've been having a rough time these past two months getting over a breakup.

Example: They have had a rough ride, but Austrian sweet wines are back with a vengeance.

» costar muy carocome at + a high costcome at + a high price .

Example: Falling oil price benefits consumers in the West but comes at a high cost to global stability.

Example: Scottish independence would come at a high price.

» costar nadacost + nothing .

Example: This muff took me less than 2 hours to make and cost me nothing, because I used an old coat too ugly and stained to donate, and a scrap of fabric I had lying around.

» costar poquísimopay + Nombre + peanutspay + Nombre + next to nothing .

Example: If you pay peanuts, you could end up with something that sounds like a barrel load of monkeys.

Example: Workers are paid next to nothing with wages as low as $39 dollars a month.

» costar porquísimocost + next to nothing .

Example: Desk research is information that costs next to nothing.

» costar trabajohave + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombrehave + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombrehave + trouble + Gerundiotake (up) + a lot of energytake + effort .

Example: 'Well, Laura, it looks as if you have your work cut out for you!' remarked Lachaise, a knowing smile spreading over her face.

Example: Time for a change, but whoever gets in, will sure have their job cut out for them thanks to good old Bush.

Example: The cat is up on the roof and we're having trouble getting her down.

Example: The new Statutes, which inevitably took up a lot of our energies, have delivered at least some of the objectives which the Working Party envisaged.

Example: Personal indexes maintained by manual methods can take more effort than many scientists and engineers are able or willing to devote to them.

» costar una fortunacost + a fortune .

Example: Cheese on the other hand costs a fortune even if you make it yourself, unless you own a goat or a cow.

» costar una millonadacost + a bundle (of money) .

Example: The book is entitled 'Water Pollution Controls to Cost a Bundle'.

» costar un dineralbreak + the bankcost + an arm and a legcost + a fortunecost + a packet (of money)cost + a bundle (of money)cost + a heap of moneycost + a pretty penny .

Example: Though pampering may ease our bodies and minds, sometimes it can break the bank.

Example: Mishaps can cost an arm and a leg without insurance cover.

Example: Cheese on the other hand costs a fortune even if you make it yourself, unless you own a goat or a cow.

Example: If you are serious I could send you one but postage from South Africa will cost a packet!.

Example: The book is entitled 'Water Pollution Controls to Cost a Bundle'.

Example: Jackets of this kind could sometimes be found in second-hand clothes stores, but very rarely, and they cost a heap of money.

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

» costar un montóncost + a bundle (of money)pay + a pretty pennycost + a packet (of money) .

Example: The book is entitled 'Water Pollution Controls to Cost a Bundle'.

Example: No matter where you're driving over the limit, you could pay a pretty penny in fines, but it really depends on the city.

Example: If you are serious I could send you one but postage from South Africa will cost a packet!.

» costar un montonazo de dinerocost + a heap of money .

Example: Jackets of this kind could sometimes be found in second-hand clothes stores, but very rarely, and they cost a heap of money.

» costar un montón de dinerocost + a heap of money .

Example: Jackets of this kind could sometimes be found in second-hand clothes stores, but very rarely, and they cost a heap of money.

» costar un ojo de la caracost + the earthcost + an arm and a legcost + a pretty pennycost + a fortuneburn + a hole in + Posesivo + pocketmake + a hole in + Posesivo + pocketpay + a pretty penny .

Example: The article is entitled 'Athena: a Windows-based library system that does not cost the earth'.

Example: Mishaps can cost an arm and a leg without insurance cover.

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

Example: Cheese on the other hand costs a fortune even if you make it yourself, unless you own a goat or a cow.

Example: Over a period of time, the electricity consumed by your aquarium can burn a hole in your pocket.

Example: This new mobile phone packs in every common feature that a common man would like in his phone without making a hole in his pocket.

Example: No matter where you're driving over the limit, you could pay a pretty penny in fines, but it really depends on the city.

» costar unos cuantos + Nombreset + Nombre + back a few + Nombre .

Example: He says he has a special surprise lined up that has set him back a few thousand dollars.

» costar un riñóncost + an arm and a legcost + the earthpay through + the nosecost + a fortune .

Example: Mishaps can cost an arm and a leg without insurance cover.

Example: The article is entitled 'Athena: a Windows-based library system that does not cost the earth'.

Example: But what is the point of paying through the nose for booze that you can get just as easily at the Supermarket at half the price?.

Example: Cheese on the other hand costs a fortune even if you make it yourself, unless you own a goat or a cow.

» cueste lo que cuesteat any costat all costsat any priceby whatever means (possible)no matter whatno matter what it takescome what may .

Example: Illegal work practices aimed at achieving economic success at any cost were widespread.

Example: This article presents a decalogue of a librarian's faults: a library for the benefit of librarians; a library for the benefit of the management; a drive to obtain new technology at all costs; egotism of departments; egotism of libraries; dictatorship instead of management; working 'in silence'; putting on blinkers; laissez-faire; and wasteful use of time, people and resources.

Example: The new law would scrap the existing anti-scalping law and allow tickets to be resold at any price.

Example: Naturally, Claire is just dying to be part of the Committee, but they're equally determined to keep her out of it by whatever means.

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

Example: Angelus has had it with her insolence and is determined to 'bring her to heel' no matter what it takes.

Example: He has promised to bring Sam back, and will do so come what may, even if it involves a trudge across the country in snowshoes.

» quien algo quiere algo le cuestano pain, no gainno pain without gain .

Example: 'The old adage 'no pain, no gain' should be less relevant as we age than when we're younger,' Lonner said = "El viejo dicho popular "quien algo quiere algo le cuesta" debería ser menos importante a medida que envejecemos que cuando somos más jóvenes", dijo Lonner .

Example: Some people would call this madness, but David believes there is no gain without pain.

» respirar cuesta dinerobreathing costs money .

Example: While London is expensive (to the point where you feel even breathing costs money), it is most definitely possible to do London on the cheap.

» todo cuesta algonothing comes without a cost .

Example: Whilst Indigenous peoples might welcome the elevation of status that comes with increased recognition of their Knowledge systems after centuries of dismissal and disintegration, nothing comes without a cost.
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